31 July 2007

Pruszkow ,Poland

Brrring Brring

Robert was woken from a deep slumber by the ringing of the alarm clock .He slowly opened his eyes and propped himself up.He slowly moved towards the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face .As he was doing so he heard someone knock on his door.

"Robert are you up sweetie"

"Yes mom, I was just going to freshen up"

"Don't take too much time ok,we have a flight to catch for England at 8 and also check if you forget anything to pack"

"ok mom I won't be late and also I have already checked my bag for everything you don't need to worry"Robert replied

Two days prior he was informed by his club that they have decided to sell him to Leeds United for a transfer fee of around €150000 ,so currently he was on his way to Leeds for signing the contract.

Leeds and his mom had already reached an agreement and according to his mother Leeds have offered him a highly favourable contract.

His mother also said that although at the third division of English football,the future prospect of the club seemed good under the new ownership . Robert was going to sign a 5 year contract deal with Leeds with a promise of regular starting position. Getting as much game time as possible was critical for his future development.

So after packing everything he and his mother boarded the plane from Warsaw Chopin airport for Leeds. His mother was going with him as his agent as he didn't had an agent yet.


Leeds Bradford airport,

After nearly about 3 hours of flight Robert and his mother finally arrived at Leeds airport. According to the club they would send someone to pick him and his mother up so he headed towards the waiting area.

He quickly found the people who had come to pick him up as they were holding a banner written on it was Robert lewandoski,so he headed towards them.

"Hello Robert, I'm Oliver Bryan the chairperson of Leeds United football club and the gentleman next to me is Ryan cross the manager of our club. "

As Robert got to know the person who came to pick him up he was quite surprised to see the chairman and manager both coming to pick him up.

"You must be Mrs lewandoski, welcome to Leeds ."The person who identified himself as Oliver greeted his mother as well.

Honestly Robert was quite happy with the reception. Both the chairman and manager coming to welcome ment they valued him quite high.

"well let's head to the stadium we will run few fitness test there and after that we will officially sign Robert to the team."

After that Oliver rode the car which came to pick him up and headed for the Ellend road stadium.


After arriving at the stadium The medical team ran some tests on Robert and after confirming that every was fine he was headed for officially signing the contract. Robert then signed the contract making him a Leeds player officially.

After signing the contract a small presentation ceremony was held where Robert was officially presented as a Leeds player.


Oliver was quite happy after the signing of Lewandoski was completed. He had basically gotten a future world class striker for his team which will improve the club by a lot.

Oliver couldn't relax yet though as there were still more work to be done.


Immediately after the completion of the lewandoski transfer ,Oliver was looking for completing yet another transfer.

Oliver Called Valencia FC, inquiring about availability of one of the player in their B team , Jordi alba.

When Oliver offered €200000 for Alba who was valued only around €6000by Valencia,they eagerly sold the player to Leeds .The contract with the player also took smoothly as well.

Alba was quite happy with the offer leads gave him ,so he signed a 5 contract year with Leeds with a promise for regular game starts .

And thus Two new players were added to the squad of leeds but it wasn't the end as Oliver was still planning on making one or two more signings.


While Oliver was signing new players, there were some departure from the team as well Leeds received a transfer offer from Millwall for Tresor kandol for around €900000 . Oliver hesitated if he should sell the player or not as kandol was one of their better player. After consulting with Ryan he decided to accept the offer as since kandol won't be getting much game time due to arrival of Lewandoski it will be good to sell the player and invest the Transfer fee generated from the sell in other areas ,so Tresor kandol was finally sold to Millwall for a fee of € 900000.


The third signing for Leeds came in the form of Peter whittingham. Cardiff wanted €2 million for the player but through intensive negotiation the price was brought down to 1.3 million and the deal was quickly carried on after that making Peter whittingham the third and the most expensive player yet to arrive in Leeds this current transfer window.

Unlike the earlier two arrivals Leeds only signed a three year contract with Peter whittingham .


Just a few days of after the completion of peter whittingham Laurent Koscielny became the fourth signing for Leeds . The twenty-one year old Frenchmen arrived to Leeds on a free transfer from french league 2 side En Avant Guingamp . Leeds did faced some challenges from Tours FC for the signing of Koscielny but we're successful in beating them to it due to Leeds offering the player a better deal as compared to the offer the player received from tours FC.After everything was agreed between the player and the club ,a five year deal was signed boosting Leeds defense line.


All these arrivals were completed before August 11 so it would give the new arrivals opportunity to start the opening game of the season which was scheduled for eleventh of August this Saturday.

Leeds first game were against tranmere rovers ,away from their home.