August 26 2007

Bryan's residence..

"Tring Tring"

Oliver was jolted awake by the sound of the alarm clock,sitting up while rubbing his shoulders he yawned heavily still tired from yesterday's trip to Nottingham .

Oliver quickly got dressed in a jogging dress and went on to his regular jog around the park .

He was covered in sweat by the time he returned back.He then took a quick bath and went to the dining room.

Like always his sister had already arrived in the dining room and was already seated there.

"Good morning brother"lili seeing her brother arrive greeted him as usual.

"Good morning lili you seem quite tired these days I hope you aren't overworking yourself as I would fell quite sorry for dumping the company in your solder "

"Ah no it not that I was busy with meeting some of the clients these days so."Lili said seeing concern in her brothers eye.

"Fine but promise me you'll not overwork yourself " Oliver demanded.

"I promise.I promise "Lili said nodding her head."Anyways brother do you still remember you telling me to search a company regarding creating a player database, I've found a company who are willing to create player data systems for us .

"Have you looked if the company if they are competent enough or not"Oliver enquired.

"Yes I've looked into the company,they are quite good.The company is named sports interactive,It's a game company focused on producing football manager games.I thought you'll agree with this company so I've already started cooperating with them on the preparation of the database ,I'm just a little curious though brother why create a player database when you can easily access the information Through the scouts "

"Scouts sometimes may not be able to access a player accurately as sometimes they may have some personal bias while reporting about a player while data analysis revolved around actual performance and provides substantial information regarding players, it also helps in developing players and maximizing their best qualities.moreever it also helps to find the right player fit the your club."

Oliver explained this all to his sister who was quite impressed her brothers idea but little did she knew her brother was just copying somone elses idea.

Oliver was quite impressed by the data analysis system used by Brentford in Ryan's memory so he decided to create his own player database taking ideas form that


28th August 2007

Fretton park stadium.

Ryan looked at his players who seemed more tense as compared to their previous games .

Currently they were going to face a premier League side so obviously it was to be expected.

"Everyone knows how to play this game.i won't say too much about the technical and tactical aspects.There are only a few points to remain everyone ,you can't leave any gap for the opponent to exploit.Two , be careful of the set pieces.try not to give them free kicks in our penalty zone.three, no offsides is allowed the backline shrinks and defends,pay attention to David Nugent position don't give any space for him to create chances for goal.four ,we are fighting a defensive counterattack.we must be patient.we must patiently wait for our chance and when it arrives seize it.Okay that's all I hope everyone follows all my instruction that's all"saying that Ryan concluded.


Leeds squad for the game.

" Goalkeeper : Ankergren "

" Defenders: Richardson, health, Marques, Koscielny, Alba"

" Midfielders: Prutton , Houson , Douglas(c), whittingham"

" Forwards: Beckford "

" In bench: Lucas, Parker, Clapham,carole, Hungton , lewandoski and Johnson "


"Good evening, everyone! today, we're bringing you the second round of the league cup to determine who would move forward to the third round "

"I'm Roy Spencer, bringing you live commentary for this league cup game alongside me is Nickolas Smith"

"Hello everyone Nickolas Smith here"Nickolas introduced himself

"For this second-round match,on one side we have Portsmouth FC . currently they are comfortably sitting in the mid table in the premier League and are favourites to win this match"

"On the opposite side are the league one side leeds.although they were deducted 15 points at the start of the season they are performing quite well, remaining unbeaten for the season but continuing the unbeaten run could be a steep challenge today where they face a premier League side "

" so Nicolas does this mean you believe that Portsmouth win today's game "Roy inquired

"Football is a unpredictable game Roy and we can't be a 100% sure as anything is possible in a football game ."

After a while amist a mix of music and crowd chanting both side entered the field.

"led by the three match officials, the two teams are entering the field of play." Ryan announced.

"In the blue jersey and white shorts we have the home side Portsmouth.introducing the players we have Jamie Ashdown in the goal, Djimi Traoré, Sylvain Distinno ,Noé Pamarot Martin Cranie in defense, Niko Kranjčar Richard Hughes ,Pedro Mendes in middle and , David Nugent,John Utaka and Benjaniin in the frontline."

"And in their traditional white jersey and white shorts are Leeds . introducing the players we have Casper Ankergren in goal

Frazer Richardson,Matt health, Rui Marques, Laurent Koscielny, Jordi Alba in the defence

David Prutton , Jonny Houson , Jonathan Douglas, whittingham in the middle

Jermaine Beckford remains the sole forward"


After the toss was made both sides made their way to their respective half following which the referee blew his whistle.

Form the very first minute Portsmouth begin to dominate the play.They didn't had to wait much for their first goal as just after three minutes of play Portsmouth got their first goal, due to some miscommunication in the Leeds defense line John utaka exploited it to score the first goal.

Ryan was furious seeing his team make such blunder and shouted at his players from the sideline for their mistake.

It wasn't the end of blunders in defense for Leeds though as in the 16th minute John utaka was brought down by Matt health giving Portsmouth the penalty which David Nugent

executed flawless , while for Leeds health was given a red card for his tackle and Leeds were brought down to ten minutes.

Leeds did improve their defence thought after conciding the second goal but couldn't keep Portsmouth out of their goal all the time.

In the second half lewandoski came in substitution to Beckford but the young pole was just as helpless.The Portsmouth defence didn't even let the young pole get past them.

Portsmouth extended their lead to 4:0 going in the 80th minute with Noé Pamarot scoring two quick goals in the 76th and 79th minute.

Finally the game came to a end with Leeds losing 4:0 to Portsmouth ,thus exiting the league cup in the second round.


Ryan wasn't happy with his team's performance in today's game.It was not his team's loss or the scoreline that he was not satisfied with, they were a league one side facing a premier League side so it was to be expected. It was the attitude of players after the goal that he found unsatisfactory, the players created too many simple blunders which proved lethal for the team. The team easily went in panic after conciding goals thus providing opportunities for the opponent to add more goal.

"Ha ....." Ryan sighed

He would have to talk in depth about it in the next meeting .The loss also helped Ryan in identifying some glaring flaws in the team which had remained hidden till now so he can say the game was all that bad from his side.