Was it really me?

After all that happened, I changed into myself again and everyone was terrified of me. I confused and wonder why they were terrified? Then the rhino's spirit appeared and said," I made them terrified of you." I surprised and said," What?! You're supposed to teach the bullies a lesson!" He said," I did. Also I warned the entire class not to mess with you again." This is bad for me. I'm not going to have a friend if I keep doing this way. So I came back to the realm of animal's spirits and told them that I don't want their powers anymore and because of it I can't make a friend with anyone.

"Don't you worry child. You still have me." said the deer's spirit

"How are you going to make up all this mess." I asked.

"You'll see and just call my elemental, FAIRY." she said.

The next day after the tragedy of my animal's spirit doing. I saw Bullvazar strolling on a wheelchair with a neck brace and bandages.

So I hid behind the tree and called FAIRY elemental and I transformed into a good looking boy. I walked through the school's hallway and everybody was chit-chating about me and I entered my classroom and saw a huge hole on the wall, thanks to Rhino's spirit's doing. I sat on my chair and instantly every girl came to my table and worshipped my looks.

"Are you a new student?" asked the girl 1.

"You're so dreamy..." said the girl 2.

"Do you have any plan after school?" asked the girl 3.

But there was only that didn't seem interested in me at all. That girl was Angela. She was sitting in the corner with her almost-break-up Bullvazar, because he has gotten his butt kicked by me yesterday and was begging for her mercy not to break up with him and she said," I want to go on a date with the boy who defeated you easily."

I was so shocked because she likes me better when I got possessed by the Rhino's spirit and got ripped. Then Rhino's spirit appeared and said," Still thinking that I'm a trouble to you?"

I confused which options to choose. Being adore by many ladies or take the chance to go on a date with my dream by being a super ripped guy?