Here comes the 12 Guardians pt.2

The Witches of Dark Triad used the Spell of Deadly Poison and they created a Poisonous King Cobra. The Metal Buffalo tried to ram the Poisonous King Cobra but it evaded the ram and bit the Buffalo leg and transformed back into Alex and he got poisoned by it.

" *cough* *cough* Not going to die by this p p p poison."

Then Alex touch the snake's gem and he transformed into Acid Spit Python. The Python rushed towards the Poisonous King Cobra and the Cobra tried to bite the Python but the Python didn't get poisoned. Then the Python spit some acid to the King Cobra and it made the King Cobra skin peeled off. The King Cobra was in pain and it tried to tangle the Python. The Python was choked and immediately spit some acid to the King Cobra's face and it blinded the King Cobra. The Python used this opportunity to defeat the King Cobra by injecting the acid into its body and exploded.

Then the Python delivered Super Acid Spit to the Witches of Dark Triad. It got blocked and some of it hit the Witch of Narcissism's face.

" ARRRGGGHHHH!!!! MY FACE!!! " screamed the Witch of Narcissism.

" I'll handle this!!" said the Witch of Psychopathy.

The Witch of Psychopathy used the Raining Fire Spell on the Python and it got burned because of the acid within it and it transformed back to Alex.

" Ouch ouch ouch!! Hot hot hot!!!"

" Now l will summon the Gorilla Commander and Giant Black Sheep." said the Witch of Machiavenialism.

The Witch of Machiavenialism summon the Gorilla Commander and the Giant Black Sheep.

" This is getting interesting." said Alex.

Alex touched the Monkey and Goat gems and he transformed into Monkey warrior with a Staff and Armored Goat.

The Monkey Warrior mounted the Armored Goat and so does the Gorilla Commander mounted the Giant Black Sheep. Both of the contestants prepared for the collision and the duel began. The Gorilla Commander took out his Giant Axe and swang it to the Monkey Warrior and it sliced a little of its fur. Then the Monkey Warrior poked the Gorilla Commander on the hips with its staff and the Gorilla Commander almost fell and got itself on balance again.

The Gorilla Commander delivered the Dark Axe Slash and split the ground into two. The Monkey Warrior jumped off the Armored Goat and delivered the Giant Staff Swing to the Gorilla Commander and the Gorilla Commander got thrown away.

The Giant Black Sheep and The Armored Goat collided by ramming with each other horns. The Giant Black Sheep horns got cracked a little bit and delivered the Humongous Black Horns Ram to the Armored Goat but it got countered with Full Metal Horns Defense and the Giant Black Sheep got destroyed. The Armored Goat finished collision with a ram to the heart of the Giant Black Sheep and it disappeared.

The Gorilla Commander and the Monkey Warrior battled it out. The Gorilla Commander used the Axe Slam to slice through the Monkey Warrior but the Monkey Warrior dodged it and countered it with Staff Knocking Combo to the Gorilla Commander and made it got dizzy. The Gorilla Commander recovered quickly and delivered the finisher the Dark Ages Slice to the Monkey Warrior. The Monkey seemed defeated but he transformed into the Giant Great Ape and delivered a Huge Knuckle Punch to the Gorilla Commander and knocked the Gorilla Commander out cold.

" SISTERS!! Let me use my spell on him this time!! I want a payback against him!!" said the Witch of Narcissism.

The Witch of Narcissism used the spell of deceitful and hoax to summon the Deceitful Hare and the Donkey Hoax. The Deceitful Hare ran across the Giant Great Ape and spread the Deceiving Aura on him and made the Giant Great Ape felt stressful and the Donkey Hoax used the Honking Hoax to the Armored Goat and made the Goat felt anxious. Both the Giant Great Ape and the Armored Goat transformed back to Alex.

" Hey hey hey!! That wasn't nice!! Like seriously??!! Okay let's try another tricks to defeat these goons."

Alex touched the Rabbit and Horse gems and he transformed into the Blossom Rabbit and Living Energy Horse. The Deceitful Hare ran around the Blossom to spread another Deceitful looks and swarmed the Blossom Rabbit but the Blossom Rabbit jumped so high and created positive aura and the Blossom Rabbit landed on the ground and created a Blissful Spring and made the Hare felt horrible about it and disappeared.

The Donkey Hoax tried to spread hoax on the Living Energy Horse and but the Horse evaded it and charged the Donkey Hoax with Positive Thoughts and it made the Donkey in Great Pain of Stressful and made it explode.

" Sisters!! Combine with me!!" shouted the Witch of Machiavenialism.

The Witches of Dark Triad combined themselves and become the Titanic Three-headed Hydra. The Three-Head Hydra bursted green fire to the Blossom Rabbit and Living Energy Horse and they transformed into Alex.

" Woahhh dude!!! You need to chill!! Ouch ouch!! Hot hot hot!!! How am I going to defeat them? Wait I still have the powerful form!"

Alex touched the Dragon's Gem right in the middle of the Amulet and he transformed into a Gigantic Sparkling Dragon. The Gigantic Three-headed Hydra flew into the sky and bursted the hottest green fire to the Gigantic Sparkling Dragon and evaded it and rammed the Hydra. The Hydra used the Gigantic Hyper Claw to the Gigantic Sparkling Dragon and it scratched the Dragon. Then the Gigantic Sparkling Dragon used Sparkling Burst to the Gigantic Three-headed Hydra and made it fell to the ground. Then the Gigantic Sparkling Dragon summoned the another 11 guardian animals: Rat Colony, Metallic Buffalo, Burning Tiger, Blossom Rabbit, Acid Spit Snake, Monkey Warrior, Armored Goat, Living Energy Horse, Fierce Eagle, Lunatic Wolf, and Angry Warthog.

The 12 Guardians combined their powers into Yin Yang burst to the Gigantic three-headed Hydra and made it shattered into pieces. Then the 12 guardians sealed the Witch of Dark Triad inside the Amethyst Stone with their Guardian seal and sent the stone far away where it will never be found by anyone.

Then Alex found Bullvazar inside the cage helpless and powerless and brought him to the hospital for the further treatment. Alex returned home and reunited with Angela.

" Bbbaaabbbyyyyy!!!" said Angela excitedly.

" Mmmmmmmmmuuuachhhh how I miss you so bad!" said Angela while hugging Alex.

" I miss you too!! It's all done. Bullvazar inside the hospital for the further treatment and he will be back to normal soon." said Alex.

" Good to hear that but this time let's spend our time even longer yes baby?" said Angela.

" Definitely baby girl." said Alex while kissing Angela.

Deep inside Alex's pocket, the Animals Craved Stone blinking into the dark light.

" He found new powers...again!" said the Bull's spirit.

" Apparently we are forgotten by him." said the Rhino's spirit.

" What are we gonna do now?" said the Tiger's spirit.

" RETALIATE!!" said the Whale's spirit.

And the story continues....