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300 Years ago in the year 2020 a war was fought and unlike all of the fairy tales and all of the stories would tell, the good guys lost. This was a one sided war, 300 years ago some people were given the ability to use magic but it was less than 1% of the population. The people who were given magic weren't good people and they didn't care about other people, they cared that they were now strong and that the strong made the rules. The war lasted less than a year before all modern weapons were regarded as useless and destroyed. The average person no longer had any way to fight back and The Jōgi had won the war. The Jōgi is what the group of strong mages decided to call themselves, out of the 1% of the population that got magic an even smaller group actually got powerful magic. The majority of people who were able to use magic could only use one type of magic and they couldn't not use very much but it was still more effective than guns and could very easily overpower any normal person. But the strong mages were on a whole other level, they could combine elements and different magics together and make complex spells that could level buildings and they could do it a lot, the amount of mana they had was way more than anyone could have expected. Using their power they took over the world and it sounded like a good idea to everyone who got the ability to use magic and became a mage. It made no sense to fight against people stronger than you and live a bad life when the strong people were offering you an easy life of luxury for being a part of their army. In the year 2022 there were no longer any military forces able to fight against the mages and hope was lost, few have tried to oppose The Jōgi and those who have died. Making it a point to keep all of the mages on their side The Jōgi would kill any mage who decided to oppose them and they did it without mercy. Eventually life became normal for many people, if you had mana you were strong and lived a life of luxury and had it easy. If you didn't have mana you lived in poverty and did what The Jōgi told you to do and you had to be happy that they at least let you live. And that has now been the life of everyone for the last 3oo years but maybe all of that can change with a new mage with real power.