The New and old legends

Chapter 2

He saw a man in a expensive kimono now he was a child but while naruto was many things being dumb wasn't the most common one.

He saw the bits of gold and the twin mountain signia of a clan .

The man breaking the silence said

"Well ? won't you let a old man in."

naruto said " You aren't old " he said "Well I got something to eat seeing that you didn't eat anything let me share"

The blond now shocked said"How?"

the man simply said " I am not old "

he replied like it was the simplest thing in the whole world "And i have something to say to you so please may i come in?" he replied " why not i am starving dattebayo!"

Verbal tick checked

Blond hair checked

Blue eyes checked

After two minutes of eating sweets

the man said" I am Jin .Jin Sakai nice to meet you Uzumaki Naruto" " same here" he said "Well naruto let me see how i can put it I know your parents"

He said the blond was visibly shook here was a nice man who treated him well and now out of the blue he said that he knew his parents.

"Who are they tell me now!!" he shouted

"I won't why, because even if they are famous here the other villages hate them and it was their last wish that i told you their name when you made chunnin or when you were strong enough to protect yourselve from the world whichever came first" He took a small breath and said "Thier final wish to me was that i adopt you" He said let the information sink in and continued

"They cared about you naruto they loved you so much they thought about your safety before you were even born."

"Would you come with me.?" Jin asked hopefully the blond nodded and Jin snapped his finger and one member of clan Sakai appeared before him " Show what you want to be moved and they will move it to your new home" the blond nodded excitedly and they were done after 30 minutes .

Jin brought Naruto to the Sakai Compound outside konoha Naruto was shocked the compound was atleast more than half the size of konoha . As if reading his thoughts Jin said " It's almost the size of konoha you will be living with me and a few siblings in that building " He pointed to the second biggest building "That's where i live and now you will too you will have everything you ever wanted friends? clan Sakai is friendly to everyone except traitors.

family? my family which is the entire clan will your family as well?

acknowledgement? with you being my son now you have it train and study well you will be acknowledged in your own right soon ."

"So wanna see the clan naruto and your siblings" he asked and the blond said "Of course dattebayo". and they began their way to the compound.

Time skip night time

"Like your new room Naruto kun?"

Jin asked"Like it i love it"naruto replied

"Listen i want you to stop dreaming about becoming hokage" he said

at these words naruto was schoked weren't dads supposed to support you in your dreams he screamed"WHY DATTEBAYO"at the top of his lungs the Sakai replied"that came out wrong i just want you to become chunin first,ok focus on becoming hokage when you reach chunin ok?"he said "Oh i get it now" "Don't scream at me again ok"at this naruto just chuckled sheepishly.

Time skip - first day of academy.

(A.N I will not have iruka as the starting teacher let it be mizuki alright)

Naruto was happy about how his life had changed one day he was the poorest kid with nothing to even eat but at the faithful day he met his adoptive father the man came like a miracle to his world.

He brought with him everything love , life , family and acknowledgement along with friends and he had three of the strongest siblings in shinobi history

His oldest brother was Shin Sakai

the next was Ryuken Sakai the last one he was probably the closest to in age was

Yamazaru Sarugami Sakai a long name he said to himself.

let's dive into back stories

Shin Sakai was an war orphan adopted by Jin and after using some seals and genetic transplanting Ryuken was a son in everything even in blood

Ryuken Sakai was the son of the Sakai head's younger brother Ryuzo Sakai the ghost of clan Sakai a man who would do everything his elder brother asked him to do, Jin of course never demanded just asked politely .

Enough back stories for now ok.

"Hyuuga Hinata"

"Present "

"Kiba Inizuka"


"Uchiha Sasuke"


"Dem - Uzumaki Naruto" Mizuki corrected his little slip since the demon brat's adoption in clan Sakai it was stated that nobody could insult Lord Sakai's son the youngest one at that

"Present"Naruto replied

After a few more names were spoken out naruto just zoned out to his thoughts a lot has changed in his life he knew he had a few more smaller siblings and a few he always called.

Nii san or Nae Chan he also found there was another Uzumaki his age her name was Karin Uzumaki an Uzumaki saved by Shin Sakai from rice country after said event his respect for the man increased by a lot.

He knew more importantly why his sensei almost called him a demon brat

it was because he was the Jinchuriki of the Kurama of course he knew the furball's name his father was the only human friend he ever had the one who never caged him , he never seeked the chakra the furball had and lastly he gave the fox the respect it deserved .

He wouldn't complain after all he himself liked the furball


"Alright are you ready to meet him naruto ?"

Yeah truth to be told i am looking forward to it rather than be scared "

Don't be scared showing bravery is the closest way to the fuzzball's heart" he said"Why would i want to get close to his heart" he asked" Well you would be living with him for as long as you live so..."



"I would have to deal with him my whole life "he asked Jin nodded" I guess we could get close to his heart"

"I am already close to him now let's wake him up " Jin said.

Naruto's mindscape

"Yo Kurama wake up"

"Who woke me out of my sleep!!!!!" the bijuu gave a mighty roar ready to lash out at anything.

"Oi stop making more trouble than your are worth fox". After said comment Kurama looked down to see two people , one his new jailor ,secondly his best friend and all anger faded away naruto was in Shock at the change in expression "Jin kun how are you ?" "Doing pretty damn good as always Kurama if you don't mind i adopted your jailor to keep you in my eyes.And also the kid was living in a hellhole so i had to rectify that myself"

"I see as much as it is happy to see you still care about me can you free me?"

"It would kill the kid so i can't and you know by extension it will kill me as well" at this naruto was scared "What is happening why are you dying tou san "

naruto asked tears in his eyes Jin bonks him softly on the head "I am not dying my baka son, it's just some old man talk ok?" naruto nodded "Ok come by a few days to talk to furball kun alright"

"Pitfull human i am not a furball"

"Love you too overgrown plushie bye now"

Back in reality

"I thought i heard the fox say something about disrespectful humans" " Leave it be we will start on your training from tomorrow today let's meet a few kids eh?" " Ok who are we meeting" "First on agenda Uzumaki Karin " "Uzumaki? Who is she ." "A cute relative of yours let's meet her ok?"

they walked to the west wing of the Sakai castle.While walking he felt a familiar chakra signature he felt a familiar chakra signature looking at a door of a kitchen in the castle opening it Jin found it to be in a mess and found the culprit he pointed to the chibi redhead "The culprit" he said after saying that as if on cue the chibi turned around "I was looking for ramen you know , it's not my fault you kept it so high up ignoring her "Naruto this chibi is Uzumaki Karin , karin this is Uzumaki Naruto , naruto say hello chibi" at this point the redhead's hair wasn't the only red thing that can be seen , naruto not meaning to anger a fellow uzumaki said

"Hello Karin-Chan nice to meet you " "likewise"Jin also joined in the conversation"Hey let's meet the others we will have some ramen over dinner okay" as he said that karin got to her in a flash of red with drool coming over her mouth ' Did she teleport to me or something' shrugging it off they went to the hall and naruto saw his three new brothers they were more they gave an intimidating aura and naruto thought they were ready to go to war in a moment's notice if required "Ah naruto you already know about the elite kinsgaurd don't you"

naruto nodded

"Good ,you three meet Uzumaki Naruto."

After a lot of conversation and a lot of ramen and laughs Jin started a new conversation " Alright i have a mission for Ryuken and Shin so listen up ok?" All of them took a serious expression" Mission name - guided maelstrorm what can you guys figure from the name?" He asked" well it has something to do with raising naruto doesn't it?" After giving a nod jin said "Yes , the thing is i feel ill brewing and with our oath to be guardians of peace clan Sakai cannot be involved.

So , I want the kid to be trained by Sakai masters and have friends he will never go strong here since he knows we are strong enough not to say he is a spoiled brat but he is just not mature enough to understand ok" after three nods he continued " And Ryuken this is also a mission parameter with the way you and shin have been helping the leaf the Sandiame wants one of you to become hokage" Ryuken said" And you want us to take that position so that we can stop others from sabotaging the kid's proggres don't you."


"Very well family comes first ,i will take the position is that alright " he asked shin after getting a nod he continued" "Secondly don't let people hurt him is that clear" "Of course Father " after a few drinks and dessert " I didn't give naruto the dessert it gives me a excuse to go to his room and explain things ,see you all later" All three of them gave their goodbyes.

Flashback end

Time skip 2 months later

Naruto has made many friends he was a smart kid he wasn't naïve he knew half of his friends at least the civilian ones were only being friendly because he was the son of the legendary lord Sakai and the cousin of the godiame hokage of konoha


"Hey Hiruzen you received my message ?" The sandiame nodded " Yes you want to take the hat don't you" He stated"Yes"Ryuken replied "Very well then you were the assistant to Minato so and given your clan's position the people would take a liking to you quickly" " AND if it's not a lot of trouble can you give this oldman a last fight you know with retirement coming along unless you don't kill me it should be fine"

Ryuken gave a brotherly smile he knew the type of person Hiruzen was he also knew that this would show that he did not retire because he was old but someone more better showed up , Ryuken expected this Hiruzen always wanted to go out with a bang and not dying was a bonus"Very well i will honor your last wishes Hokage Sama"

Two days later

Every shinobi was present in the village for the best fight they would see for a long time the kami no shinobi vs the son of the ghost it would a fight for the history books

naruto sat on the seat his father got him for the fight he held his lunch box in his hand he knew if that this fight would take a lot of time

the proctor who was YamazaruSarugami

started the fight



OK that was a wrap it's my first story and first part so yeah high hopes I guess

p.s sorry for the cliffhanger guys