Silvia, kelly and Ivy checked the location. They could see the scythe slashed and roselina blood attacks in the area all around them.
" Sure enough mistress was here "
Kelly places her hand on the ground where the slash of roselina's scythe struck. Silvia on the other side touched the sand and had flashes of memories. The time roselina fought, then the time efreet was defeated and the time roselina retreated after being injured severly.
( Mistress, where are you? )
Silvia ask herself as she looks up around, trying to examine the situation. The it looked clear for the eyes of a humans but for the eyes of a Vampire the place was foggy with red and yellow mist.
" The energy residue in the atmosphere is still strong "
" Yeah I agree, looking at everything, the place has been altered on a grand scale , it's as if a battle between two gods took place here "
Kelly points out as she looks around at her surrounding
" It's impossible to find her in this condition "
" Hey I found something ! "
Ivy called out, Kelly and Silvia rushed to her side quickly, buried beneath the sand was a shard of red metal.
" This is a piece of blade from mistress scythe Veelzebub "
Silvia was as she takes the scythe away from Ivy and examined it closely. It was dull, the light that once emanate from roselina's scythe was nowhere to be seen.
" Maybe if I can get a reading from this ?"
Silvia use the shard to cut her hand hoping to get a reading but unfortunately nothing happened.
" It didn't work "
" We should still keep it and aslo keep looking maybe we can find more shard around the area "
Kelly suggest then suddenly, silvia Kelly and Ivy looks around immediately as they sense two people approaching them
" What do we have here? "
Walking up to them was Valeria and Valkiora.
" Knights of the holy church "
Kelly fully turned around to them.
" I never expected I would see vampires in a place like this "
Valeria drew her sword.
" Good, I've been itching to kill something lately. "
Valkiora drew her gun.
Silvia and the others didn't even budge.
( Something is amiss, normally seeing us knights of the church vampires would run in terror and yet these ones act as if we aren't worth their time)
Valeria though to herself stopped walking.
" My name is Valeria, first knight of the holy church and a follower of Goddess Valentine "
" My name is Valkiora, Sixth Knight of the holy church and aslo a follower of Goddess Valentine "
" Now vampires, tell us what your doing here and come with is quietly? "
Valeria points her sword at them.
( So these are the 1st and 6th knights of the holy church, they don't look that impressive but in the end their mistress' worshippers )
Kelly though to herself.
" Humans, right now we are not in a good mood, so I suggest you get out of our sight "
Silvia looks at them with her killing intent. Facing such killing intent Valeria and Valkiora was lucky to still be standing.
( What's with this pressure, my knees feel like their going to give out beneath me )
Valeria though to herself. Soon Silvia's killing aura subsided and the two knight started breathing again.
" You've shown your true colors monster, we are knights that sworn to protect humanity from hell spawns like you.. So I'll ask again, come quietly or face my blade "
Valeria ask but Silvia and the others didn't respond.
" It's no use talking, let's just kill them "
Valkiora fired a bullet at Kelly while valeria charged at silvia and The two vampires didn't move as the humans approach them.
" Futile "
" Weak "
The two vampires said then suddenly, Valeria and Valkiora was suprised when Silvia grabbed Valeria sword with her hand and Kelly catching the bullets with her two fingers.
" What ! "
Valeria was suprised when Silvia caught the sword with her hand. Silvia kicked Valeria in the face and send her flying backwards.
" Valeria ! "
Valkiora rushed over and caught Valeria.
" Are you alright ?"
" I'm fine, but those vampires, they aren't like the others we've faced before "
" I agree "
Valkiora stared to remember how Kelly caught her bullet and Silvia caught Valeria sword with their bare hands.
" Our weapons was coated with holy water and holy water is a vampires weakness and yet it seems like they aren't even affected by it "
Valkiora explain
" Does that mean these vampires doesn't have any weakness ? "
" I don't know Valkiora but all I know is "
Valeria stood on her feet again.
" We can't let these two go, they're too dangerous "
She said.
Silvia and Kelly looks at the two knights.
" It seems the countermeasure mistress left for us worked well, "
Kelly said
" Yes, it still burns a little but it's not so much that I would need to be afraid, these humans pose as a interference to our mission "
" Yes and killing them will undoubtedly bring ramifications. I'll hold them off, in the meantime, you can look for clues "
Kelly suggest.
" Yes "
Silvia turned and walk away.
" Where do you think your going.. Hm ? "
Valeria was suprised to see kelly stepped forward.
" I'm going to face you two, alone "
Kelly said
" Please indulge me if you may "
Kelly closed her eyes and hold her arms as she stood face to face with Valeria and Valkiora. The two knights look at Kelly sternly and they hold their weapons tighter in there hand.
" Your going to face is alone? "
Valkiora ask.
" Yes "
" You underestimate us vampire, do you know how many vampires died my our hands right after saying those words? "
Kelly didn't answer Valkiora question and that ticked her off.
" There is no use arguing with a monster Valkiora, as Knight of the church it's our sworn duty to exterminate their repugnant species no matter where they hide "
Valeria declared. She dashed at Kelly while Valkiora load her gun to fire at Kelly but them she discovered something was off.
" Valeria wait !"
But it was too late, valeria jumped at Kelly. She swings down her sword with all her might but the attacked was blocked by a barrier.
( This barrier, Where did it come from?)
Valeria asked herself.
" a frontal assault on a Vampire is foolish "
Kelly snapped her finger and cause an explosion off the barrier that repelled Valeria away.
" Your not particularly strong now are you "
Kelly ask.
" Damn, I'm not finished yet "
Valeria moved in for a second time and kept swinging at Kelly.
" That barrier of hers maybe strong against a sword but it's nothing compared to a bullet "
Valkiora fired a bullet straight at Kelly, the bullet flew straight for Kelly's head but was repelled by Kelly's barrier.
" It's strong against bullets too?! "
" You humans overestimate yourself too much "
Kelly summoned two of her blood tiger that struck Valeria away.
" What are those ?"
Valkiora ask.
" These are my pets, blood tigers "
" Blood tigers ? "
Valkiora looked at the two viscious and bloodthirsty tigers that circle around Kelly while growling a Valkiora and Valeria.
" She's very strong, I've never heard of a Vampire who can summon such powerful creatures, who are you really? "
Valeria ask.
" That's for me to know and you to finf out "
" Quit playing games, what your purpose here? What are you planning to do with ghe humans? "
Hearing that question, kelly sigh.
" I have no interest in humans whatsoever "
" Your lying, all vampires see humans as food, as source of nutrients and your saying you have no interest in us "
" I suppose your right, we vampires need blood to survive, however, what makes you think you humans are the only the source of blood on the planet "
Kelly ask and her questions astonished the two knights. She starts petting one of her blood tigers on the head.
" There are other living creatures with blood, we get our nutrients from them. We do take blood from humans sometimes but not the innocents ones, this is an iron clad rule from our faction "
"And what faction is that? The rosary, The luminasy or the Zeroth faction "
Valeria ask.
" Nether of them "
" what ? "
" Are you done Kelly? "
Silvia ask as she returned with Ivy in her hand was a few more shards of broken blade.
" Did you find anything ?"
" Not anything useful, We should go now "
" Yes I agree "
Kelly, silvia and Ivy walked away.
" Wait, where do you think your going? "
Valkiora fired a bullet a Silvia's back but she didn't move before the bullet reached her it turned into dust particles and vanished with the wind.
" Don't get in our way humans, unless you want to die "
Silvia said as she released her true aura to intimidate them. Valeria and Valkiora fall flat in their knees as they look at Silvia's whose aura took the form of a red skull with black eyes and red pupils. The aura subsided after Kelly and the three of them take off into the sky.
" Damn, was a vampire of the devil? "
Valkiora ask.
" We should return to the church and reported this immediately, we can't let these monsters roam the world it's too dangerous "
Valeria stated.
In the meantime
Kelly Silvia and Ivy flew through the air.
" Silvia, this isnt like you to leave, what happened? "
Kelly ask.
" I've decided to protect the home mistress loves, it's the only thing I can do until we return.. "
" So your giving up ?"
" No giving up, we're just going to wait, it's the only thing we can do... hm ? "
Silvia looked below as she see a ship and on that ship was two familiar people then she stopped in the air
" Why did you stop Silvia? "
" Excuse me, I have some unfinished business to clear up to mistress "
Silvia flew down to the ship.
" Father, how long do with have to travel? "
" It's for a while longer, don't worry dear we're arrive "
On the ship ship was the Governer and his daughter Fiora Vladivostok.
" You will wait longer humans "
" Huh "
The governor looks up a silvia remained suspended in the air. Fiora who grown into a younng ladt and the governor grown a bit older but still looks remained the same, they look up a Silvia.
" Who, who are you? "
He ask.
" A few years ago you framed my mistress for trying to kill you, do you remember ?"
Silvia ask.
" A few years ago, are you related to that girl roselina ?"
" Roselina, that girl I remember father "
" Well I'm here to pay you back for the humiliation you caused her "
Silvia raise her hand down to the ocean
" Wait can't we discus this ! what are you waiting for ?! open fire "
They guards on board fired at Silvia's but all the bullets was ineffective.
" Goodbye "
Silvia fired an attack in the ocean that caused an explosion followed by a power tidal wave that pushed the ship away. After a few hours, the Fiora opens her eyes and see a crab before her eyes. She looked around and everyone else but fine but where they we're want on a way to another country but on a deserted island. Fiora fall into despair as she realized that they've been shipwreck and scream at the top of her lungs.