
Huff! Huff!

Atlas ran faster than the wind. He ran faster than Usain Bolt or any other human in the world. Luckily for him there was no one in his path as the park was quite empty during the night time.

Atlas was practically a tank. A giant beefy tank in a humans body. If anyone stood in his way then he would practically run through them like A-Train did Hughie's girlfriend.

His footsteps were ridiculously loud. Boom! Boom! Boom! The steps of a giant woke up the dead! His heart raced faster than his body was moving. He took giant strides and covered immense distance with a single stride.

Atlas ran for quite a while before finally reaching the streets. Despite it being midnight there was a huge amount of people still on the streets. The malls and shops were still open and the cars streaked through the highway and roads.

Atlas quickly turned corners and hid in an alleyway that was under a bridge. It wasn't even an alley it was a small footpath that lead elsewhere. Not a lot of people where using it mainly due to the fact that it was pitch black. It was a footpath and a tunnel as the bridge was over it.

Atlas stopped and breathed for a minute. He held his heart which pounded to the point where it was painful and it felt like he was having a heart attack.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!" he shouted. He finally regained his senses and quitened down. He slumped down on the wall and slid down it until he was sitting on the floor.

"What did I just witness?" he asked himself.

His adrenaline was of the charts. Atlas was in a state of frenzy even after he had calmed down.

After all he had just witnessed a deal that went south. He was being chased by the drug dealers.

Approximately 10 minutes ago Atlas heard some voices. He went to check it out and found it to be a drug deal. He stayed behind the bushes and watched. After all he did not want to make any noise.

After a minute Atlas decided to leave his spot and leave the drug dealers to their business. The one thing that he did not take into account was his body. It was not made for stealth in any way. He made some noise which spooked one of the drug dealers men who pulled out his gun. The 3 people who came to buy died before they had a chance to pull out their guns.

It was at this time Atlas did not stay to find out what was going to happen. He put his crocs in four wheel drive and channelled his inner black man in trouble.

"It's a witness, shoot him." These were the words he heard before he heard several gunshots. He felt the bullets fly by him.

Atlas had been hiding in the footpath tunnel for approximately ten minutes. His adrenaline slowly died down and he felt pain coming from his back.

Atlas touched his back. He felt something warm and squishy. He put his hand in front of him and turned on the flashlight of his phone. No! No! NO NO NO NO NO! IT COULD NOT BE POSSIBLE! Why was there blood on him? He knew that there was no bullet that hit him. So why was it that there was blood on him.

"AAARGH!" Atlas let out a shout as his brain started to register the pain. Atlas tensed his muscles and clenched his teeth.

Hospital! He need to go to a hospital! He quickly opened the maps and searched for the nearest hospital. It was approximately 40 minutes away.

The screen was covered in his blood. He had touched it with his bloodstained hand.

Atlas stood up and quickly hailed a taxi.

"Are you alright there son?" the taxi driver asked Atlas.

"NO!" Atlas roared. "Do I look like I'm okay? Take me to the nearest hospital." Atlas reached into his pocket and pulled out a 50 pound note and gave it to the driver.

"Ok. Ok." The driver quickly slammed his foot down on the accelerator.

Atlas felt weak. He stared out of the window at the bright lights and the cars that streaked by. He looked at the small children with their parents who were smiling. Did they know? Did they know that someone was dying in the taxi that passed by them?

Who cares anyways? It's not like they did! They would wake up tomorrow morning and would not even know that someone had died. It was not like they even knowed him so why would they care?

'Am I going to die?' tears slowly formed in his eyes before they started rolling down his cheeks.

"I don't want to die." he said out loud in a soft voice. The taxi driver took a quick glance at Atlas.

"Stay awake, the hospital is near. I promise you, you won't die." The taxi driver assured Atlas as he accelerated even further. Despite driving at such high speeds the taxi driver continued to reassure Atlas. He told him he was not going to die. He told him the hospital was near and his life would be saved.

Atlas put his head on the window and closed his eye. He was too weak. As his consciousness was fading he heard a voice. The voice woke him up. It was the taxi driver. "Don't go to sleep!" the taxi driver kept shouting.

Atlas turned on his mobile screen and unlocked it. His fingers hovered over one contact that read lil bro. He tapped on it.

He didn't know what to write. What should he write? If this was his final chance to send his brother a message then what would he write?

Atlas held on the record button as he was too tired to write anything.

"Hey... I know things haven't been so well between us lately and I'm sorry for that. I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you! It was very foolish of me and dumb. I just wanted to say I'm sorry little man... I tried you know... ever since dad got locked... I really tried little man..." Atlas sniffed as his voice broke and tears came out of his eyes. he paused for quite a while. "I tried being the man of the house but it was not easy you know... mom will be weak for a couple days so please... be good to your mother little man. listen to her well... tell her... I'm sorry... I left things in a bad place. I shouldn't have insulted her... I love you little bro. Same blood and all that you know. I have always loved you. I have always cared about you and you know that... look after your sister's... I know you don't share the same blood but they are still your sister's. Please look after them. Also tell Jamie, I'm sorry. I know he was doing hi... doing his bes... best... tell him I'm sorry..." Atlas was crying but he made sure to keep his voice straight. Only the slight waver and sniffles could be heard. "I... don't... I don't want to go... it's really cold... it's cold man... it's cold..."

Atlas let go of the recording button. He closed his eyes as his phone fell out of his hand. He took his final breath. Atlas Emmanuel was dead!