Waiting in line

I had walked out of the academy right through the front gates. Students were allowed to go outside on Friday's to do whatever they want for the weekend. But they must return on Sunday otherwise they could get into trouble.

I looked around in amazement at the world that I had created. The school was located a few kilometres outside the city. The ground was flat and not a single stone or rock could be seen. Across the street, lush vegetation grew as far as my human eyes could see. Trees, green grass that would reach my knees and shrubbery of different kind.

The sun shone down and beat down on me. It was no different from a heatwave but for some reason I enjoyed it. I pictured how I would look if someone was to take a picture of me and felt disgusted. I would look like a vampire about to go to the beach. My legs were ashy and nearly every part of my skin was dusty.

This was due to the fact that Damien would spend most of his time engrossed in his research that he did not have any time to take care of his body.

I waited at the bus stop and after quite a long time the bus to the city finally arrived. The bus was mostly empty as there was only 5 people in the bus including the driver. I paid the fare and took a seat down next to an open window.

The bus took quite a while to reach the city but we finally did.

After getting of the bus I looked around. The streets were no different than the streets in Spain. I had been to Spain on holiday once before so I knew what it was like.

The bustling of the streets and the street vendors shouting at the top of their lungs like the seagulls above them in the sky created a chaotic atmosphere.

I walked around for a while and followed the gps directions on my phone until I finally arrived at where I wanted. I stood in front of a giant store. It looked more like a warehouse. The outsides were simplistic with no decorations of any kind. All there was a sign above the door that read Truman Merchants INC.

There was an extremely long line. I went to the back of the line. Luckily for me the line was shorter than an apple store when they released a new phone.

After waiting for 40 minutes I finally reached the front of the line. I was hot and tired. I did not have a bottle of water because I did not want to be told to go to the back of the line if I left it.

I heard a commotion from the back of the line but I did not bother looking. I was to enter the store next. If some idiots at the back of the line fought then that was not my problem in any way.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds due to the dust kicking up. When I opened my eyes I saw someone standing in front of me. A girl with long green hair who was wearing an expensive looking green dress. She was not all that good looking but she had her appeal. She wore light makeup but what was more interesting was the green lipstick.

"Hey..." I said. The girl turned around and looked at me with a disgusted look.

"What?" She venomously asked.

I raised my eyebrow at her rude behaviour.

"What do you mean What? The back of the line is way over there." I said as I pointed to the back of the line.

"So what?" she asked me. She had a confused look on her face.

"So... go to the back of the line and wait in line." I said.

The girl scoffed before giggling which annoyed me. "And why should I do that?"

My expression turned serious as I was too tired to deal with this bullshit. This woman wanted to get on my nerves and i was not going to let her. If she continued to play ignorant then I would have to deck her in the face and throw her body out of the line.

"Get the fuck out of my spot." my voice turned scruff and yet despite that she only laughed. Of course she would. I did not look intimidating at all. I was practically a chicken like stick figure. Intimidation was definitely not for me.

"Your really funny." she said as she wiped a tear of her face. "Are you trying to intimidate me? Do you even know who my father is?"

That was it. This fucking bitch had got on my nerves. I channelled my inner Chris Brown and smacked the ever living shit out of her.

Oh the humanity!

The girl fell down to the ground. She looked up at me and I saw my hand printed on her cheek.

"I fucking warned you bitch. I don't care who your dad is! The president of Atlantis, the king of America, the mayor of France. I do not give a fuck. I am extremely tired from waiting in line all day and so is everyone else, if you think that I have time to entertain you antiques then you are sorely mistaken. I can pride myself on the fact that I have never let someone cut in line in front of me. If yo-"

My rant was quickly cut short after the plain door swung open and a woman called for the next customer.

"Yes that's me." I said as I entered the store but not before I had flipped the green haired bitch the bird.

The instant that I entered the shop, I was bedazzled. Just the AC alone made my impression of this store sky high.

"Would you like a bottle of water?" the store assistant asked. She had short hair and was more cute than she was beautiful.

"Yes please." I gulped down the bottle of cold water the woman gave me and thanked God. It had felt like a desert outside. It was so hot and arid.

After drinking the bottle of water I looked around the shop for the item I had come for and waited in line for 40 minutes.


Just as I was writing this chapter I had fanta orange for the first time in over nearly 15 months. I don't know what it is but it just doesn't taste the same as I remember it.

Also feedback guys.


If I get top 3 then I will mass release 20 chapters.