
"I'm going to ask you several questions. I want you answer them truthfully. If you lie then I'll know, and trust me, you don't want to know what I'll do to you if you'll die." Aliza pressed the gun to my head even harder. Compared to earlier before her voice was scary but I kept my wits.

"The question is how do you know whether or not I'm lying?" I asked. I saw Aliza's lips curl into a smile in the mirror. "Do you want to test it out?" she asked.

I shook my head and respectfully declined. "No thanks, I've already died once, I don't want to a second time."

"First question, who exactly are you?"

"My name is Damien Junior and I am a first year student at the academy of Vor De Mir."

I could see her raise her eyebrows in the mirror.

"Vor De Mir, is that not the school that was built by the elvens as a gift to Sir Samuel Lionheart as a gift for his assistance in the war against the vampires?"

"Yes, the very same."

Silence. The only thing that could be heard was the humming of the car engine and the shaking of the crates in the back.

"Next question, what is your objective here?"

Since she asked me the next question then it was safe to say that she did not think that i was lying.

"My objective is to steal the crates loaded with the goods and sell them so that I can make money."

Once again silence. After a while she spoke again confirming the fact that I had passed her second question.

"What would you do with the money if you sold it?"

"I would get a Hyoksi injection. This load is more than enough to get me that."

"Final question, do you have more of those potions that you took before you went and did your job?"

I cursed inwardly in my head. Was I getting robbed? What kind of karma was this? Did the simple idea of trying to rob someone mean that you will get robbed? I contemplated whether or not I should lie. It's not like she had a lie detection ability. From what I observed earlier then I would assume that she was a Kosu. Her ability must have something to do with her ridiculous aim for several reasons.

The main reason being was that there was no person capable of such accuracy without an ability. Even if she was that skilled why would she spend her time working in such a low tier job. Therefore I came to the conclusion that she could not detect my lies since she did not have any abilities that were related to lie detection.

"No," I replied. As I looked at her in the mirror I saw her expression had not changed. Wait, what if she did have such abilities? My heart rate flustered for a few seconds before regaining form. Nah, that's bullshit. There was no way that she did.

"I see,"

I drove for a few seconds in silence.

"Pull up over there." I slowed the car down until it came to a stop still. As soon as the car stopped I felt an excruciating pain from the back of my head. I felt a head grab it and slam it down in to the steering wheel several times. With each slam, the horn blared.

Aliza pulled my head back and whispered in my ear. "I told you to not lie, you brought this on yourself."

She then let go of my head. I grabbed my nose and screamed in pain. "Ahhh, fuck... fuck, fuck fuck..."

"Let's try this again. Do you have any more potions on you?"

"No!" I shouted. That was a lie but she didn't know that. If I slammed someone's face into a steering wheel then I would expect them to be telling the truth. If she wanted me to say yes then would betray her expectations by lying.

Those potions were precious. I only had three of them left in my bag and I was not going to just give it away because I had my face slammed into a steering wheel.


"You better stop lying."

"Ok fine I do have it." I shouted while in pain. She had slammed the side of the gun into my head and slammed my face into the steering wheel.

"Give them to me." she said.

"It's in my bag at the back." I replied.

Aliza slowly moved backwards while still aiming her gun at me. Through the blood that was covering my eyes I saw her pick up the small tattered black bagpack of mine. Besides those three potions, I had only ten more. Ten may seem like a lot but keep in mind that I did not have Damien's memories so I didn't know how to mak- Euraka! An idea popped into my head.

"Which one is it?" Aliza asked as she pulled out the three potions. Two were blue coloured and one of them was silver coloured.

""Which is what?"I asked.

"The one you used to calm your nerves down?"

"The blue ones." I didn't pay any attention to her but was surprised when she handed me my bagpack that had a silver coloured potion.

"Where did you get these?" she asked. "I want more of these. These things are incredible. Even after smashing your face into the steering wheel your heartbeat did not go over 100 bpm."

Increased hearing. That's it! That was what her ability was. That was how she could figure out I was lying. I recalled the momentary moment where my heart flustered when I lied.

"I made them." I said. I didn't bother lying. I couldn't risk getting my head smashed into the steering wheel again.

"You made them, amazing. Such potions do not even exist in the market." Well they would in three years time if I had not taken over Damien's body. "You have a gift kid."

Aliza unscrewed the cork from the vial the potion was in. She smelt it first before looking at it.

"If your going to drink it then drink it." I said as I readjust my broken nose. With a simple snap and a whimper my nose was back to its original spot.

Aliza stared at it as if it was poison. I could see her contemplating whether to drink it or not.

"If you don't want it then just leave it." I said.

"Oh no, I want it, I'm just checking to see if there is any poison or sedatives in it. You tried that before remember, with the water bottles."

"How did you know there was sedatives in the bottle?"

"Because your an amateur. I don't know how the rest of these idots did not see through it. The stench of the blood horse were in the water bottle. I could smell it. I must admit, you did your research and it was pretty smart. I could see the tiny needle mark hidden behind the wrapper."

The way this lady talked was kind of amazing. Smell sedatives, see the tiny needle marks, look for poison? Wait could she be?

She jugged the potion down with one gulp. She then let out a belch before opening the other bottle. "I suggest you don't drink that second one. The potions don't stack on top of each other to last longer. Also there is a high

possibility of overdosing on the second potion."

I wasn't expecting her to listen to me but surprisingly she put the cork back on the metal vial.

"Wow, this is really amazing." she said. "This is what I needed." she held her hand to her chest and smiled widely like a fool in love.

"Kid, let's make a deal."


Song recommendation: Let me know by Brent Faiyaz.

Guys please vote for me in the WPC 298. I'm getting real desperate here.

If I win I'll mass release 20 chapters so please vote for me.