Miyamoto Tatsumi


"Aaarggh!" a guy shouted out as he was flipped over with a judo throw by Stuart Graham. I watched in fascination as my imitate monkey eyes abilities were activated. Now all I had to do was practice that move for quite some time and I would know it of by heart.

I was currently in the combat class watching people practice martial arts and what not. This was no different from a library for me. I could study all their martial arts that they had been working a long time on and just make it my own with only a little bit of effort.

Taekwondo, Kung fu, boxing, karate and even judo. The list of martial arts being studied was countless. There were even some students who were idiotic enough to use their family martial arts in a place like this. I thanked their mother who dropped them on their heads as it made my job of stealing martial art techniques more easier for me.

"How about you come down and join us?" the teacher asked me. The teacher was a man wearing a tight shirt and boxers that reached his knees. He was incredibly ripped with a bulky body that was nearly similar to my body when it was gigantified.

"No thanks, I never was the type to learn through physical viole-" I increased my leg size by several fold and kicked the teacher in the face who had lunged forward at me. Despite my kick it seemed to have only slowed him down so I somersaults of the bleachers that I was sitting.

The teacher now stood at where I had been sitting. He touched his nose and wiped the blood that slightly trickled from it. He laughed out loud which called for the attention of all the other students. Stuart, Amelia and the random background characters.

"That was good, your reaction speed is impeccable and your logical reasoning is superb. Had you not jumped of the bleachers you would have been seriously injured."

I nodded my head in understanding. "I see." I said. "Well... I'll just be on my way then." I said as I walked hurriedly to the door.


The teacher dropped down from the air and blocked the exit. Oh maa Goood! Miyamoto Tatsumi! That was the name of the teacher I was currently standing in front of. He was a battle fanatic and always wanted to see his students reach their true potential. He would always try to push them to their limits so that they could surpass them.

His methods were cruel and merciless. Stuart only went along with the training in the novel because he was too weak to protect people he cared about. Mainly Mirabel who had died in a terrorist attack in the second term of the first year. I hadn't seen her yet so I don't know if she was still alive.

"Put them up." Miyamoto said as he raised his fists.

"No..." I said. "I am not going to fight you. I do not even attend this class."

"If you enter this gymnasium then you are in my class." He said as he charged forward. I pulled out my revolver and unloaded all six bullets into him. With a swiping motion he caught all of the bullets which surprised me. I slightly panicked as I had not been expecting that. I quickly recovered but it was too late.

Miyamoto was right in front of me with his fists connecting with my jaw. I turned my neck with the force of the punch and spun around and landed a kick on his face.

The entire gymnasium was quite as everyone watched in silence and amazement. I glanced over at Stuart out of curiosity and he seemed to be interested in this fight as well.

"This is good! Good job in following the current. You could have broken your neck had you tried not moving along with the force." Miyamoto was ecstatic for no reason. I could guess why. It was probably because he thought he found someone with potential that he could teach. Deep down, despite all that bravado and savagery he was still a teacher at heart and loved teaching.

I threw six bullets into the air and caught them one by one into the chamber of the gun.

I then shot 3 bullets at Miyamoto while charging at him. He caught all three bullets easily. I aimed for his eyes and shot two bullets. As soon as he raised his palm to block the bullets I increased my speed. He was temporarily blocking his own field of vision and I was going to take advantage of it.

I had one of three options. Option one: I could run past him and exit the gymnasium and run away and not look back.

Option two: I could continue with my assault and finish this attack as this idiot would only chase after me if I ran away.

Option three: I could injure myself to the point where I could no longer continue. I did not like this option due to the pain. Also my healing factor would kick in. So this option was out of the question.

I was left with the first two. I could continue fighting him, but it had it's own set of disadvantages. Miyamoto would probably stalk me for quite some time and try to get me to join his class. He would be very persistent. I didn't want to join his classes as I did not need them. I could always steal martial art techniques so there was no need for me to learn it.

I could also run but since Miyamoto was a man who liked to see things through he would chase after me. I would have a 3 second head start but he could quickly catch up.

If both options led to a dead end then I would just take both options. I jumped into the air and kicked him in his mouth before using his head as a stepping stone. I jumped over him and ran straight towards the exit door. I flung it open and ran out of the door and just continued running.

I jumped from stairs to stairs to stairs and finally out of the window of the third floor. I walked on the window sill and jumped down to the second floor window and then to the first and then to the ground floor.

"Phew!" I said as I wiped the sweat of my forehead. It seemed like I had shaken him of.

"That was quite impressive." A voice said from next to me.


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