Put her in her place!



"A duel?"

"Yes, a duel!"

This little ignorant piece of shit. He was challenging me to a duel. I was stronger than him and could kill him and yet he still challenged me. Wasn't this the part where the main character sensed my strength and quakes in his boots and left to go have a training arc.

If I stood in front of the demon lord I wouldn't be challenging him to a duel. I would try running away. If I did challenge the demon lord despite knowing his strength then the demon lord would only think of me as an arrogant child.

This was the case currently. I was stronger than him and knew that I could defeat him and he still challenged me.

"I refuse." I said. My answer was met with Amelia and Stuart's looks of shock.


Amelia's Pov.

Amelia was shocked at Atlas's refusal. She had no idea what was going on but she knew it was not good. Instead of a fight Stuart had suggested a duel and yet Atlas refused.

She was even shocked to hear him say that he was going to kill Stuart. As if he could. Stuart was stronger than him by several fold. She knew how strong Stuart was. His strength had only increased after training with Miyamoto sensei.

"Why do you refuse the duel?" she asked. "Why don't you both settle your fight in a duel instead of a fight here?"

"Please shut up." Atlas said to Amelia. "You see when A and B are talking there is no room for C."

Amelia gasped and her mouth opened and closed as if she was a fish. No one had talked to her like this before except for Stuart, but Stuart talked like that to everyone. She had also been disrespected by this boy before when he had slapped her. And know he was taking it a step further.

She had to draw a line. She was part of the Lionheart family and she would not allow any form of disrespect to her. She marched past Stuart and stood before Atlas.

"Apologise." She said.

"No, I will not."

Amelia slapped Atlas across the face. "That was for yesterday." she said.





I smacked Amelia across the face with all my strength. She flew across the room and hit the wall before falling back down on the ground.

This bitch had the audacity to slap me. You don't slap a lioness and just expect to walk away scot free. You got to pay the price. Whether it was your life, arm or leg that was up to the lioness.

I smacked her back into her place. She should know her place. And that was below me just like everyone else.

Stuart charged at me. I could see his movements as I had grown stronger by a lot. He was moving fast but not so fast that I could not keep up.

I picked my nunchuks of my bed and spun it. Just as he was about to punch me I dodged and swung the nunchuk to hit his face. Luckily for him it did not hit his face as it was stopped by a big burly hand.

It was Miyamoto. It seemed like he was the one who responded to the red button.

"You boys better stop fighting." he said. He let go of my nunchuk and pulled away Stuart.

"Well this is a fine mess you two created." he said.

"I didn't create nothing, in fact I only suffered nothing but loss." I said as I pointed at the door.

"You would know since you sent your student to harass me to join your training."

"Hold on... I did not send him to harass you. I just sent him to try to convince you to join. Stuart what happened here?"

Stuart maintained his eye contact with me and stared at menacingly.

"We had a disagreement. But it's been solved. Sorry for disturbing you. I'll pay for the door." he said as he picked up Amelia like a prince from a fairy tale does a princess. He then walked away.

Miyamoto and I stood facing each other.

"So are you-"

"No, your going to have to try better." Miyamoto turned away and walked of as I had rejected him once again. I could simply report him and he would leave me alone but this academy was like a prison.

All the teachers would turn against me and would make it harder for me. They would cut my grades and always find some trouble with me no matter what I do. They were like prison guards.

I sat down on my bed. My room's door was gone and the heat that was in my room was gone. The atmosphere that I had created was gone. Even if I wanted to recreate it my bedroom door wasn't there anymore to hold in the heat.

I put my nunchuk down and picked up my laptop and opened the screen. I turned it on and waited for it to start.

I moved the cursor and clicked on the app that was installed on to my laptop. The app was connected to the camera's that I had placed in the two brothers room.

I watched as the two brothers kissed each other and made out. It seemed like the drug had taken effect. I connected the camera to my account on the adult website and streamed it live. There were people who could not believe it despite it being streamed live.

The people who were watching were happy with the fact that there were several different camera's that they could watch from.

Now all I had to do was wait until their father heard about it and the brothers would be disowned. After they were disowned I could kill them without any problems. I could make it seem like an accident or I could just kill them in cold blood. Either way it was going to be fun to deal with them.


Guys remember to vote with power stones. Also let me know your thoughts by commenting or writing a review.

Remember if I win WPC 298 I will mass release 20 chapters.