Taking care of the MC

"Take of your clothes, I need to see your body." Miyamoto said.

"Your not going to say pause after that?"

"... Take of your clothes!"

"Say pause!"

"Noooo! Now take of your clothes before I take them of for you." Miyamoto shouted. "Pause." he added after realizing his words.

I took of my shirt and trousers and revealed my super model body. I was feeling more confidence than before. I had used skin care products, taken care of my body and this body was the result of my hardwork.

He touched my body, poking my muscles, grabbing my thighs, triceps and other muscles. He analysed my body and nodded his head.

"Owww!" I shouted after he poked my kidney.

"It's not that bad but it is insufficient. We will have to create the ideal body. Your going to have to put on some weight."

"No, I don't want a bulky. I already had my fill of that long ago."

"I never said that I was going to give you a bulky body, I just said you need to put on weight. Maybe 10 kilograms give or take. But that's for later. For now just show me what you got, you'll be facing Stuart."

I raised my eyebrows at him who smiled and posed. I looked over and saw Stuart standing there like a statue. I could see he was ready and wanted a fight. His face was solemn and stern and sweat dripped of his entire body.

Miyamoto slapped my back pushing me forward. "Go on, show me what your capable of." he said.

I stepped forward and walked for a while before I stood in front of Stuart. I was stronger than him. I knew that for a fact but it was best not to underestimate one's opponent. David took down Goliath and several bees could take care of a hornet. If I was going to ensure my victory then I needed to go all out. I needed to deploy everything in my arsenal against this little ant that stood in my path.

"Hey, do you want to know why I won't tell you the name of the orphanage your sister was in?" I whispered. Stuart glared at me. He was taken aback my words but he instantly recovered not showing a single change of emotion.

"It's because I live there. Along with other children. You see, I don't want them talking to a murderer." I smiled as I looked at Stuart's face. His facial expression darkened like a nimbus cloud.

His jaw tightened and his eyes nearly popped out of its socket. Whether he was angry or surprised that I knew I could not tell. But there was no reason for me to stop.

"Especially not a boy who murders his own parents. Are you going to kill the other kids in the orphanage if I told you where it is?" I smiled as I dodged Stuart's punches.

"SHUT UP!" He did not shout but his voice seemed to be carrying authority. To bad for him I never listened to authority.

"You know if your going to kill someone, stabbing them with a knife is a terrible way to go, it's painful I tell you."

"Shut up!" Stuart's voice grew more with animosity as his actions became more unorganised. His punches and kicks were easy to predict and dodge.

"You should have used a gun, one bullet in the head and they would die instantly."

"SHUT UP!" I blocked his punch which felt heavy and counter attacked him. I clocked him right in his jaw.

"But then again you wanted them to suffer did you not? You wanted them to feel the pai- Kufuu" Stuart's fist connected with my jaw which surprised. He had thrown me a faint and managed to sneak one in.

I punched him in his throat and then kicked his knee. I hit him in both of his ears and head but him.

He fell down to the ground like the little bitch that he was. I smirked as I turned around. I was about to tell Miyamoto that I quit when I heard a voice behind me.

"I... can... still go on!" I turned around to see Stuart standing up weakly. He was not in a great shape. Also it was really stupid of him to announce his presence. He could have just attacked me from behind.

"Are you sure?" I asked him. I did not wait for an answer. I closed the distance and struck his chin. A hand blocked my fist protecting his jaw. Stuart then pulled his head back and with all his strength head but.


The sound of our heads hitting each other could be heard throughout the entire gymnasium. I smiled as I saw Stuart lean back for another head but. This idiot! My head was way more durable than his. This was no different from hitting a metal wall.

I punched his stomach and pulled him forward by his clothes and back handed him with all of my strength. He flew back 3 metres. I knew he was not going to stand down so I jumped on top of him. Once I was on top of him I continuously punched him with my right and left hand. He had seemed to given up.

I had not come here to join the training. I was here to take care of this man. Currently as he was he posed no threat to me. But that would change once he discovered that he was a shaker. The only person in the world who was a threat to Damien in the novel was Stuart Graham. I just needed to take care of him before he grew stronger and took care of me.

My hands were stopped in mid air and I looked up to see Miyamoto.

"That's enough, stop it." he released my hand and I stood up from Stuart's body. I smiled as I looked at my work of art. His face was crumpled. His nose was broken and several teeth were missing. I just needed to pick this of this weekend. He was bound to come looking for me.

"Damien, I need you to leave this gymnasium and never come back." Miyamoto said to me.



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If I win WPC 298 I will mass release 20 chapters.