New car! Vroom! Vroom!

I left the school on Friday afternoon. Nothing happened to me although I had kicked Amelia out of a window. I just merely had to take care of 3 of her fans. Her fans reminded me of those NPC monsters in shooting games. They always just kept coming no matter how many of them you killed. Luckily for them lady luck was on their side as I could not kill them inside the school. Talk about irony.

My first stop was going to be the potion shop that I had made the deal with. Saturday was the day that was advertised as restock day. I had to get these 2 heavy duffel bags to the shop so that they could sell it for me.

"On second thoughts maybe I should just buy a car first." I said as I stepped of the bus. I had hated just moving around on a bus, a taxi or a rented car. I just wanted to buy my own car. 'I wonder what kind of car I should get.' I wondered to myself inside the taxi that I was in. I was going to make a lot of money soon and besides I already had a lot of money. There was no reason for me to not live a little. I did not want to be those drug dealers who sat on a giant stash of money and not be able to spend it. Besides all my money was in cash so it was non taxable. I was also still underage so that was another benefit. I did not have to pay taxes on anything less than 200 thousand dollars.

I stood in front of a car dealership staring at a mustang. I did not know the first thing about cars but this car was beautiful. The wheels, the rims, the looks, the rear view mirrors and even exhausts. This was a proper street vehicle. This was the type of car that was to be driven by some cutthroat Mexican gang.

I could already see myself in this car. There was going to be a lot of drifting and joy rides. This was going to be my first ever car. Back on earth I had an electric hybrid mountain bicycle. This was going to be huge upgrade although I had enjoyed the electric bicycle.

"She's a thing of beauty isn't she?" a man wearing a suit popped out of nowhere just like in the movies. He was the salesman of this dealership.

"Is a he." I replied.

"I beg your pardon?" The man asked as he did not seem to hear my low voice.

"I said it's a he, not a she." I stood up straight and stared at the man in the eyes. I was 5 foot 11 reaching 6 foot and the man was just slightly shorter than me by like an inch or two.

"Oh... why is that may I ask?"

I tapped the car on the hood and smiled. "Because it's strong and masculine. It's not pretty and fragile."

"I don't know if that is sexist or not... but I feel... like it is."

"It's not. It's common logic. If you see someone with giant muscles then you automatically assume it's a man, if you see someone in denim trousers and a shirt but you only see from the back and you see they have a giant ass then you assume it's a woman. Strength is for men while beauty is for women, that's why Hercules is the embodiment of strength and Aphrodite the embodiment of beauty."

The man shook his head as I seem to have befuddled him. He just nodded his head and gave me a small confirmation. He seemed to be going along with what I saying. This was what I used to do with my friends when they got high and I had no idea what they were saying.

"Say it then." I said to the man.

"Say what sir?"

"Say 'he is a thing of beauty.'"

"He's... he's a thing of beauty."

"Thank you, I'll be taking him, can we get all the paperwork done within the next hour?" I asked.

"Yes, we can but are you sure you don't want to look at it, go inside it, take it for a test drive or look at the other cars before you buy anything?"

"It's a mustang, not a normal car. Quality is assured the moment car is made. Or do you not want me to buy a car?"

"No, no sir please come inside."


I hit the accelerator on the car and heard the screeching of wheels. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw the amount of smoke being generated.

I left the car dealership after a while and streaked down the highway. It was late afternoon and yet there was no traffic. It's a good thing this world was bigger than earth. The highway was triple or quadruple the size of a normal highway back on earth in America.

I placed my fake I.D that I had made last week on the windshield. I needed a place of my own.

I looked at the bagpack next to me that was filled with cash. I was going to turn this morning into 10 million dollars soon. That was one of the benefits of being in a country that had more casinos than Las Vegas.

I parked my car in front of a housing estate. This was when I received a call. I looked at the caller I.D and it read anonymous. I picked the phone up.

"Hello." I said. All I could hear was silence on the other side of the line. After a while I heard a voice speak. It was man with a well articulated voice.

"We have them both, where do you want us to drop them of?"

"Can you keep them for a while?"

"How long?"

"5 hours give or take, I'm in the middle of something."

"That will cost extra."

"I know, call me in 5 hours time." Before I could even get the phone of my ear I heard a familiar sound. It was the sound of a person hanging up. I sighed and got out of my car and walked into the real estate agency.

"Hello sir, how can we help today?"

"I would like to buy a piece of property. A small warehouse and the land it sits on."


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