
I drove back home in my mustang with empty duffel bags. I had given them everything. I had also learnt a few things which led to me making a few changes but not to much.

Originally I was planning on selling all of my different potions for one thousand dollars each but then I just realised how stupid I was. A normal potion usually ranged anywhere from ten thousand dollars to 20 thousand dollars. I repriced my potions. They ranged anywhere from 2,000 dollars to 3,000 dollars. If I had sold them for 1,000 dollars for each vial then I would make a small profit but not enough in case there were unforeseen consequences. I had also bumped the commission from 8% to 10%.

I had really underestimated costs as previously I was not the one who was not paying for equipment or ingredients. I had taken it from either the alchemy labs in school or used the money Aliza had given me for the initial investment.

I had given them 200 vials of potion. 80 of them were nerves of steel potions which were to be sold at 2,000 dollars. 40 of them were strength increasing potions just like the ones I had made in potion class. They were being sold for 3,000 dollars. 50 of them were mind cleansing potions. Mind cleansing potions got rid of unnecessary thoughts in your mind. They were different from nerves of steel potions as they only affected your brain while the nerves of steel potions affected the whole body.

Although they were inferior to the nerves of steel potion it was to be sold for 2500 dollars while the nerves of steel potions were to be sold for 2,000 dollars. This was a tactic that had occurred to me. The nerves of steel potions were bound to be a success. So if they were out of stock people would buy the next best option. I was expecting everything to go well.

Finally for the last 10 potions they were simply hair removing potion. I didn't know if this potion was going to be a success as hair removing potions existed. The only advantage that I had on it was that it left a moisturizing feeling on the skin.

I did not know if this would succeed but I had an advantage over the other alchemy stores and potion shops. Mainly 2 advantages. My potions were significantly cheaper. If all went to plan I would be able to sell the potions while making a decent profit. The second advantage which could also be considered a disadvantage was originality. These were new products and no one knew them. It was bound to be a slow start at first but after a lot of advertising then I'm pretty sure that they would become more popular.

Product placement was going to be my secret weapon. I was going to take over the entirety of Kolyu. Kolyu was a video sharing app. I was going to be like raid shadow legends.

I stopped at a red light and decided to count how much I would make if I sold everything.

"80 potions multiplied by 2,000 dollars that makes 160,000 dollars. 40 strength increasing potions sold at 3,000 dollars, that makes 120,000 dollars. 50 mind cleansing potions for 2,500 dollars is 125,000 dollars. 10 times 2,000 dollars is 20,000 dollars. Add them all up that makes 425,000 dollars." I whistled but I knew that all that money was not going to go into my pocket. A ten percent commission was 42,500 dollars. There was going to 20 percent set aside for later use. 20 percent was going to be used for advertising and promotion and 40 percent was going to be reinvested by buying ingredients. I would be able to spend only 42,500 dollars. That wasn't bad.

The light turned green and I continued on my way home. I opened the warehouse door with my keys and entered the warehouse.

I was back. I was also really hungry. I made myself some sandwiches and ate 2 of them. I put on my hockey mask and then entered the small room where I was keeping the two brothers. The younger one was still knocked out which worried me. I checked his pulse and breathing and luckily he was still alive.

Nor pulled on the chain and struggled for a bit when he saw me with the plate of sandwiches.

I turned of the heavy music which had been turned on all this time and asked him. "Do you want some?" I asked.

He nodded his head. "Well too bad, this is not for you, these are for my ants. I got to feed them otherwise they will resort to cannabilsm." 10 sandwiches were on my plate but I don't think that it would be enough for my ants. They were four inches big. I placed the sandwiches in the feeding hole. I closed it shut and watched as the sandwiches fell.

The ants immediately jumped onto it. They devoured the sandwiches within a matter of 3 minutes which was just fascinating.

"You see this is going to be you real soon." I said to Nor. I could hear him trying to speak but the gag ball was restricting his speech.

I picked up a whip and walked slowly towards him. When it came to torture intimidation was important. I was a novice at torture which was why I had several potions ready in case something happened.

"Don't mind me, I'm just gonna get a good workout before I go to sleep." I snapped the whip in the air several times and smiled. I then turned up the volume to the radio.

I lashed at him and enjoyed his suffering. It was really fun to watch him writhe in pain. I whipped him as if I was a white man with a troubling slave in the 1800's.

But something felt of. There was something missing. What exactly was it that was missing? After a hit of thinking it finally came to me. I wanted to hear him scream. I wanted him to beg for his life. Fuck! Was I sadist for this?

No that was a dumb question. Of course I was. According to the world's number one search engine a sadist was a person who like to cause physical suffering for others. It seemed like I was a sadist, technically speaking.

I turned of the radio and walked up to Yi, the younger brother. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a smelling salt. I broke it and he roused from his slumber. He looked around in a hurry and finally his eyes met with mine. I smiled at him and hit him in the face. He let out a loud shout of pain which delighted me. I continued hitting him. I broke his two front teeth and did not stop for quite a while. I eventually got of him and removed the metal gag from his brothers mouth and put in his.

It was unsanitary but who cared? Not me and definitely not them.

I picked up a small scalpel and waved it in front of Nor. He shook his head and tried moving away which made me laugh. Where was this idiot trying to go? It's not like he could even move. He was tied to a chain on the ceiling while he sat on a Spanish donkey. His legs were folded behind him and tied together with a rope.

"No... no... no please..." he begged.

"Yes... yes... yes... don't say no. I'm an avid Daniel Bryan and I do not like pessimism. No say it with me, come on... yes... yes..."

Nor let out a cry. "Please stop it... I beg you... I'll give you anything you want! Money! Power! Woman! Just stop! Please!"

"Stop fucking lying. Even if you weren't disowned you would not be capable of giving me any of the above. Anyways I'm gonna start with the surgery." I said. I moved the scalpel and placed it just below his breast. I then pushed it deeper and deeper until blood came out. I smiled inwardly as I heard his screams.

I moved the scalpel down and after ten seconds of loud shouting and prayers to a higher being, I held a piece of skin in front of Nor.

"I feel like I could do better." I said. I looked over at Yi. "What do you think? Do you think that I can do better? You believe in me right?"

He just stared back at me. I could see he had no idea what to do or say. I placed the piece of skin in the feeding hole for the ants but I did not let it drop down into the glass cage. I was going to let all of it drop at once.

"Hey," I called out to Yi. "Just tell me to stop and I'll stop skinning your brother. But remember if I stop you have to take his spot."

I then went back to Nor and continuously skinned him. It was harder than I thought that it would be so I switched to a bigger blade. A normal kitchen knife. I had to make sure that I got only the skin and avoided all the arteries. It was a good thing that I knew where the most important arteries were since I had been studying to be a doctor before I dropped out of University.

The area below his chest all the way to his navel was skinned. The man was letting out shrieks that could raise the dead. Despite being skinned he was still awake and had not lost consciousness. He was in no danger of bleeding out as I had only skinned the epidermis, the first layer of the skin.

I placed the skin I had skinned of him in to the feeding hole in the glass cage. I turned over to Yi and once again reminded him. "Just tell me to stop and I will, just remember you will take his spot." I waved the kitchen knife in front of Nor.

He screamed out loud. "JUST TAKE MY SPOT! ARE YOU NOT MY BROTHER? PLEASE I BEG YOU!" There was snot, mucus, sweat and tears running down his face. Just looking at him disgusted me. I placed my hand over the left side of his chest and felt his heartbeat. It was beating faster than a rats.

I went to the table that was filled with potions. I got a nerves of steel potion and made him drinking. His hear beat lowered but it was still beating fast.

"Wow, your brother really hates you huh? Just look at him." I stood behind Nor and whispered to him. "He's enjoying the show, he could have stopped it. He can stop it and yet he doesn't. Why is that I ask you? Does he enjoy your suffering? I wonder?"

I touched the area that I had just skinned of. When a person's skin was peeled of they were very sensitive. A simple touch would feel like what you would normally feel someone grazed your balls. The pain that comes from it was unbearable. But what if a whip was to hit such a sensitive spot.

I explained to him just how powerful that I was going to him and how much pain he was going to be in. I would occasionally slide in a few words that threw shade at his brother.

I then raised my whip and hit him.

"ARRREGGGHHHHGGHHGGGGAGHGGGAGGG!" I smiled sadistically when his screams of pain filled the room. Blood trickled from the spot where I had just hit him.

I waited for 10 minutes and watched him writhe in pain with a smile on my face. I then pulled out my laptop and tapped his leg.

"I'm gonna chop of your leg next. I just need to watch this video and see how they cauterize wounds, okay?"

I could not even describe the expression he made with his face. Just what on earth was that. It was beyond despair and hopelessness. Hopelessness? What if I gave him a bit of hope?

"You know you can just switch with your brother anytime, just say the word."


2,067 words! Wow!

Guys let me know your thoughts by commenting or writing reviews.

Also remember to vote with power stones. If I win WPC 298 then I will mass release 20 chapter.