Not without you...

I glanced at the people who were staring at me like a deer caught in a headlight.


My voice brought them all back from their shock. None of them was expecting me to shout at them and threaten them with a ban. No shop would do that. If the customers were unhappy they would still smile and wave and try their best to appease them.

What I had just done was the opposite of that. I was the definition of anti customer friendly. It was almost as if I was chasing away the customers. At least that is what they called themselves. These people were not customers. They were barbaric fools who tried ruining my business. They were lucky that I did not take their life away.

The people murmured and voiced their complaints as they left. Only a few people were left to deal with. A small group consisting of a shmuck wearing designer clothes, a twink and a milf who were attached to him and three beefy men who carried assault rifles.

"Hey asshole. Time to leave." I shouted at him. The schmuk looked around to see if there was anyone else. "Stop looking around, I'm talking to you."

Janice had a worried look on her face. "I don't think you should-"

"Me?" The schmuk pointed a finger at himself.

"Yes you! Fuck outta here."

One of the three men behind him looked offended. He was a beefy fella with a shiny bald head. "Don't talk to the young master like that." he said. I grumbled in my head and let out a groan. Another entitled young master. I had just dealt with two of them.

"Well it's a good thing I wasn't talking to him then." I said. The man seemed to be confused as he looked around.

"Then who were you talking to?" he asked.

"All of you, now get the fuck out. Come one, shoo shoo." I said as I made the same gesture I would use to shoo away ducks.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" The schmuk let out a giant hearty laugh and walked over to me. "Do you know who I am?" he asked me as he stared directly into my eyes.

"Some dumb rich kid!"

"HAHAHAHAHA! Guys he said a dumb rich kid!" he turned around to the group who let out an awkward laugh. "I am Roshi King, heir to the multi billion dollar conglomerate called Kings pharmaceuticals." He crossed his hands and had a satisfied smile on his face.

"I am so sorry." He closed his eyes and nodded.

"Apology accepted?"

"I am so sorry because I seem to have misplaced my fucks given."

He glanced at me with a surprised look on his face before smiling again. Just how many times was this idiot going to smile? I wanted to break his teeth and ruin his perfect smile. The boy looked to be my age and had skin fair as snow and a pretty face. He had a wolf cut and a square jawline.

"Your feisty, I like that. I like challenges. How about you become mine?"

My tentacles moved on their own and wrapped themselves around him before yeeting him out of the front door. I turned to the others who came with him and asked. "Do you want to walk out or do you want the same treatment?"

The meaty guy's who I assumed were his bodyguards raised their assault rifles and opened fire. I raised my tentacles before me as a barrier. "Same treatment it is!"

While one of my tentacles blocked the bullets the other moved towards the bodyguards. It wrapped itself onto them before yeeting them out of the front door. I glared at the twink and milf who immediately ran out of the store.

I went out of the store and was immediately met with the schmuk young master that I had thrown out of the front door. He was bleeding from his head and had giant cut on his forehead.

"That was fun, again! Again!" he said as he jumped up and down while he raised his hands like a kid who wanted to be lifted.

"No!" I firmly said. Just what exactly was wrong with this guy? He had a giant cut on his forehead and was bleeding heavily and yet he wanted to do it again. Was he mentally okay?

"You need to go to a hospital, leave." I said. I turned around to go back into the store.

"Wait, I can't leave. Not without you." he said. I groaned and let out a loud sigh. Why did I always attract weird people? Could I not just find one normal person who was either not a murderer, an incestuous person, a crazy fan or an entitled young master?

"You see, no one dares to speak me like that. No matter how many people I meet, no matter how many men or woman I sleep with they always keep their thoughts in their minds. But you... your like a breath of fresh air. I want you!"



Oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi! Just what kind of terribly written 2000's romance movie did he think this was? Did he have an actual functioning brain? How did he not feel any cringe just from saying that?

Is he not embaraaased?

"Mate... shut the fuck up and leave."

"Not without you beside me. I want you."

"We just met and I don't want to go with you you little piece of shit."

"Aaah!" He hugged himself and looked at me with a mischievous grin. "I liked that. Brutal honesty."

I stepped inside the store and closed the door. I watched him knock on the glass door as I flipped over the open sign to closed.

I had my fill of crazy, I did not want more. I just wanted to get stronger in peace. Besides I knew for a fact that I did not swing that way.

"And that is how you handle customers." I said to Janice.


You guys like Yandere? I don't care, that's what your getting.

Remember to vote with power stones.