competition (3)

"For all the contestants pay attention. I am going to explain the first round." Serena spoke into the microphone.

"The first round is simple, it is a vetting process. Since the number of contestants are way too much we have to do something about it. We're not going to randomly throw people out we are going to give you all a fair chance."

Serena raised her hand and several flags appeared out of thin air.

"The first round is a simple capture the flag. In my hand there is 4 flags. You simply have to grab the flag. Within 10 minutes the first 25 people to grab each flag will be moving on. You can only grab any flag once. If you are lucky or strong enough to grab the flags before the others then you will be moving on to the next round. The round will start as soon as I throw these flags to the floor. On your marks... get set... go!"

Serena threw the flags in four separate directions. I rushed towards the closest flag along with several other people. Not a lot of people were rushing. Only around 80 or so people were running towards the flags. The reason was simple.

Earlier on when I was shaking the sweat of my body it wasn't actually sweat. It was the paralytic poison that my body had produced. I had decreased the amount of poison in my body so that it would affect people after 10 minutes. Once Verizon and Serena had finished their speech and explained the rules the paralytic poison had kicked in.


"AAARRGHH!" A body fell to the floor in front of me. I jumped over it and continued on my way to the flags. People were attacking each other hoping to thin out the crowd.

I dodged the fist if a guy and continued on my way to the flag. So far several people had already grabbed the flag. Once they grabbed the flag they threw it at one if their friends.

It looked like several people were working together so that they could advance to the next round together.

"A sudden turn if events, only a small amount of the contestants are trying to get to the flag. Just what exactly is going on?" Serena shouted into the microphone. What was happening was they were all poisoned by my paralytic poison. They were going to be standing still for quite some time until it wore of. Unluckily for them that would be as soon as the round finished.

"Hey pass the flag over here Paula." I heard a man shout. The person in current possession of the flag was a woman. She looked over to the man who shouted at her and threw the flag over to him.

I increased my speed at charged at the man who was grinning widely as he stretched out hands and caught the flag.


I socked him in his face and sent him flying across the arena. I caught the flag that he had let go of.

"What a powerful blow by the contest!" Serena shouted out. "What did you think of that Verizon?"

"That was a powerful blow indeed but it also contained the element of surprise."

I turned around and saw a huge amount of people charging at me.

I glanced at the timer. 8 minutes was left. The amount of people charging at me was giant. I turned tail and ran. If I could at least waste some time and make the number of contestants even smaller that was good for me.

"The contestant has turned and fled with the flag. Is he perhaps planning on lowering the number of contestants in the next round?" Yes you God damn bitch now shut up because your voice is annoying me.

I moved to the side just in time as a dagger flew past where I previously was. I turned and saw several people throwing weapons at me. Hammers, swords, daggers and even great swords. I dodged them all and continued running.

I was running towards another person with another flag in his possession. He looked up just in time to evade my punch. I kicked him in the calf and grabbed the flag and continued on my way to the another flag.

The person in possession of it was an old man. He was well built and had veins popping out of his muscles. He looked really strong. Adding to the fact that no one else was approaching him and they merely stood around him hoping that he just let go of the flag.

He glanced in my direction and saw me charging at him. He shook his head and tutted before throwing the flag at me. Everyone was surprised and I was no exception.

I grabbed the flag and took a quick look at the timer. It was on a giant screen. 6 minutes and 12 seconds left. I had quite some time left. There was one more flag left but I was not going to go after it. After all the contest needed contestants and getting rid of all contestants would be different from lowering the number of contestants.

I turned and faced the angry mob of contestants who were charging at me. They were like a stampede of wildebeest.

"You little shit, just what do you think your doing?"

"Hand over those flags?"

"I'll kill you!

"You bastard! Just what do you gain from this?"

I braced myself for the angry and charged at them. I attacked everyone indiscriminately regardless of age, gender and disability. These people were low ranking fools. It was quite easy for me.

They all lay on the floor all knocked out. The only people left standing was the huge crowd that was poisoned and the few people who had managed to get a touch on the flag before I took them away.

"Hand those flags over." I heard a voice speak from behind me.

"Your gonna have to make me." I said as I turned. The person who was standing in front of me was Stuart Graham. There was something about him that changed. Just what was it?


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