Soilom Mines (2)

Four individuals walked in a straight line in a cavern. The first one was holding a lamp. The second one held a sword, the third an hourglass and the fourth carried nothing.

They all stopped in their tracks at once with none of them bumping into each other as they had all stopped at once.

The first individual was a man. He was the tallest with two scars across his closed eyes and had an arrow sticking out of his back. He wore garments that were similar to a hermit.

"I smell blood!" he said.

The second individual was a bulky man slightly shorter than the first individual and he had a bewitchingly handsome face, a strong jawline but his chest was open showing his lungs and beating heart. He wore bright red armour that was covered in blood and sand.

"I smell a man!" He said.

The third individual was slightly shorter than the second individual and chubby with short hair. She had a smile plastered on her face that she could not get rid of no matter how much she tried. She wore a beautiful dress that did not compliment her looks in anyway possible.

"I smell a malevolent presence!" she said.

The fourth and final individual was the shortest and was a really attractive woman wearing Jean's and a t shirt. Her hair was tied into a bun and frown was on her beautiful face.

"I smell a child. An innocent child!"

They then all walked forward and spoke in harmony.

"Let us see, let us see! Let us see which one of us is correct! Let us see! We shall see!"


What stood before me was the most magnificent, most magical sight I had ever laid my eyes upon. A being made from flames floating before me. It's giants wings radiated a light bright as the sun and as hot as a volcano. It's face could not even be described. If it could be described with one word it would be fascinating.

The demon looked around before turning its gaze towards me.

"Child you have summoned me. What is that you desire? What Is it that you seek? Money? power? Freedom? Power?"

My eyes were watering from the bright light despite the fact that I had covered my eyes with Hyoksi and most of the light had been dimmed.

"The corpse of a freshly killed Mallet crow." I replied with doubt in my voice. I could always get a Mallet crows body if I travelled to the demon kingdom but right now I needed it urgently. If I absorbed the Mallet crow then I could also absorb all the other monsters and creatures in here. Although I would not gain any abilities I would gain a chunk of Hyoksi. This prison was a treasure trove for a borrower like me.

The demon frowned. "Is that it?"


"Are you sure? I can give you things way better than a Mallet crows corpse. Power, treasure, territory and even beauties that only exist in dreams. Out of everything that I could give you, you choose the corpse of a Mallet crow."

He seemed disappointed but I did not care. I needed it urgently so that I could grow stronger without any worries and I needed it now of all times when I had zero energy in my body to defend myself.


The demon sighed. "Very well then, if that is what you want then I have no reason to not give it to you." The fire died down and the demon disappeared and after waiting for a minute the fire burst in to the figure of the demon. He was holding a small pouch and he throwed it over towards me.

As soon as it left his hands it turned into a normal pouch that was not covered in flames.

"The pouch is a gift." He said before disappearing.

The fuck!

I asked for the corpse of a Mallet crow and he only gave me a small leather pouch. What was wrong with him?

I wanted to curse at him but I kept my thoughts to myself in case he was still present. There at least better be enough money for me to buy a Mallet crows corpse inside this pouch.

I opened the pouch and as soon as I did a giant object came flying out of it and jumped back as I let go of the pouch. Why did I trust that demon? Especially a demon that I did not know about and existed only in the background. A demon should never be trusted as with every waking moment they think of malevolent ways to make you their victims. With every thought, they have a 100 thoughts and none of them nice.

The object that had come flying out of the pouch was a huge bird the size of a castle and had dark feathers. It had a bright red beak and sharp talons. Even though it was dead a small surge of electricity crackled around its body.

It was a Mallet crow!

I should have not doubted that demon. He was a great man. I never doubted him at all.

How lucky I was to have opened the pouch after walking out of the cave otherwise it would have crushed me inside.


In a mountain covered in snow, heavy rain fell and heavy thunder shook the sky and lightning flashed. The wind howled and blew as violently as it possibly could against a tall man. This was the demon Azriel. He had shape shifted into a bulky human with a handsome face and bright red eyes and long red hair.

He stood before two graves with his eyes closed. Despite not wearing any clothings beside a wolf skin that covered his lower half, the cold from the rain, snow and heavy wind he did not shiver nor shudder even once.

His face was melancholic and his eyes were like that of a middle aged man whose family did not respect or love. He kneeled before the grave and touched the ground.

"I'm sorry mother... I could not protect you... I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart but I promise you... I will fulfill my dream of conquering this world. I put that on God." Azriel stood up and turned before walking down the mountain. He walked despite being able to fly. He looked up to the dark sky covered with clouds and sighed.

"It's a shitty world we live in. Despite that I would hundred percent live in this world than in murim."

At the bottom of the mountain stood 7 people. They donned heavy black armour on their bodies. Only three of them wore light armour. They each had their own weapons on either their back or hips.

"The Asura squad, I've waited long enough for you... What news do you bring me?"

All seven of them were kneeling. A woman wearing light armour spoke. She was a vampire with a really messed up face that was covered in scars.

"Sire... the preparations are ready, the army is ready and awaiting your orders, all 98 battalions have been accounted for and are on stand by."

Azriel clapped his hands together and smiled gleefully. "Excellent..." He frowned before speaking again. "what about the kamikaze squad?"

"They are on their way sire... they should arrive within 2 days time."

"Excellent, tell the army to rest for now... tomorrow, we're invading Jötunheimr!"


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