Soilom mines (Beast of despair)

The Soilom mines were like a normal prison in a way. Despite there being monsters and creatures it still was no different from a regular prison. There were guards, different blocks, working hours and a small sense of order.

I was currently in block A. I knew this because I was new and everyone who was brought to the soilom mines were always thrown into block A when they arrived. The deeper you went, the safer it got.

Block A was for people who committed huge heinous crimes that were similar to treason or held the same weight. Block B was for elfs who committed terrible crimes but were going through rehabilitation so that they could rejoin society. One of the perks having long ears got you. It was also for humans that committed serious crimes like murder.

Block C was no different from a safe haven, I had not gotten into much detail in the book and even I did not know what was there but all I knew was that it was a safe haven. Block D was the guards dorms.

El Juki was in block b so I needed to go further down. I was in block A so that meant more monsters to face. At least the numbers would go down once I went to block B.

I had been walking for quite some time when I felt something. I could feel something hot like a volcano. I could feel anger, hatred and enmity from behind me. As soon as I turned a giant four legged creature that looked like a giant lion crashed into me. It scratched me with its giant claws and grabbed me the arm with its mouth and threw me some distance away.

It had taken me by surprise so I flew back some few metres. I quickly jumped on my feet and looked around but there was nothing there. There no sign of whatever it was that had just attacked me. Was I hallucinating? I could not have been hallucinating. My wounds that were already healing were proof of that.

But I could not feel anything around me. If whatever just attacked me was still around me I would still be able to feel it's emotions. My empathy was like a radar for me. It must have vanished into thin air or was out of range for my empathy to pick up.


10 hours had passed by since I had started walking and I was reaching my wits end. Anytime that I tried doing something I would get attacked by the big ass lion. It would attack me anytime I tried resting, sleeping, eating or drank water. It would even attack me any time I tried taking a shit or leak.

I would see it in the distance every once in a while and I would chase but no matter how much I ran or how fast I ran, it did not matter as I could not get closer. It was as if I was on a treadmill. If anything the lion looked to be more distant than when I had started chasing it. I was lost and had no idea where I was.

I could not rest, sleep, eat or take a shit. Anytime that I lowered my gaurd it would appear without failure like a pop up ad on a shady website.

I had tried laying traps for it but it did not fall for them. This lion was so smart that it would bait me to lower my gaurd several times with food, water or some sleeping time. I had tried flying away but I was shot down several times by some unknown hidden object. Whatever it was that hit me, it was invisible and moved at fast speeds.


7 hours have passed and I have finally reached enlightenment. I don't think that it is enlightenment that I reached but it was a really incredible state that I had reached.

I was able to shut down half of my brain so that it could rest while the other half was awake stayed on gaurd just like how whales usually do. With the other half of my brain I could stay on gaurd although not as efficiently as before but it still worked.


3 hours have passed and I have finally understood something about this beast that was hunting me. It was not hunting to kill me. It was hunting me for sport. It would appear out of thin air and stare at me and follow me around. I could feel it's emotions. The first time I had felt it's emotions it was that of hatred and enmity but now... now it was just pure happiness and joy. I could sense it enjoying itself as it watched me charge at it without even moving. The ground would extend and the distance would still be the same and i was still a long distance away from it.


1 hour has passed and I think that I have finally figured out a way to kill this beast. I have been doing some experimentation and had finally discovered something.

If I ran at it wildly then I would not make any progress trying to get to the lion. But what if I brought it to me. I don't know how but this creature was able to sense when I had let my gaurd down and when I was pretending to let my gaurd down.

I brought the other half of my brain back up and I sat down in a lotus position and closely eyes. I needed to let go. I needed to truly let go of all my emotions. My pent up anger, my agitation and most importantly my gaurd. It was hard to do that but I had managed to finally do it.

I could feel the cold air moving around in this place, which was weird since it was underground and had a source if light that I could not pinpoint. It had it's very own ecosystem.

My senses pricked up as soon as I felt the lion charge at me. I managed to not put my gaurd up in case the lion decided to retreat. I could feel it's foul hot breath inching ever closer. I could hear it's feet hitting the ground and I could feel the change in the atmosphere.

It was getting closer and just as it was a few metre up I quickly grabbed the pouch that I had recieved from the fire demon and held it up. I then opened my eyes just in time to see the lion being sucked inside the pouch.

I closed it and wrapped the mouth of the pouch with my shirt and I smiled. I had finally taken care of this stupid lion.


I was surprised. I had not been expecting it to speak.

"You can speak, wow! I did not know that cats could talk!"


"Is that not what you are?" I asked.


"Pshh! Tomato tomato, your just a fucking lion that can speak and scientifically speaking lions are just big cats!"


"Shut up!" I said as I shook the pouch violently. I could hear the lion roaring and cursing and threatening me but I did not listen. I continued shaking the pouch until it had quitened down.

"So what's your name?" I asked.

"...." No reply came.

"If you don't answer me I will start referring to you as a rodent... I mean that is what you are isn't it?"


I shook the pouch violently for several seconds.

"Answer my question and speak only when spoken to!" I said. "Now tell me your name?"

No answer came from the pouch. "If you do not want me to shake the pouch then speak!"

A few seconds passed before a voice came from the pouch. "Uzkul!"

I let out a loud laugh. "Uzkul! That is a dumb name! But let me tell you something Uzkul... your body will fetch me a nice price on the market."


I finally learnt how to swim today. First time swimming in a long time and I somehow managed to pull it of. Who said black people couldn't swim?