Soilom mines (Massacre)

Three gaurd wearing heavy armour were walking through the snow. Two of them were pulling a cage full of people while the other was holding a horses reins.

"We still need to find that last guy before the captain finds out and gets angry." The gaurd holding the horses reins said.

"Well it's not our fault that they didn't tell us there was a new prisoner before hand. It takes 12 hours just to get to the collection point." One of the gaurds pulling the cage replied.

"I know, but still the captain does not care about that, he's going to be mad." the last gaurd replied.

"Not our problem... you can't just release a fish into the sea and expect it to stay in the same spot."

The gaurd holding the horses rein stopped in his track making the other two bump into him.

"Move you idiot, why are you just stopping in the middle of the road?"

The first gaurd raised his hand and pointed at the prison camp. The other two looked and were surprised to see that the giant building had actually collapsed. There was smoke and a giant fire danced through the camp.

The first gaurd jumped on his horse. "Get there as soon as possible, I'll go check it out first." he said. He dug his heel into the horses waist and it took of running.

The gaurds heart beat rapidly. He was worried for his family. His wife and daughter that usually stayed on the fourth floor had come to visit him today. Although he had left for work unwilling he promised them that he would spend time with them when he got back.

He reached the gates only to find that it had been brought down. He glanced at it and concluded that something big must have hit it at a fast speed.

"A monster probably..." As soon as he went beyond the gates he could not believe his eyes. The things he saw was just terrible. Bodies upon bodies were littered across the floor. He quickly got of the horse and ran to the crumbling building. He didn't care about any of those people outside. They were convicts who did something terrible to be put into this place so he showed them no sympathy.

He kicked the door down and almost fainted at the sight before him. Blood was covering every single inch of the walls. There was no place that was not blood red literally. Bodies that were mutilated in half lay on the floor.

Organs, brain matter and every single bodily fluid was on the walls, floor or ceiling. He stepped forward and felt a squishing sound. He look down at his boot to find that he had stepped on a human eyeball.

He swallowed his vomit and ran forward looking for his family. He heard a crying sound and he ran towards the noise. In the office of the captain sat a man. He sat on a table holding a child. His entire body was covered in blood. Even his teeth, nails and eyes were red.

The captain of the gaurds body parts lay around the floor. His arms, feets were nothing but mush and it looked like a steamroller had ran it over. Only his armless, headless, legless body sat on the chair before the man covered in blood.

The man turned and looked at the gaurd and smiled. "It seems like I have missed one." he said. He raised his hand and a beam of white light burst out of it. It vaporized the gaurds and everything behind him.


I turned my attention back to the child that I was holding. This was the child of El Juuki. It was such a waste of talent. Maybe I should just kill him? He was going to be killed anyways and besides I wasn't going to take him along with me. It would be much better to die instantly instead of just starving to death.

But still though, if this was the child of El Juuki then he must have obtained at least a tiny bit of her skills. The child was a half human, half elf hybrid. He would not be accepted in both societies.

But what if he actually had a necromancy ability? I could raise him to be my soldier. I was currently 16 years old. Even if he reached the age of 20 he would still be a child by elf standards. His brain would be no different from a human teenager when he reaches 30.

"Your lucky, I will only keep you because you may have your mothers abilities." I said as I held the child up. I walked out of the building and headed towards floor three. Once I had stepped outside the gates, I saw two gaurds. They were both rushing at me. I vaporized one and sweeped the other of the ground.

"I have a question, if you answer... I promise you, you will live. Do you understand?" The gaurd nodded.

"Is it true that there is a teleportation circle on the fourth floor?"

He nodded his head.

"Where is it?"

"It's in the main administration building." I thanked him and then stomped on his head. I promised him that he would live but I wasn't going to. I was human. Humans lie by nature.

Besides I did not want to leave a witness alive. Therefore that was another reason why I completely vaporized the prisoners in the cage.

I quickly reached the third floor. It was what some would picture how heaven would look like. Blades of grass, rivers of fresh water, water falls and bright skys with no clouds. Different trees bloomed everywhere with lots of different fruits on each tree.

Butterflies, cats, rabbits and many other harmless animals filled the third floor. I took a bath in one of the rivers and fed the child some water. I did not know a lot about babies but I knew a day old child could not eat solid food.

I squeezed some apple juice into its mouth and gave it a shower.

After hunting over several hundred rabbits and cooking them over a fire I headed over to the fourth floor. The fourth floor was like a normal neighbourhood in the suburbs. The only difference was that their was one giant building in between them.

I blended in with everyone else and did my best not to draw any attention to myself and made my way to the building. I had thought a man carrying a child wearing wet clothes would draw attention but it seemed like no did. There was only around 500 people on this entire floor.

"This must be the main administration building that the gaurd I killed on the second floor talked about. The teleportation circle must be here."

I stood in front of the main administration building which had no gaurds stationed outside. This must be due to the fact that this was the gaurds residential area which meant that everyone here was close to each other like in a neighbourhood.

As I was about to enter the building something caught my eye. I saw a small skinny kid with a big forehead and a bowl cut holding a white phone. It looked awfully familiar.

"Wait, is that my phone?"