Kill Dat hoe (1)

A man wearing a full camouflage uniform was running through long green grass. He ran despite being tired as he had ran for 2 kilometres or so. He just ran until finally he reached his destination.

"We... we found him..." he shouted as he crouched down and held his knees.

Aliza who had been standing upside down on one finger glanced at him. She was wearing a white sweatpants and a white vest along with flip flops. Her hair was in the way of her vision but she was able to see clearly through the small space in between them.

"Who? Tupac?" She said as she stood on her legs. "I still believe that guy is hiding out in some second world country along with Michael Jackson."

The cadet took a deep breath before speaking. "Damien, you told me to keep an eye out for him and report immediately to you directly should we find him."

"That is true." She walked over to the cadet and patted him on his shoulders she smiled and showed her perfectly aligned teeth. "Well done cadet."

The cadet blushed and smiled back. "Thank... Thank you." he managed to stutter out as he foolishly touched the back of his head.

"Anyways clean this place up and go back to your station and tell everyone the mission is finished, I took care of it." Aliza said.

'Clean what up?' The cadet wondered. He turned around and could not see anything so he walked forward. A huge mountain of human corpses, lions and elephants stacked upon one another came into his sight.

"Da fuqq!"


"Just so you know, if you soil these Pampers within 3 hours, then your just gonna have to put up with it." I said as I held Thomas up. He laughed as he had been fed, had his nappies changed and well rested.

"Alright now i just need you to go back to sleep." I said as I pushed a small sleeping tablet into his mouth. I had made it myself and it was safe enough to not kill him.

I handed Thomas over to the babysitter that I had hired. She was a small petite girl with tattoos all over her body. I had hired her because she had just recently came out of prison and needed a job so I helped her out. Besides I had placed a nanobot tracker inside Thomas through process of ingestion in case she stole. You never know with these hoes.

"Alright, you can smoke weed in here but not to much of it, aight? I'm trying to keep clean." I left after making sure that everything was okay. I headed over to the second warehouse that I had managed to find after some digging around.

This warehouse was even bigger than the one I currently lived in. It had two floors and each floor was the size of a small supermarket.

Everything was set up and ready. All the speakers were placed in the corners, all the mirrors had been set up in a way to confuse whoever entered the warehouse, there were landmines planted on the floors and I also placed several weapons around the maze of mirrors.

I then set down on a wooden chair in the corner of the warehouse in the darkness awaiting for my prey to enter my trap.


Aliza was feeling completely better than she was before she had met Damien. His nerves of steel potions had done wonders for her. Unlike before when she had panic attacks, seizures and suffered from severe PTSD she was completely all better now.

She slept well and was able to think and act better. She had improved her life by strides and bounds and had even managed to turn her private military company that was slowly declining back around and this was all thanks to Damien.

She had come to thank him and buy the patent of the nerves of steel potions from him for a generous offer of 200 million dollars.

That is why she was surprised when she found herself trapped inside a warehouse surrounded by mirrors left, right and in front of her.

The door behind her closed instantly like in a horror movie. That was the only source of light and now it was gone.

"Damien, I know your in here. Come out... I want to have a business talk with you." There was only silence.

Aliza focused and enhanced her senses. She heard something flying through the air and several beeping sounds.

'Grenade!' Aliza quickly jumped forward and just as she did a bright light blinded her vision.

"Fuck! A flash grenade!" She shouted. Aliza took one more step when she heard a small clicking sound. She looked down and despite her sight still being messed up she knew that she had stepped on a landmine.

She heard another beeping sound and knew there was another flash grenade heading for her. She quickly jumped of the landmine before it could explode and closed her eyes and covered her ears.


A loud sonic blast pushed her several feet away. Her eyesight and hearing were completely messed up. But luckily for her at least her sense of smell was still working.

Aliza could only frown and shake her head once she smelt a foul odour in the air.

"A sonic grenade and now poison gas! You have really prepared for this." She said. Aliza covered her fist in Hyoksi and punched one of the mirrors. Instead of breaking she flew back several metres.

"I knew you would do that, that's why I covered all the mirror in Hyoksi!" A shout came from inside the warehouse. Aliza could not hear properly but she could hear someone was talking through the vibrations in the air.

Immediately the entire warehouse lit up with flashing lights as if it was some kind of underground rave club. The speakers were blaring at full volume playing heavy metal.

Aliza would have normally been shook by this. Someone had managed to take advantage of one of her weakest flaws. Her super enhanced senses. But Aliza was pumped on the nerves of steel potions. She had used so much of it she could be considered a potion addict which was why she did not panic.

She calmly analysed her surroundings through the pain and with her blurry vision she could see a path. She ran down the path avoiding all the flash bangs, sonic grenades, and regular grenades. She also held her breath and did not breathe in the poison gas.

Despite being able to avoid it she still suffered from the constant barrage of flashing lights and explosions. The fact that she was holding her breath was not helping either.

Aliza fell down to the floor and spat out some blood. Just because she was able to think calmly did not mean that she was not affected. She crawled forward and her hands touched a cold object. A sword.

Aliza smiled and picked up the sword before covering it with Hyoksi. She swung the sword at one of the mirrors and just as she did the sword exploded in her face.


FSSHHKKK! ( Sorry, dont know what glass breaking sounds like)

If it was not for her quick thinking she would not have been able to cover herself in Hyoksi. The damage done was not terrible but her entire arm was burnt. The skin was peeled of and blood squirted out and her bone was showing.

Aliza quickly stopped the bleeding by tightening her muscles.

"ENOUGH!" She shouted as she pulled out a small handgun which with a click of a button turned into a sniper. She charged the sniper with Hyoksi and let a beam of vicious Hyoksi rip through the air breaking all the mirrors in front of her.

"You didn't have to do that you know? I was going to resell these mirrors." Damien said as he stood up from his wooden chair and put his phone in his breast pocket.

Aliza gritted her teeth as veins popped out of her head.

"I came here peacefully yet you wage war on me. You'll pay for it." She angrily shouted as she charged her sniper once more.

"Bring it on, ya crazzy biatch!" Damien said as he took a martial arts stance. He had seen it in a porno movie and was just copying it.


Alright guys, next transformation will be showed next chapter.