Kill Dat Hoe (Finale)

Damien moved towards her. In Aliza's eyes it looked like he was moving slowly but truth be told he had actually appeared in front of her. He thrust his palm into her stomach like a spear however it did not go as he planned.

Aliza managed to catch his hand. Damien raised his other hand and thrust it once again this time however heading for her throat. Aliza flipped around and kicked Damien away creating some space.

It was a nasty habit of Aliza's. Creating distance any time she was in a terrible place. She had tried cutting it out but like an raging alcoholic she had failed. It was deeply ingrained in her body.

She felt the air current move around a bit to her side and she quickly threw a side kick. Damien jumped over her leg and grabbed it and rolled on the floor while still clinging to her foot.He quickly stood up and raised Aliza above him holding her by her leg and swung her around before throwing her. She crashed into a wall.

Aliza quickly regained focus and closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She focused carefully and then all of a sudden.


She caught Damien's spear like hand that was aimed at her heart. A deafening sound similar to a shockwave was heard for several kilometres outside. The wall behind Aliza crumbled and fell to the floor.


She caught Damien's other hand and moved her head back. She was readying a head butt. As soon as Damien saw Aliza he also moved his head back and readied a head butt. They both moved their heads forward and just as they were about to collide heads Damien jumped in the air and used her head as a stepping stone. He jumped into the air and reached the ceiling. He placed his legs on the ceiling and pushed of.

With tremendous speed that far exceeded what he should have been able to reach with the height he was falling from and his weight he crashed into Aliza head first.

The sudden crash momentarily dazed Aliza and once she had come back to her senses she was shocked. Damien's fist was inside her chest. He removed his fist slowly. In his blood soaked hand lay something that was important to Aliza.

It was her heart!

Her heart was slightly disfigured and still beating. Some veins were still connected to her body. Damien smashed the heart and Aliza fell down to the ground lifeless.

Damien breathed a sigh of relief and let his transformation be undone. He grew in size until he was back to his original self. His eyes regained colour and the cold, emotionless expressionless look in them disappeared and were replaced with Damiens usual fierce look.

He touched a single strand of his nappy hair and pulled on it until it reached his eye.

"Finally, She's dead. It's a shame I won't be paid by her for the potions but still I don't need her on my case every single week."


I quickly grabbed the dead body of Aliza and used a sword to cut her fingers of. It may seem like it was a terrible thing to do and it was but who knows when I might need her fingerprints for when I decided to steal her wealth. I also took out her eyes carefully and placed them in a clear polythene bag and fled the scene.

I quickly reached my home and paid the babysitter. I had been gone for less than 3 hours but I paid her for a full day. I then took a shower, packed my bags and left. I almost forgot about my meteor. Before I left I freed my ants.

I needed to leave the country. Killing Aliza was a mistake but I did not care. What's done was done and will never be reversed. Before I left I headed straight to the potion shop.

I quickly made a deal with the creepy lady and her weird son and sold the patent to my nerves of steel potion for 400 million. They did not have 400 million dollars but I made them the offer that they could pay me 2 million dollars per month until it was paid of.

It may seem like a lot but truth be told I was under selling it. If they could keep up with the demand then they could easily grow into one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies. They could make at the very least anywhere from 10 to 20 million a month.

I headed to the starship port. The starship port was huge. It was like a regular airport but 100 of times bigger. Cruise ships that floated through the air were standing in front of a giant magnetic circle that held them in place.

In this world that was several times larger than the sun and filled with terrifying creatures that could snatch an aeroplane out of the sky they had to find a way to travel safely.

This is where the sky ships came in. They could travel just slightly below the speed of light and not many horrors were able to attack it due to the incredible speed it traveled at. It traveled 170,000 kilometers above the ground and reached its destination within a matter of seconds.

I was planning to leave the country anyway so killing Aliza who would track me down first was just a bonus. I bought a ticket for me and Thomas for 200,000 dollars. This was the price of safety. A measly 200,000 dollars.

I went through the custom regulations and all that whatnot. I had safely stored Aliza's fingers and eyes in the pocket dimension pouch I carried. I had not noticed this before but there were several pockets on the pouch.

Only after the sky ship took of did I feel a sigh of relief. The inside of the sky ship was like that of a first class plane but more fancier. They had a pool, gym and even saunas. This was all just for looks as the sky ships arrived at there destination within minutes so it was pointless to use them unless you were the flash.

I held Thomas up and smiled at him. "We're going to the Lazarus door, you should be excited." I tickled his tummy and he giggled.

The Lazarus door was at the far edge of the human world. Once you enter it, you will find yourself in a completely different world. Not literally but at least that is what it felt like.

It was a jungle where the lion, tigers and even elephants were not the kings but just prey for the bigger predator.

If I told anyone where I was going people would think that I was crazy. They would think that I was suicidal but I knew better. I was headed there for a certain object and to meet certain people.

I was going there to fetch the world Serpents eggshells.


What up Biatch!