The war

"And I am standing live in Norway in the Scandinavian mountains where the mystical realms of Jotunheimar exist. I am reporting to you live the war that has been waged by the demons against the giants. The war has started 2 days ago when the demons invaded-" A reporter stood in front of a camera narrating the recent events that have been taking place in Jotunheimar.

Everyone was shocked by this sudden movements by the demons. They had not been expecting it at all. The demons despite being what people usually call evil were not a hostile race. They did not just invade countries. Especially Jotunheimar. The giants were there allies and they had attacked them out if the blue.

"No one knows what has brought this sudden change but if rumours are to be believed then this is due to the change in leadership. So far the rumour is ungrounded and has not been proven. If you look over this cliff then you will see the war that is still raging on."

The camera man pointed the camera towards the battlefield where hundreds of demons where pouncing on a single giant wrestling them to the ground and stabbing them over a hundred times.

The gruesome sight was bothersome and a lot of viewers were appalled at the sight but they could not turn their heads away. They wanted to see it and not miss out. This battlefield where demons and giants alike were dying faster than flies was nothing short of entertainment. It was like watching a hardcore underground fight with no rules at all.

Suddenly the camera man noticed a certain man. He wore the most extravagant black and red murim clothes possible and sat on a throne that had been erected on top of a giant. He wore a crown that was made of bones and studded with nothing less of the most excellent jewels.

His face was the definition of handsome ness. It was alluringly bewitching beauty that captivated everyone's attention even the men watching on their TV screens.

He turned his head and looked directly at the camera before his face cracked a devilishly handsome face. He had bright yellow eyes that sparkled with wonder. He had a titans shoulders that spoke of his spartan like strength, a defined cheekbone. He stood up from his chair and walked with a leonine authoritative manner with purpose.

All of a sudden he disappeared from his spot and appeared next to the cameraman. "Hello there human." He said. A voice that sounded like a mix of an asgardian man and a humble younger hunter came from his mouth.

The reporter and the cameraman were startled but not at the fact that he had just appeared out of nowhere but because of his beauty.

"Would you be so kind as to let me make an announcement?" Azriel asked. Both the reporter and cameraman nodded.

"Thank you. Had you said no then you would have not been breathing right now? It's a good think you agreed. I only asked out of courtesy." Azriel whispered. His smile did not disappear and a small twinkle in his eye shone. The reporter and the cameraman both gulped almost instantaneously.

Azriel stood before the camera and smiled widely. It was like he was trying to bewitch everything and everyone with his smile.

He cleared his throat and looked directly at the camera. His smile that had been planted on his face had just disappeared and the look on his face was now merely a glare filled with hate.

"Every single living organism will bow before me. Vampires, elfs, phoenix's, dragons, humans and even the rooster that wakes everyone in the morning. Humans, remember this. You are last on my list but I am definitely coming. Run if you want, hide if you can, cower in fear, stand before me it does not matter, you will all pay the price of living."

Azriel glared at the camera for a few seconds sending chills at everyone who was watching. He then smiled brightly and patted both the cameraman and reporter.

"SIRE!" A loud voice came from down below in the battlefield. Azriel looked over.

"The kamikaze squad has brought the dogs of war."

"Excellent, let them loose." Azriel said. Azriel called for the two man who were both standing a hands distance away. "Come, I have something to show you."

A giant portal opened and from it walked several creatures each 10 to 15 feet tall. They pulled chains that were connected to a giant metal cage. The metal cage was over 500 metres tall and inside it were four legged creatures similar to jaguar's each varying from light pink in colour to neon black. The had long spiney tails with spikes that ran in one direction. The most offsetting them about them the most was the fact that they had human teeth and grinned widely.

Some of them had chunks of their skins missing revealing their bones. There were over a hundred of them each the size of elephants. They had placed inside the cage in such a way that it seemed like a clown car.

The cage doors were opened and hell broke loose. The giggles of the creatures were similar to Hyenas and they all rushed forward. It was like they knew who they were supposed to attack.

They jumped on giants and tore the flesh of, biting and chewing on the meat with an insatiable hunger. Bones, muscles and blood. None of them was left alone.

The three thousand giants that had been blocking the entrance to the realm of Jotunheimar were no more. They had disappeared as if they had not even been there.

The giants who were capable crumbling mountains were no more. There were not even corpses that could be used for their burials.

A large horn was blown and every single demon regardless of what they were doing quickly ran into several militaristic lines. The ones that were flying immediately fell from the sky and got into their position along with the ones that had been trying to steal the loot dropped by the giants.

Even the four legged creatures immediately went back into their cages.

Azriel looked down from the cliff. He raised his hand and set a certain demon that had been a few seconds late on fire. The demon did it's best not to scream. It knew better. If it did not make any noise it would be spared but if it did... well you can guess.

The demon failed and was immediately burnt to a crisp.


"Did you say that nothing stands in your way demon?" A gruff voice asked. Azriel turned only to see a huge wooden club headed straight from him. Azriel placed his hands behind his back.

He did not bother dodging the club because he knew it would not hit him.

Just as expected the club did not hit him. Instead it broke and the giant holding the club stumbled backwards. It stumbled into 5 more giants behind it.

Before Azriel stood a giant man wearing heavy armour who was holding a giant spear. His face and body were all covered but one could tell that he had the same physique as a power lifter. The tip of the spear was pitch black compared to the rest of the spear which was dark blue. The spear was on the verge of breaking and looked more like a weapon that had been used for centuries. It was 7 metres tall, the same size as the owner.

"Endermoder." Azriel spoke. (Pronounced as end-der-metre)

"My lord, leave these ignorant fools to me. I will teach them a lesson and send them over to the other side." a timid voice that did not suit the figure came out.

"Hmmm, very well. I'll leave them to you. If you can take care of all of them in one thrust then I will gift you a new spear."

Endermoder nodded and smiled under his heavy armour. The then jumped of the cliff and towards the giants. A mini giant vs a giant. It was a match up that was a must watch.

Endermoder moved the spear from hand to hand and despite his huge size he moved pretty well for a big man. He moved in between the giants feets weaving through them like maze.

He dodged their clubs and back flipped several metres away creating a distance between them.

He then placed his spear in his right hand and grabbed its end with his left. He then threw it and let it fly through the air.


All 6 giants fell to the floor with a giant hole in their chests.

Azriel smiled and clapped for his subordinate.


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