The Aesir

Somewhere in the Scandinavian mountains a war raged on. Both giants and demons dropped to the floor dead faster than flies in a room filled with bug spray.

Thunder roared, electricity crackled, fire burnt down corpses and the screams of giants and demons alike that were burning to death filled the air. Landslides were a common occurrence. The ground was split in two and lava bubbled on the floor.

Despite the chaotic state of the battlefield two opponents stared flat each other. One was a giant that held a sword twice as big it's body and sat on a throne. He wore a crown made of leaves butin the middle had one giant diamond.

On the other side a man who was devilishly handsome thag it stirred something even in the enemies sat on a wooden chair that was tied on top of a horse and the horse was on top of a dwarf giant that was bound in shackles. Despite being being a dwarf giant he was still a giant so he reached heights of 70 metres.

Beside Azriel stood his squad that he had handpicked himself based on their fighting and strategic thinking capabilities.

"Ymir!" Azriel called out. "Are you going to watch and sat on your behind as your subjects rush to their death just to protect you? Or does though simply not giveth thy fuck?"

Ymir, the king of the giants looked down from his humongous throne. He looked around at all the corpses, the ruined kingdom, the houses that were on fire, the lava that poured down the streets and the civilians that charged towards their death. He then finally cast his gaze at the invader before him who was smiling.

He then closed his eyes for a while before standing up to reach heights of 300 metres or so. His sword was double that. With every step that he took the ground shook and the sound burst eardrums.

Ymir looked at his sword and then swung it without warning or hesitation. A strong wind current followed by a powerful shockwave sent all the demons fly back. It even sent the giant Azriel was riding on top of several metres away however that did not affect him as he simply jumped into the air.

He grew in size more and more until he reached the same size as Ymir. "I could have easily killed you with two words but I have to show my subordinates just how strong I am. I hope you don't mind me using you as a way to show my strength."


Ymir swung his giant sword without a word to which Azriel caught with his bare hands. The clouds in the sky parted and the ground split.

Azriel pulled the sword closer to him resulting in Ymir to also come closer. He then head but and then punched him in the face.

They both struggled trying to get the sword out of the hands of the other. They both swung their fists and hit each other. They did not seem to even be affected by the earth shaking blows.

In the end the sword flew a good distance away from the both of them. Azriel kicked Ymir in the calf and then punched him in the face.

He grabbed him by the neck and whispered in slow voice. "Stop breathing!" The look of shock on Ymir's face spoke words. He couldn't breathe at all.

Azriel sweeped Ymir of the ground. As Ymir almost hit the ground he caught himself from falling and socked Azriel strongly in the jaw. As powerful as the hit was it did not send Azriel flying however it managed to make him lose focus for a millisecond. That millisecond resulted in Ymir regaining his ability to breath.

Azriel held his hand above his head and a giant javelin materialized out of thin air. It was at this time that Ymir managed to regain his sword.

Azriel threw the Javelin and it streaked through the air flying close to mach 20. Ymir held his sword up and blocked it. The sword broke due to the strength of the javelin. Ymir skidded nearly a kilometre away.

As he looked up he saw another Javelin materialise in Azriel's hand. Azriel aimed and with the form of Hercules he threw the javelin at Ymir.

Ymir panicked. He knew he could not stop the javelin nor could he dodge. This hit would definitely land and kill him. Ymir raised both of his hands before his chest. If he was going to die he was not going to accept his death without a word.




The sound of thunder followed by heavy lightning filled the air. A giant hammer flew from the sky and knocked away the Javelin that almost killed Ymir.

Azriel watched in fascination as lightning,thunder, heavy rain, hail and fog filled the entire atmosphere. Azriel stood still and laughed inwardly before suddenly moving backwards. Just where he had been standing a powerful lightning bolt struck the ground.

Azriel's body decreased in size within a second and a giant set of demonic red wings grew out of his back.

He flew around the sky casually dodging lightning bolts at the very last second. Azriel stopped flying and flapped his wings once powerfully and all the fog that had been filling the air disappeared all of a sudden.

Besides Ymir was an old man with white hair, one eye and sat on a six legged horse with wings. Next to him stood a pot bellied redheaded man with tattoos all over his bodies and several other people.

Behind them where 17 beautiful woman wearing armour with 2 sets of wings and wielding swords.

Azriel raised his hands and the reporter and cameraman was moved from their spot far away and brought next to him.

"Wow! I never thought that the Aesir would come down to help the Jotnar that they so loathe! You even brought your pigeon winged valkyrie's with you. It's really touching that you would bring them all just to fight me despite killing the first 83 of them."

Azriel smirked as he noticed an electrical barrier surrounded the area all around him. "Thor, you know that your pathetic force fields will not work on me so why don't you stop and all of you charge at me. If you all are scared then how about you send your father to face me?"

The pot bellied redheaded man covered in tattoos looked at Azriel before levitating closer to him. "My father does not have time to waste fighting with crazy mortals like you."

"Doesn't look that way... the entire family, at least whatever of them is still alive is present. You call me a mortal but you not that you aesir and Olympians are mortals as well. You will all eventually die."

Thor charged forward and so did Azriel. They flew through the air and they both looked like they were about to clash but just as they were about to Azriel disappeared. Thor only met the cold air before coming to a stop and turning around.

"Brunhilde! Behind you!" He shouted. However it was too late. Azriel struck on of the valkyrie's with a backhand that sent her flying for who knows how far. "Step one, thin the herd!"

As Azriel hit hit her he was stabbed with swords and spears and hit with magical spells. He flew back and caught himself and noticed several of the valkyrie's charging at him from several directions.

Azriel disappeared from his spot and appeared behind the one eyed man known as Odin. A javelin materialised in his hand and he swung it.


2 sword clashed with his javelin protecting Odin. Two burly bald men wearing nothing but wolf skin to cover their nether regions were protecting Odin. He turned and his eye turned golden. Azriel closed his eyes and kicked Ofin in the face unsuccessfully. His kick was stopped by the two burly bald men however this was what he wanted. He reached for the neck of the two men and snapped them before throwing their bodies at Thor.
