Visiting father

I quickly studied the finance book. It all seemed to be in order. I counted the money and everything was order. There were not faults and there was nothing to complain about. I took some money and quickly left.

My butterfly wings grew on my back and I launched up from my spot and flew into the sky in the direction of Changa City. Before I left I decided to pop down and check on how Muvolik and the dumb lion were doing.

I watched from a distance as they fought with creatures. They struggled a lot but just for the few hours I had left they had improved significantly.

This had been my plan. The only way to improve significantly in a short amount of time was to fight in life or death battles. Of course there were other options such as training but they would not give the same results.

I flew through the air at a leisurely pace. The summer rays kissed my skin and the warm breeze flew into my body. I came to a stop after a while.

I looked around and admired the beautiful surroundings. Yes, it was a semi arid desert but but none the less it was still beautiful. Ever since I had come to this world I had being working, training or doing something and I had not used my time to observe my surroundings.

It was beautiful!

I had forgotten just how beautiful this world was. I had been so stuck in my ways that I could not enjoy the moment and appreciate where I was.

I then continued my journey at a leisurely pace.


Atlas, age 14.

Atlas sat on a chair in front a window. A small window that was not really special. On the other side of the window a door opened and a man walked in accompanied by a gaurd.

A clean shaven man with giant muscles and an orange jumpsuits. The man, Atlas's father noticed him and sat down on the chair on the other side.

He looked at Atlas for a while before slowly picking up the phone.

"Atlas, me son." His voice was emotional. It contained hints of pride and joy.

"What? Why are you speaking like that?" Atlas asked confused.

"I have an Irish cellmate. Let's start that again. Hello Atlas." Atlas's father smiled and showed him his bright white teeth as he did.

"Hello Father..." there was a small silence as the two looked at each other. "You look... pretty swole."

Atlas's father looked at his biceps and flexed them a bit before turning back. "Well... aside from reading books and fighting for my life in here, there really is not much to do here. You look swole yourself, Have you started going to the gym?"

"After I came out of boarding school I did. It makes me happy. Gives me joy... you know what I mean?"

Atlas's father tightened his grip on the phone. He wanted to smash it out of anger however he controlled it. He did not let his anger take over him. "You were in boarding school?"

"Yeah, I was in one in umm... Mombasa Kenya. It wasn't that bad. No bullies, no racism. Just the teachers with their canes."

Atlas's father nodded. "Besides that how are you? I haven't seen you in four years... now I know why."

"I'm doing well. I'm doing decently. So is Sam. He doesn't remember you much but still... he does miss you."

Emmanuel closed his eyes. He repressed the tears coming from his eyes with all his might and succeeded.

"Son, I have a really important question to ask you."

Atlas learned closer to the window and nodded. "Sure what is it."

Emmanuel hesitated for a second. "Currently I am facing a 15 year sentence of which I have completed 4 however I should be facing several life sentences... did you enter my workshop under the shed?"

"Yes, I did." Atlas replied without hesitation. "I got rid of all evidence. The guns, drugs, cash, counterfeit goods, all of them."

Emmanuel looked around. "I'm sorry about that son. I never wanted you to find it."

"Its Alright... I wiped all the fingerprints of and washed them down the river." Atlas was lying. He had not flushed them down the river. He had resold them on the dark web. His mother had found out and had sent him to boarding school overseas.

The two continued to chat until it was time to say their goodbyes. They talked about their lifes and the experiences they had gone through.

"What about Max? How is he?" Emmanuel asked.

"Max, he's not bad. Treats mom right."

"I don't care about that woman... how does he treat your brother and you?"

"Well... he tries to be a father to me. He tries to buy my love with gifts, money and presents. He trys hard but... I just don't like him. He's annoying."

Emmanuel laughed. He laughed at his son's words.

"Listen, if anything happens just come to me. I'll help you out. If you need help with homework, girls or anything in general just come to me. I am your father after all."


I had reached changa city. Changa city was definitely unique. While the city I had been in was more traditional Murim this city was more medieval.

The people wore tunics, the ground was made of cobblestone and the buildings were shabby but still looked comforting.

The hustle and bustle of people were no different from any other city. The people who saw me levitating in the air only looked once before continuing with their business. Overall the city was beautiful and a breath of fresh air.

I landed on the ground and walked around.

"Excuse me sir," A small frail child called out to me. He was skinny and frail to the point I could see his bones. "Could you please spare a single bronze knot so that I can buy some bread?"

I smiled at the kid and without marmalading my words or changing my tone I said. "No, fuck of."

