Next level

Damien watched the fight go on for a while. It ravaged on and on. The thousands of monkeys that had been fighting had been brought down to a few hundred however Muvolik and the dumb lion were reaching their limits.

No! They had already surpassed their limits by several fold and were still continuing to fight a countless amount of enemies that were capable of evolving and growing stronger in a fight.

"I guess I should save them." Damien said to himself. Immediately he started to fall from the sky. His speed continued to increase and with a giant-


His presence on the battlefield was noticed. Not just by the ones he had come to help but the ones who were to fight him.

Damien who had fell flat on his stomach immediately went on his knees while holding his stomach.

'Fuck, I wanted to do a superhero landing but I swallowed a fly and panicked.'

"Sect leader watch out." Muvolik called out.

Damien paid no mind and simply dusted the dirt of his clothes and as he turned around a wooden nunchuk collided with his face.

Hundreds of Flying kicks, punches, kicks and failed attempts at an RKO all took place with a matter of less than 5 seconds.

Damien smiled while getting hit and waved his hand. "Hello monkeys... it is your pleasure to met I. The grim reaper... no that was cringe... Your life warranty has run out... no that was also cringe" Damien frowned. "Ah Fuck it..."

Damien increased in size and instantly disappeared from his spot. Monkey after monkey started to drop to the floor.

They were either torn apart, had their neck broken or had a giant gaping hole formed in their chest. This all happened within less than 10 seconds.

Damien reappeared. Steam was coming of his body as he slowly shrunk and returned to his original body form.

"Damn, I seriously need to go to a chiropractor. My entire body is stiff." he muttered under his breath.

"Hooman! You left us here to die!" The dumb lion jumped at Damien and tried taking a bite of his body. However sadly for him it did not pan out as he thought it would.

Damien's fist collided with his face and sent him flying back a few metres. "I should have gotten a pitbull instead of a dumb lion like you." Damien said while smiling. "But still though, you two both did well, you didn't die so that's good. Anyways go back home and rest for the night, tomorrow you're both coming back up here."

"Hooman, I refuse to come back here. Only a madman would risk their life after almost dying." The lion shouted. He was seething with anger. He wanted to shred Damien into two however he knew it was pointless as he was not strong enough to do it.

"Well sadly you don't have a choice." Damien replied. "Now both of you leave before I decide you both spend the night. Take him with you." Damien pointed at Thomas who was sleeping peacefully.

Muvolik did not say a word, he only maintained his gaze with Damien. He then took Thomas and left the hill with the lion shouting curses and insults as it ran away. The insults and curses were creative and even Damien was surprised by them however he chose not to chase after him and put him in his place.

No! He had far more better and important things to do. He glanced at the carcasses of the imitate monkeys that littered the ground like trash at a dump.

Damien was extremely ecstatic. He was a borrower and that meant he could increase his strength from eating living objects. He already had the imitate monkey eyes however if he ate the remaining imitate monkeys that he killed his ability to copy people and techniques just by looking would definitely increase by several fold.

Damien could not wait. His joy was more boundless than any powerscaler could rate Goku's strength.


I let out a small burp and smiled as I sat under a boulder. I could feel it. I could feel the change in my body. The change in my Hyoksi. My Hyoksi was slighted bigger and a tinge bit more violent than before, however the biggest change I noticed was the change in my eyes.

My vision had increased. It was almost as if I could see in high definition. No, I could see in 4k squared.

Although the sun had set and the night had arrived and the darkness had set I could still see. My vision was unhindered by the darkness. I was taking night vision to the extreme.

After resting for a while I decided to head back home. As I was headed back home I came across a chiropractic clinic.

It was open so I decided to head in.

"Hello esteemed customer." Immediately as soon as I set foot into the clinic a woman so beautiful that her beauty could match that of the moon bowed before me. She had beautiful white skin that resembled cocaine and a slim petite figure. Her black hair was tied into a bun with a needle holding it together.

She wore a bright red cheongsam that had golden outlines. She wore tall black high heels. If I had to describe her in one word it would be perf- no... no one was perfect. I would say she was near perfect.

She had a soothing silky voice, the type that would make the sirens of the ocean jealous. The type of voice that could put one to sleep through a simple lullaby.

"..." Words could not form in my mouth as I was to stunned to speak. Only gasps and stutters left my mouth.

"What would esteemed customer like?" She glanced at me and smiled and had it not been for my sturdy legs I would have fallen to the ground.

"We offer a wide range of services from simple massages to acupuncture and musculoskeletal pain relief."


She's Cinderalla but Chinese. A 100 out of 10 on a scale.
