
I had been expecting a simple chiropractic session not bondage. At last the woman had done her job as the heavy feelings and cramps on my body had disappeared like dirt on someone's clothes in the ocean.

I increased the power of my laser until it was at its maximum. The woman took steps back however suddenly she pivoted on the spot and the energy turned with her. The energy came flying at me hitting me directly in the chest.

I flew back and cursed in pain. My entire body was burnt. It reminded me of rare steak. Luckily for me my healing took quick care of it.

My body spat out the stems of the needles that had been melted and healed my body.

"You are not going anywhere. You will stay here just like all the rest of them." She shouted.

"Bitch! I don't even know who you are. You don't know who I am and I want nothing to do with you." I lunged forward with my fists crackling with electricity.

I slammed into a wall of concrete that had rose up from the ground abruptly.

"That is why your here. We're supposed to have dinner and learn about each other." She waved her hands and the concrete wall turned into several snakes that wrapped themselves around my body.

I bulged my muscles and broke free.

"I don't want to know you. My dad told me not to stick my dick in crazy and I plan on listening to him." I shouted. I fired my lasers at her but just like before she redirected it at me.

However what she had not been expecting was for me to redirect the energy back at her. I had already seen her do it once before so it's fairly easy and simple.

The energy wave hit her body however instead of flying back she charged forward into the lasers. She emerged from the giant laser beam with parts of her skin burnt of.

"Don't call me crazy!" She shouted as she punched me in the face. Her fists had been too fast for me to see. I clenched my teeth and with all my strength returned the favour.

I socked her in the jaw and sent her flying this time unlike last time. While she was flying I closed the distance and struck her once again. She dodged midair and erected a forcefield around herself. I struck the forcefield and was hit by my own attack.

I panted as I lifted myself of the ground. This woman was dangerous, her ability to return my attack at me was a nuisance. My attack power was significantly greater than my defence so I had to tread carefully. If I attacked to much and she returned the damage then I would surely fall.

I quickly glanced around for anything to use before quickly rushing to the table filled with torture weapons. It was mostly filled with piercing weapons such as scalpels, knives and daggers.

"Catch these bitch!" I shouted as I tossed the scalpels one by one. The speed and strength I threw them at was just slightly below my full strength.

The lady was like a crossbreed of human, cat and monkey. Her flexibility and agility were like van's shoes. They were simply of the wall. She dodged and weaved the weapons with calculative precision.

Just one wrong move and she would be hit and yet despite that she did not get hit.

Only four sharp objects remained and I threw them at once aiming at her feet. She jumped into the air just as I had planned and I pointed a finger at her.

A beam of hot bright white energy flew out and hit her. It did not just hit her, it pierced her stomach and should have killed her immediately however I was not finished.

Like a rapper i made gun hand gestures I continued firing at her until finally her body was filled with holes.

She fell to the ground and I walked over to her body.

Suddenly the four corners of the room started to glow a bright blue light.


I closed my eyes and when I opened them I could not find her anywhere to be found. She had disappeared like a fart in the wind. Like urine in a river... like a cloud in the sky... like a... like a black athlete on their child.

"Ah fuck it!" I said. I couldn't think of anymore.

I sat down on a chair and let out a deep sigh. My body was aching and in pain and turmoil. It had been quite some time since that had happened.

I circulated my Hyoksi around my body and sped up the healing process. For some reason my healing factor had not been as powerful as it previously was.

It was probably due to her blocking my Hyoksi from moving around and staying stagnant for quite a while.

"Ahhh..." I winced in pain as I limped out of the building and flew back home.

"Sect leader, why are you naked?" an outer disciple asked me.

"My clothes were stolen while I was bathing at a river." I replied. I could have made a snarky reply however I did not. I was just too tired to do that.

"WHAT? UNACCEPTABLE! SECT LEADER PLEASE LET ME HANDLE THIS FOR YOU?" The girl shouted. She was a short ebony girl with a giant fluffy afro. She wore light armour that covered her entire body except for her arms.

"Yeah, sure whatever."

I ignored the glances of the other people and sat down on my bed.

"Ahhh... my back!" I shouted.


All of my joints, ligaments, muscles and bones were screeching. The pain I was in was unbearable and unsufferable. I quickly put on trousers and hurriedly rushed to the pharmacy.

I quickly headed to the backroom and started to work on a potion. Within minutes it was done and without trying it out I knew it was perfected because it had been made by me.

As soon as I drank it the pain numbed down and disappeared after a while.

"Sect leader," In walked in Mulk. He had a serious expression on his face.

"What is it?" I asked.

"We have received a Fo Forkula from the King of this nation."


Who can guess what a Fo Forkula is?