Greenhorn child

I stood in front of a giant brothel. Despite it being day time the amount of people entering it was not small by any means. Tens of people entered and exited.

I entered. The inside was different from outside. Dark Purple neon lights filled the hallway. I walked forward and sat down on a couch.

A woman walked towards me. She was an attractive woman who was well endowed in the right places.

"Hello there brother, do you want to play with Big sis for a while?" She asked.

Ayaaa! Did this woman not hear herself? This was not Alabama! I did have sisters before and even then the thought of me doing anything sexual to them would make me bang my head into a wall.

"I'm here to see a certain bird." I quietly replied. I was trying really hard to control myself. All of my muscles were tensed and the dragon of the netherworld was slowly rising into the sky.

The lady looked at me weirdly for a few seconds before smiling. I had told her the secret phrase to let her know that I was part of the Sabre Fangs.

"Which bird are you looking for?"

"A bird with wings that can fly but refuses to so in the end a cat eats it?"

"Oh... so you like birds that don't know what is good for them?"


"Are you sure?"

The woman jiggled her bosoms that were covered slightly with velvet bras. The bracelets on her hands shook for a while and her giant nose ring swayed a little.


The woman's face turned serious all of a sudden. She simply stood up and told me to follow her so I did. She led me upstairs to the highest room in the brothel.

She opened a door and sat down behind a chair.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk to me about, Sect Leader Damien?"

I smiled at her. I didn't think she would know who I was but I should have seen this coming. This was a giant criminal organisation with scouts who compile information. It was only naturally they did.

I sat down on the chair before the desk.

"You know what I want?"

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't... would you be so kind as to tell me what it is that you want?"

I let out a sigh.

"I need you to buzz of and leave us alone... of course, that is only if you value your life and those of your underlings."


Muriah, the leader of the Sabre Fangs looked at Damiens freckled face. She was trying to read his thoughts through his body language however she could not.

Since earlier, ever since he entered the brothel she had been watching him and judging him. The way he carried himself was not like that of a child.

Nor was it that of a man. It was that of a psychopath. He had been repressing his Hyoksi and from the little that slipped out she could tell he was a violent individual. She could also tell that he was arrogant and crazy.

"I don't think you understand how business works... Damien."

Muriah had said his name and yet there was still no response or change. Usually when someone called a Sect leader by their first name it was a sign of disrespect and it usually ended with them being killed.

Currently she was toeing the line and checking just how far away the shark was in the shallow water.

"You see, if you pay us a percentage of your profits, then we will make sure that you keep it. We will keep away all competitors and make sure that your business does not have interferences. The interference I talk about is thugs, competitors and even the government."

Damien raised his eyebrow.

'He's interested. He bit the bait.'

"The government? You will keep away the government from us? Before I call bullshit on that, tell me how you will do so."

Muriah smiled. "How do you think this war started?"

Damien frowned. He understood what Muriah was trying to say. She was saying that they were behind the war and the reason why it started, but still that did not make sense in Damien's eyes.

Almost as if she was reading Damiens mind she spoke.

"Of course we didn't start a small war just for some small profits. No, we... along with our associates are planning on making a huge profit. There are currently 250 emerald ranked criminals that we have broken out of prison and several Jade masters. We also have several other ways to keep the government of our backs besides releasing criminals."

Damien thought for a while. He glanced at the smiling face of Muriah before grabbing her by the back of her head and slamming her onto the table.


"OWWWW!" She shouted.

"Come on, how gullible do you think I am? No one in their right mind would admit to treason in front of someone they just met." Damien stood up and grabbed the woman by the neck and lifted her so high up the her toes were touching his knees.

"You see, you are a really terrible liar and sadly for you, you met the one person who has watched all 18 seasons of Smartest Criminals."

Muriah tapped his hand and he let go of her. She fell to the floor with a little oomph. Her breasts jiggled and Damien did not bother to avert his gaze as he was fully mesmerised.

"I don't think you would want to end up like Ovarko."

"Wait... now that I think about it you did use his password? What happened to him? He is incredibly loyal and would not give up information because of a little torture."

Damien was confused for a second. If that password was unique to one person then shouldn't she have not known that Ovarko had been captured.

"It's not what I did to him thar made him talk..... It's what I did to his wife and daughter."

Muriah's heart almost stopped beating as Damien rested his gaze on her. She could tell he was not lying. The cold apathetic tone of voice that contained hints of regret. The bored eyes that expressed no emotion and the small amoujt of Hyoksi that swirled around the room filled with animosity.

It made her feel like she was a flightless bird in the ocean and he was a gigantic monster that had not eaten for a while.

Truth be told Damien had not done anything to Ovarko's wife or daughter. It was these 2 actors that he found. He used runes on their face and bodies to resemble his wife and child. The same runes Muvolik had used to fake his injuries but on a greater scale. It wasn't cheap but it also wasn't expensive.

"This is a nice brothel you have." Damien said as he sat down on the chair. He released a sigh and placed his hand on the mahogany table before him.

"From now on I want you to pay me 1000 gold every month."

Muriah almost coughed blood when she heard this. He said it so casually and without a care as if he knew that it wasn't going to happen.

"I'm afraid that is impossible child." A loud voice rang through out the room. Damien looked around but could not pinpoint where the voice was coming from. The voice was coming from everywhere at once.

"And why is that disembodied voice?" Damien asked.

"Because I don't want to pay you a 1000 gold every month. 1000 gold, that is what a baron earns in a month from his taxes. I had no intention of paying you a single bronze knot so what makes you think that I will pay you 1000 gold a month?"

Damien resisted the urge to make a witty comeback. He simply pondered and scratched his cheeks before standing up. "Are you sure about that disembodied voice? Think carefully before you reply."

"I don't need to think, a greenhorn child like you who is wet behind the ears is threatening me? By the time I reached 5 years old I had reached the emerald rank and you were not even born. Your threats are nothing to write home about. If you do not want to give up a portion of the profits from your medicine shop then I'll just have to take it by force."

"For fucks sake, that was a really long lecture. You could have just said no." Damien stood up and walked up to the window before opening it.

"I'll just have to destroy this entire brothel along with everyone in it."

Damien jumped out of the window and flew high up into the sky. He gazed down on the lavish brothel. The building was an architectural wonder. It was a beautiful place. Windows on the top, balconies that connected to everywhere and even lampposts sticking out of the side of the building.

"It's a shame really." Damien said as his eyes glowed black.


