Guardian spirits.

"That is strange." I softly whispered to myself.

"What is?"

I had spoken softly and yet he had heard. What was strange was the fact that Thomas had a guardian spirit. His mother was a necromancer so he should have an ability related to death.

But having a guardian spirit?

I had not been expecting that all.

"Nothing." I replied as I unsheathed my blade. "But I will need you to unpossess that child."

I took a step forward and moved my head down as a gust of wind ruffled my hair.

"No can do. I am yo protect this child no matter what and you... you reek of ill intentions."

I smiled widely and winked.

"That's because I do have ill intentions." I moved to the right and a gust of wind more powerful than the last brushed past me.

"I suggest you let go of him. If you are his guardian spirit and it is your job to protect then you will fail."

Thomas lunged forward towards me and I swung my sword. Thomas being a small opponent was much more agile. He jumped on to my blade before running on it and attempting to kick me in the face.

I grabbed his small feet and flung him onto the wall. He spun while in the air and landed on the wall with both feet before rocketing of whole using the wall as a launching pad.

I felt a cold sensation coming from behind me so I jumped onto the ceiling. The spot where I had stood was completely destroyed. I could see the floors below it.

"And what makes you think that I will fail." Thomas asked.

"It's quite simple really and a very logical way of thinking. If hypothetically I punched you in the face then I would hit Thomas and that would mean you failed in your task to protect him." I continously moved from spot to spot that crumbled if i stood there for too long and occasionally dodging Thomas's attacks. "Do you think that you could stop me from landing a hit?"

"You're more than welcome to tr-"

"Let me rephrase," I quickly cut of Thomas. "Do you think that both of you will be able to stop me at all?"

The silence spoke for itself. Thomas who had gathered a huge amount of Hyoksi around his fists let it disperse into the air.

"Are you surprised that I know about the other invisible guy that keeps attacking me out of nowhere?" I asked in a mocking voice.

"I mean it really wasn't thar hard, I get attacked from a random direction so obviously that means there is another person here. Tell them they can show themselves."

"No." Thomas replied.

I let out a sigh before returning my sword back into its sheath. I hadn't even used it so it was pointless for me to have unsheathed it in the first place.

Within a fraction of a second I had appeared behind Thomas. From my point of view a few seconds had passed however from his point of view, he had not even noticed that I was gone from my spot.

I needed to hit Thomas just hard enough to make the spirit unpossess him. He was still a child and his body was still developing so if I hit him to hard it would lead to some serious health issues down the line.

I placed my hand on Thomas's head and let out an electrical current. It was strong nor was it powerful enough to do any damage. But it happened pretty fast.

Imagine an elephant had suddenly appeared beside you without you even noticing, instead of hitting you with all of its strength it decided to blow its trunk. It would startle you and shock you out of your mind and make your heart skip a beat. This was equivalent to that.

A shock. Quite literally.

Thomas's body started to let out steam. Slowly but surely I could see a white silhouette emerging from Thomas's body.

The figure was of a tall man with broad shoulders and blonde hair. His face was handsome and he wore light armour that was similar to those of samurai's. His blonde hair was tied into a man bun.

"Wow, definitely not what I had been expecting." I said.

A loud screech pierced the air. It was defeaning. It was almost as if a banshee was screaming directly in my face.

Before me across the room, stood a pale transparent woman. She wore a ragged dress and worn out slippers. She had beautiful red hair. That was the only thing about her that in my opinion looked attractive. She was hunching her back. Her posture, demeanour and even looks, all it did was remind me of a schizophrenic housewife who was on the edge of killing her family.

"I guess you're the one who was attacking me." I let out a smile and dashed forward at the samurai. I grabbed him by face and slammed him to the ground. At least that is what I tried to do.

Like a ghost, my hands slipped through his body. I turned around and saw a fist coming straight at my face.


I stumbled backwards as I had almost lost consciousness.

Was that a fist that hit me or a fucking lorry?

Why did it sound like a gun?


A sharp piercing pain seared through my body originating from my left kidney.


Now the pain originated from my right kidney. The samurai was fast. Faster than I had expected. He was fast as lightning. His fists covered in metal gloves moved with swiftness causing damage to me and returned back to his side before my mind had even even registered what was going on.



The pain did not stop. It continued. It spread like wildfire but every single time it came from somewhere else. My stomach. My lungs. My neck.





I could not take it anymore. The pain was unbearable. So I swung. My fists connected with the samurai's chest breaking a bit of his armour.

"How?" ge said with a bewildered expression on his face

"You need to become a physical object to hit me don't you. If I can't hit you normally, then I'll just trade blows with you when you hit me. Let's see who can last longer?"


I will be taking a dip into the supernatural.

As always, thanks for reading.