the brothel owner

as I was feeding Thomas, the ten-robed figures returned. they kneeled before me which pissed me off. I didn't like people kneeling to me. in my opinion, it was cringeier than when people refer to themselves as king or queen. I always felt like smacking them. "Sect leader, we have returned. we have found the location of the brothel owner you told us to find."

" well done," I said. " You have done well."

"Sect leader, you're too kind."

" please shut the fuck up and take the compliment. " I said w in an annoyed voice.

" where is he?"

" he is at the northern plains."

I headed outside and reached the courtyard. , my giant wings sprouted out of my back. I then flew north. . Thomas, who I was carrying in my right hand was g laughing and smiling like a madman.

I reached an open space where there was nothing but grass for a long distance. there was a man who stood in the middle of the pasture. I landed several metres in front of him.

"Foolish child. you came. your scouts were not good at hidfing their presence. I could have easily killed the, but I wanted them to notify you of my location so that you would come rushing to your death."

the man was ancient. he had long jet-black hair and a great white beard like Gandolf. his face was wrinkled but what drew my attention was his eyes. there was this gleam in it. like a youth who thought he could topple the world. it was surprising to me as that beam usually dulled with age however his eyes shone brightly.

I smiled at the man and let out a chuckle.

seeing me chuckle he frowned. " Why do you laugh? Do you knot feel the difference in power between us too?

"why am I laughing you ask? it's quite simple. you said that I was rushing to my death, but let me ask you what makes you think you can kill me. I love your stupidity. when you are dying. you will regret not taking care of my scouts." Yes, I was arrogant but why would I not be, I could slightly feel his Hyoksi. it was thick but soft. the texture of. one's hyoksi told one about their strength. he was powerful, but compared to me, he was weak.

within t a blink of an eye the old man's hand flew to a sword on his waist.

as if by instinct my wings covered my body. the old man had moved so fast that j lost track of him. had it not been for my wi gs living instinctual Thomas would have been stabbed and died.

" are you going to say that was cowardly? if you did not want me to attack the child, you should have not brought him out into the battlefield. My muscles tensed. That was close. he had almost died. Thomas laughed and clapped. did He not understand just how close he had been to death? even a lamb. knew when a wolf stood in front of it. ig would die. this child, dammit! he is fucking retarded

"OK then. since you signed your death warrant I hope you can follow through." I felt the Hyoksi in my body circulating. I stopped it and directed it to my feet.

Iuaedthe bull acceleration technique. With the explosive speed, I l was propelled d forward like a torpedo that had been fired from a submarine.

I saw the old man's mouth turn into a smile. he moved his head to the side and dodged my fist. I continued furiously attacking my speed, which was increasing with every punch I threw... "Your fast. like it." the old mN commented. " it has been a long time since I met someone who could come anywhere near my levels of speed. I attacked once more. However, this attack was different. I knew he would dodge it that was why as soon as he dodged it, I let out an electrical burst. it was not a strong one, but still, it did its job. The old man blinked. my fiat increased in size. my palms were the Size of Boulders. I ft a burst of Hyoksi coming from the old man's body. I paid no mind to it and continued with my attack. I don't know how to describe why I felt. At first, I thought I would feel his head exploding. However, it felt like I had punched a mountain of solid steel. I winced in pain. However, I did not close my eyes to blink. My eyes glowed black. at point-blank range. I incinerated him with full power or at least that was what I thought. The old man's hand grabbed me by the throat. " it's been some time since I met someone who could amuse me even a little bit.

", Likewise you old bastard." was what I wanted to say however since he was holding my throat tightly I could not.

I increased the size of my leg and kicked him in the stomach. his grip only tightened.

my tentacles sprouted out of my back

Seems like, I'm eating takoyaki tonight." the old man whispered.

I seriously wanted to say one thing. " What thefuck is a takoyaki?' All I knew was that it was some kind of Japanese food but that was it.

my h palms started sweating. I punched the old man in the face Nd then grinned. the reason I grinned was simple. it was because my hand was covered in poison and not sweat. strong paralysis poison

I then took a deep breath and absorbed Hyoksi from the surrounding area. I passed it through my hyklure. That was what I decided to call the organ in my body that produced electricity. I converted the Hyoksi into electricity. my wings unfolded. I then threw Thomas high up into the air.

just then I let out the strongest electrical blast I had ever let out I coated my forehead in Hyoksi and head but the old man. his head was slightly dented as he had also covered his forehead in hyoksi however it did not protect him fully.

the old man threw me several metres away from him. I saw him charge at me. I was struck several times. my heart,hyklure, stomach, lungs, kidney, and even brain wad in so much pain.

"how do you like my pantom palm of pain?" The old man Sked.

It'ss pretty cool. thank,s for letting me see it." I replied. I used the bull acceleration to cover the 30 meter distance between us within a millisecond. I then struck the old man with my palm on his stomach, thigh, left shoulder, and then, finally, his heart.

the old man groaned and then coughed out blood."Oh no." I said. " looks like you have the incurable cough of death. or maybe it's because I

The old man was weakened, and I needed to use this opportunity. " Impossible." The old man shouted my phantom palm of pain. how did you do it, I created it myself. there is no other human who even knows of its existence. how did you perform it?"

"My t the samurai spirit had caught Thomas and was standing some distance away from me while glaring at me.

"It's quite simple. it's because I have the fucking Sharingan mate." I said in the most British accent possible. I then picked him up with my tentacles. "I hope you like takoyaki," I said.

" I'm sorry," I shouted out into the air. I had to apologise to the cringe demon otherwise he would kill me for saying something that cringy. I then took Thomas from the guardian spirit and flew back home but this time instead of giant demonic wings I flew back using the beautiful fairy wings.