52: Impetuous Nature

Having left Umeko alone in the storeroom without an explanation, Tsukiyomi stumbles into the grand hall as the wooden door shuts behind him. 

Turning right, he clutches the stone wall's door frame; fighting to regain his composure, cerulean eyes flicker red before returning to their mesmerizing, platinum blue.

Yawning with a deep, overhead stretch of clasped hands, he pops the entire length of his spine.

Joints release their tension by crackling throughout his shoulders, hips, and neck as he rolls them loose.

Shivering excitedly, Tsukiyomi takes a deep, satisfied breath before exhaling a serene sigh. Strutting diagonally right across the hall, his optimistic step leads him to his study. 

Crossing the threshold as the door swings open into the room, his robes transform into blood red and black lined silk; with a gold, flying serpent across the back whose tail ends above the hem between the backs of his thighs, naked legs and bare feet glide across the room. 

The roaring heat from crackling flames illuminate his stone dragons while forest green marble floors glitter under the orbs' light with every dancing shadow. Reaching his welcoming chair, dull nails grow into almond shaped claws as he grasps the armrests.

Being guided to the desired position of his workspace, the pearlescent lord snaps his fingers.

A piece of paper floats from a neat pile of shelved stacks off the closest bookcase to land on the table in front of him. Grabbing a bamboo pen from its clay holder, the lid of a small, copper pot rises before he dips the pointed tip into black ink. 

His attention rises to the door when Mizuki enters without knocking. On her sultry, hip swaying approach, "Why have you imposed yourself?" his blue gaze examines her. 

Growing closer to the other side of his table without a word, he places the pen in its upright holder and watches her sashay to him.

Sitting up straight with his chin pointed up ever so slightly, ivory hands fold on the table as he stares at her past his nose.

Walking along his desk with mauve claws harmlessly grazing glossy, dark wood, she utters distastefully, "I wanted to catch you while Sanemaru teaches your whore a lesson."

Smirking cockily, her eyes narrow when Tsukiyomi's cool voice washes over her, "Your words are unwise." 

Rising so swiftly to his feet that the chair slides back into the tapestry with a muted THWACK when it collides with buffered stone, her powerful master plants his hands on the table. Challenging her brazenly foolish behavior with a blank stare, "By my hand, they could be your last."

Ignoring his display of power, fearless of the solid mass of a man, Mizuki places her hands flat on the table. Facing him head on and slowly creeping closer, "The only thing I know to be unwise, Tsukiyomi," snarling his name, "Is you."

Arrogantly holding her face just close enough for their noses to brush, she demands in a lustful, purring whisper, "I came for Lord Ryu." 

In an instant he snatched neck and had her back pinned to the table's surface with formidable fingers cupping her throat. 

Brushes, pens and scrolls are thrown to the floor with a crash as he wipes the table mostly clean with her body; marble floors stutter by the unbalanced weight of their bodies shoving its four wooden, dragon's claw legs askew. 

Half climbing on top of the table's shorter side with his right knee, remaining menacingly in her face, sharp nails elongate dangerously close to puncturing the most superficial layer of her sensitive, peachy flesh. 

Mizuki's face contorts into helplessness as she whimpers, having fully digested the danger she has mistakenly placed herself in. Instinctively striking with a half-transformed, furry bear's claw in an attempt to escape his wrath, an instantly scaled forearm merely sparks off his protected skin. 

Thrashing against the table with her legs hinged off and dangling over the floor, the sudden heat from Tsukiyomi's icy, empty tone caresses the shell of her ear before the words sink to freeze her blood, "Ryu is under my will."

Pulling back in time to witness horror filling her motionless, violet eyes, the curvaceous woman's face goes pale as she stops fighting. 

Receding his claws to firmly take a hold of the delicate neck trapped in his predatory grasp, he watches her plump bottom lip slide between her teeth at the increased contact.

Examining the way her eyebrows bunch before violet eyes flutter shut as his grip slowly tightens, her thighs tremble; writhing on the table to stroke his left, anchoring leg with her own, he only continues his torturous taunt. 

Feeling the heavy throb of her pulse as it beats against his thumb on the right side of her throat and his index and middle finger as it wraps around the left, his stare remains dead. 

Frantically tugging his sleeve down until she can only grab at hot, muscular flesh, she cups his pearlescent forearm with both of her mortal-form's hands; tears trickle down the outside corners of Mizuki's eyes as her cheeks darken.

Managing a wiggle of her left leg on the inside of his straight, support leg onto the floor. 

Grinding against his statuesque body as he remains still, she juts her ample bosom against his arm until her dress rustles open and falls down her shoulders; erect nipples point through slinky silk as it struggles to hang onto the buttery flesh cradling him. 

Shaking his head when the scent of her arousal reaches his nose, he releases her with an amused chuckle.

Letting her go without a word, he smooths out his robe while walking back around to his workspace and waits for his chair to meet his bottom as he sits. 

Razor sharp claws melodically tap the right armrest one after the other as his sight never leaves her gasping form; shamefully collecting herself to sit upright on the glossy surface with her dangling ankles crossed, she turns on the wood until its edge stops her calf and every glance at him is cast from over her shoulder. 

Pouting at the expressionless man as she raises her shoulder to connect with her chin, his voice gives her chills, "You risk interfering with my plans, kuma (bear)."

A hungry gaze wanders from her face down every ample curve of her lusciously draped body through half-lidded eyes, "Impatience leads to illogical paths." 

Leering at the thin purple, wrap-tie dress hiked up a thick thigh, he follows the overlapping layer until it spreads apart at the largest swell of her generous cleavage; iridescent lips twitch upon the sight of Mizuki's rump blocking his sight from the glossy, wooden grain.

Opening her fan in her left hand to conceal the lower half of her face, "Why did you trick me?" a tang of disappointment drips from her tongue.

Standing smoothly, his chair backs up only a little, "Hn." A scrutinizing gaze remains fixed on her, "Even as you laid there, tricked," ivory digits trail along his side of the table until he rounds the corner to tease her knee, "Your blood flowed harder."

Swaying close to nudge her knees apart with his hips, he teases her ear with warm breath as his hands encompass the vulnerable bends of her smooth skin, "And you grew hotter."

Quivering as he stands between her thighs, she looks at him as a prisoner facing their executioner.

Abandoning her right knee to take a hold of her face in his large hand, the possessed pearlescent man inspects flushing cheeks while pushing her right thigh away from him using his left hand.

Arching her back with an aroused gasp, his hand strokes up her thigh until his thumb teases the underside of her hem against peachy, goose bumped skin. Running his right thumb along satiny lips as he keeps her chin ensnared, "Could this Tsukiyomi unleash pure torture," he glances at her eyes individually. 

Brushing his cheek past hers to nip her earlobe, in a musing taunt, "And still draw out passionate cries for more?" 

The humiliating question captures a moaning whimper in her throat.

Platinum blue eyes burn red with primordial fire when he pulls back enough to stare at the shadow conforming to the cleavage of her bountiful chest, "Could I do the most vile," he skims his host's mortal teeth over the crook of her neck.

Caressing along her jaw and down her neck, the edge of her left shoulder melts under his sweltering touch, "And gruesome things." 

Dragging the point of his nose across her cheek to breathe in her scent, "To you." 

Locking violet eyes into a hellish trance, Ryu hisses against the dewy, mauve flesh of her painted lips without granting their lips permission to touch, "For you." 

Suddenly wrapping his right hand firmly around her left upper arm to hold her in place, he gropes her right, filling glute in his left hand, "Inside of you."

Bringing her pillowy body to mold against his sturdy physique as she gaspingly moans, he groans lustfully into the crook of her neck, "And still be begged to dominate you?" 

Gliding his firm hand along the outside of her clothed hip until ivory skin connects with her buttery thigh, she thinks of an answer.

Iridescently watermelon lips teasingly hovers their way along the surrendering edges of her clavicle while she remains silent. 

Grazing her sweet flesh with every syllable, "I can feel the desire overflowing from your heart, Mizuki."

Sliding nimble fingers up her belly, his intrusive hand parts her gently heaving breasts and loose gown until his hot palm rests against her naked sternum, "You agonize over this body."

Rising higher to hold the base of her throat, "And the ways you'd keep it to yourself," she whimpers out a defeated sigh.

Grinding his hardening mass into her inner thigh as he nestles deeper, "Showering it with praise and affection," the edge of the table disrupts him from thoroughly molesting her groin, "As if that could control." 

Nipping breathily along the side of her neck as she tilts her head away from him, an insidious excitement rings in his reserved whisper, "The feelings of its true owner." 

Whisking teeth gently over Mizuki's flesh, tormenting her mind while inspecting her body, "It's a good thing." 

Relaxing into his despicable clutches, she closes her eyes and sinks into the pleasure flooding her senses.

"You don't care how long it takes," kneading over her thighs before stroking them roughly, "To manipulate someone into loving the you that is a stranger to herself."

Frowning when she processes the harshness of his words as they enter her ears, he barks before she has the chance to argue with things she knows deep in her heart to be true. 

Abruptly stepping back, abandoning the darkness between her thighs, he grabs her knees to pin them shut, "Know your place, woman."

Tearing her away from the selfish fantasies of every spontaneous, mysterious way he will set her flesh ablaze, she swallows hard at Ryu's blistering intensity, "Had I been the true Tsukiyomi."

Cupping the backs of her knees to rip her thighs open, "You may have lost your life for such insolence."

Delighted by her lack of undergarments, he hastily fills the void with his body as he pulls her against him. Wrapping her legs around him to hook her ankles into his butt, Ryu buries his growing, clothed muscle into her bare petals-- stealing a moaning gasp. 

Firmly wrapping his fingers around her upper arms and examining her through ruby irises, in a tender whisper, "Or have you forgotten the embodiment of his divine justice?" 

With her breasts being smooshed against his refined chest, adamant fingers slide up the back of her neck; petting up the bound hair leading to her bun, he soon cradles her occipital. Staring into wanton, violet eyes as she submits to him, "I could not have entered him, had there been no darkness in this mortal heart." 

Grabbing her hand, he withdraws just enough to hold her hand in place against his silk-covered heart. 

"Now," releasing her without warning, he casually walks away. 

Confused and despondent, she witnesses him simply return to his chair, "Do you understand the value of obedience?" 

Sitting comfortably in his chair, it magically glides forward; stopping with the tops of his knees just outside the shadow of the table's edge, Mizuki yelps when one of her dangling ankles rises in the air.

Being spun around on the table, she falls back from the momentum.

Dragged across the table to her insatiable lord, "And my need for you." 

She props herself up on her arms to look at him after his telepathic stronghold releases her, the purple gown having left her shoulders entirely. Slipping further down, teasing his hungry eyes with bountiful bowls of milk, the tiniest sliver of pink areola teases Ryu. 

Mizuki's butt sits at the edge of the table with her shins brushing the outside of his knees. Legs open with the left flap of her dress hiding half of her thigh and blooming orchid, the other flap leaves her right thigh bare. 

Attentive digits on his right hand cup and knead up her left thigh, nudging up the hem of her dress while he massages his way closer to her core, "To only act when I say?" 

Ryu pushes forward until the sensitive flesh of her mound feels cool air teasing her ripening fruit.

His touch combusts a shiver through her nerves and she nods with closed eyes after placing a hand on top of his.

Swatting it away, her eyes open in time to watch her legs be lifted against her will until the backs of her thighs rest on his shoulders; driven to her back with a shriek from the blink-of-an-eye action, the muscles of her calves flex against his silk covered back. 

Gritting her teeth to calm an overwhelming ardor, every breath draws her closer to a core that quivers open in front of every possessive whim of Ryu's foul mouth. Cusping where her thighs join her butt against the table's edge, "If you grab me," he supports her butt with tenderly kneading fingers. 

"I will bind your limbs," rolling his tongue along the inner crook of her right thigh between suspenseful words as her sighs become quiet moans. Kissing a wet trail from the right side of her groin over the left, avoiding her labia, "And ravage you mercilessly," she rakes her teeth over her bottom lip while grasping one of her breasts through her dress. 

Lapping along the left crook of her groin between words, "In the soldiers' den as they watch."

Gasping, Ryu's frightening promise pairs with the sharp edges of his teeth as he nips over supple, outer lips anxious to find warmth, "Then hand you over." 

Nudging her fuzzy peach apart with a prodding tongue between wet, suctioning kisses along her slit, "And watch them stretch you apart." 

Sighing blissfully at his ministrations with her eyes closed, a smirk crosses his lips when she covers her face with the crook of her arm. Enjoying the futile arm shielding the desires of her heart from his eyes, "Stuffing you until you faint."

Ryu blows along her slit before sliding his tongue deep within her pulsing entrance, coaxing a moaning gasp from his prey before she lifts her head to look at him. 

Stifling a jittering groan past gritted teeth at the sudden intrusion, he takes his time pumping around the rim of her magmas core with his tongue. Thrusting and twisting deep with languid strokes, slurping up her mead with every retreating blow, his more shallow strokes fight a restrictive gate.

Refusing to be denied admittance, he buries his face into the radiating warmth of her pit until he draws out an endlessly erotic mewl. Kissing, sucking and greedily quenching his thirst on every drop of dew from the deepest ridge, a focused gaze hones in on her emerging pearl as it glistens in his saliva.

Snarling into her writhing body as she bucks and heels his back, urging him to devour her, Ryu takes the scenic route through bubblegum ribbons with savage lips prepared to seize her royal gem. 

Trapping his head between vice-like thighs, her back arches and collapses repeatedly with an echoing, unrestrained moan when he molests her squeezable booty. Guiding wide hips where he wants them, Ryu sucks her button in sync with her heartbeat.

Tiny patters of the tip of his tongue lash at its thin hood until it's been drawn completely from its shell. Rocking her lower body against his monstrously insatiable tongue until her clam is fully engorged with blood, velvety pink fruit beckons to be split open and juiced dry by his thorough admiration. 

Clutching her butt to jiggle her cheeks while spreading them apart, he guides her to every perfect angle to ensure his calculated plan ends successfully; dragging his tongue from circling the outside of her gooey center to shuck her budding pearl, alternating pressures and speeds become his secret weapon as his lips encircle her. 

Overfilling her hands with her own breasts, Mizuki traps her silk-adorned nipples between pinching fingers. 

Moaning coos escape as she bucks and rocks, helplessly grinding into his avid, primal nature; faced with how utterly powerless she lies in his dastardly grip, Mizuki whines with a jittering gush when his host's thumb circles her entrance.

Exploring a pulsating geyser with the intent of witnessing an eruption, he remains determined by never relinquishing her from his mouth. 

Lapping and slurping up and down her slit as a curious thumb prods deeper, Mizuki's eyebrows bunch. Struggling to breathe through a racy gasp, cool air flows into her mouth between gritted, fanged teeth when she reaches for his ponytail.

Aching to fill her hands with any part of him, she refrains upon remembrance of his wicked plan should she fail to obey. 

Growling quietly into moist flesh, he tears through her honeycomb in search for gold before taking a break to nip along the crook of her groin. Palming slick folds as his thumb circles and prods her clenching gate, his energetic mouth plants wet kisses to mark its trail back to her clit. 

Tingles infect her lower body with each slow and delicate lick; moaning louder, gyrating when his masterfully timed tongue suddenly fills her spasming tunnel alongside his thumb, Mizuki's body explodes.

Sensitive curves become convinced that she's being consumed by the very heat of his lava, and part of her wants there to be nothing left in the end. Licking his lips with a satisfied, "Mm," he frees his head from her thighs and she discovers the air is now holding her in place. 

Patting her dripping pussy repeatedly, driving jolts up her spine until they flee her lips in moaning gasps, he groans delightedly, "Knowing what I know," Ryu wipes his face dry with his free hand. 

Bullying sensitive, slippery folds with abusive fingers, "I was sure you'd enjoy such guilt-free gluttony."

Guiding her with his power, he sits her up on the table's edge as her legs lower to a naturally hinged position; observing Mizuki's lusty gaze undressing his statuesque features, he raises his right ankle to rest on his left knee. 

Pitching a tent in his lap under the red and black robe, flickering violet eyes beg for more. Finding the arms of his chair with her feet, he cocks his head back against the chair's cushion.

Smirking as he listens to her drunken tone, "Your Highness," rosy cheeks darken as her breaths steady, "I desire to be filled by only you." 

Rock hard nipples work hard to keep her gown from falling to her waist as her chest heaves.

"Mmm," cupping her ankles, "I wish I could say you flatter me, young Mizuki," he escorts her feet up his thighs as the wooden chair crawls forward by his will. Nudging the shaft of his rigid muscle between the bottoms of her feet, "But this isn't my unparalleled beauty." 

With a toothy grin, he traps his bulge between her feet, "And lofty endowment."

Kneading and caressing her feet and ankles, Ryu controls the increasing pressure and friction as he guides them along his silk laden dick. 

Raking teeth over her bottom lip, thrill crawls up Mizuki's calves through heat waves when he begins to throb against the soles of her feet, "Were you not beautiful, my lord?" 

Mizuki's knees dip toward each other and he dismissively waves a hand, "Oh," his voice deepens to a vibration that makes her melt, "I was handsome."

Stroking her calves until her toes curl and thighs threaten to shut, he runs his tongue along his bottom lip, "Completely different."

Working his way to squeeze the back of her ankle and heel, tactile hands slide fingers between little toes painted lavender.

Kneading her muscles loose, a joyful reminiscence fills the mountain lord's face, "Thick, dark hair that rested against barbarian abs," he raises the pampered foot to plant feathery kisses along its arch.

"Flawless bronze skin and a jaw strong enough to break blades and cut stone," his cheek brushes her ankle to end in tender kisses."

Using his free hand to grab a handful of his mighty staff, "But this peachy, chitsu-slayer," he grins raunchily with a nod, "Was like getting reacquainted with 'lil' Quxum (keh-shem)." 

Ryu chortles before calling her body to float to him; glancing around in anticipation, her legs remain bent apart as she lowers from mid-air into his lap with her butt resting on his knees.

Learning her legs will remain draped over the armrests in this position, "If this is the only meat flute you want at your party. . ."

Filling curled fingertips with spit, he slathers down her pearl with no fold of skin left unturned, "How would you feel about another singer?" 

Twisting his hand to nudge her needy nub, two dull, saliva-coated wiggle their way deep into her oozing core.

Massaging her insides with curling and uncurling fingers, he soon focuses on defeating her g-spot.

Single-handedly, the renegade dragon reminds her that she hasn't stood a chance against him since the moment she first gave in.