The 3. day before the Apocalypse


John wakes up slowly at 8:00 he has not slept much because he wakes up again and again an old habit from his last life. He slowly gets up goes to the bathroom takes a shower and brushes his teeth, then he goes downstairs to the kitchen and makes himself a peanut bread and scrambled eggs and bacon. John is now 1.65 tall, has a slight build, as well as smooth skin. After breakfast, he starts moving towards the door, where he sees his packages, the fitness equipment just arriving. He quickly helps unloading signed the delivery and now begins to transform the basement into a small gym. He finishes setting up at 11 a.m. and immediately begins a full hour of strength-based training. John is not very muscular that had changed in the apocalypse and now he can change that earlier by working out. It is now 12:30 and John sets off in his VW to the city. Once there, he first looks for a VW dealership. John gets out of his car and enters the store directly comes a salesman with a greedy look at him.

"Good day sir I am Galle and your responsible dealer what can I do for you? Maybe a new car!"

Galle sees John's car and hopes to squeeze a lot of money out of John.

John, after his long experience in the apocalypse, notices sleazy guys when he sees them.

"I'm John I didn't like to take up much time at all, please make me an offer on my car and find me a double decker bus".

Galle takes the key and looks at the car, it is in pretty good shape.

"So I've looked at the car it seems to be in pretty good condition yet it has quite a few miles on it, I could offer you 10,000 for the car or I could sell you the bus for 15,000 less so instead of 55,000 you pay 45,000 so you save more."

John realizes that his wagon is worth more than 15,000 and that he could get more out of it, but he doesn't have time to bargain and thus makes the greedy bile happy.

"15,000 discount on the bus I will gladly accept I will now look around town and come back in 2 hours then the bus should be here ready to pick up!"

"I will take care of that myself and look forward to seeing you again."

his greasy smile disappears from his face and he gets to work.

John now walks about 30min to the gun store in the city there arrived he enters the store


The store owner wakes up from his sleep visibly annoyed.

"What is it oh"

he looks up and sees John standing in front of him, before he can say anything to get out of the predicament John replies

"Good afternoon I would like to have some cold weapons."

John would like to have cold weapons since firearms are only issued to the police officers and the army.

"I can help you with that, I'll give you the catalog".

John searches the catalog and sees some interesting stuff, katana, machetes, batons, value knife, lock... he thinks about his time in the apocalypse. Soft weapons like katanas were useful only if you wield them properly otherwise they break, since he never learned the way of the katana this weapon falls away. After much deliberation he decides on 2 machetes, 2 axes, 10 knives, 2 bows as well as 100 arrows and 2 quivers. John pays for the goods and says he will pick them up in 1 hour. With his account overdrawn, he makes his way back to the dealership.

Once there the bus is ready John gets the keys and then takes the bus to the gun store where he loads his guns and heads back.

On the way back he thinks

"I have enough now I have a car which I will modify tomorrow, hopefully all the packages have arrived, if not I can steal things after the apocalypse, although if the owner is a zombie, it is not stealing, I do it for humanity."

Since he was alone most of the time in the apocalypse he doesn't trust people anymore, except for his best friend Godwin with whom he lived 5 years in the apocalypse. John also has no family left to save, his and Godwin's family died in a shipwreck. Since then he has been living in his parents' house.

Arriving back at the house at 5:00 p.m., John prepares a protein-packed meal in the kitchen and then begins his evening training, which now includes running around the house, because one of the most important points in the apocalypse is running.John knew that although he was reborn he could not prevent the apocalypse, he met in his last life briefly a soldier who told him that the zombie virus was probably due to a rain in the capital on the people who have then twisted quite quickly, one first assumed an epidemic but when one knew that people become cannibals it was too late. That means the day I was reborn is the day when the rain in the capital was much.

At 20:00 he finishes his training and starts to load the weapons from the car as well as the packages into the garden.

"Now that I have everything, I can only hope that Godwin will come tomorrow.

John goes to bed with an excited face and falls asleep after such an exhausting day.