Chapter Three


"Oh? Started the party without us, did you Jade?" the Asian man teased his associate, gesturing at the blood still covering her hand.

"Shut up Lee," she hissed and went back to licking her hand. "It's not my fault you guys were late."

"And who was it that was supposed to open the warp gate as soon as she found their hideout?" he retorted amusedly.

She simply stuck her tongue out at him playfully and returned to cleaning her hand.

"And why are you cleaning it anyway? You're still gonna get it dirty again."

"No I'm not. There's no way I'm doing a hunt in this form."

The cultists stood and watched the two of them bickering like long time friends in various states of shock and confusion. Only very few of them had recognized the action of the first girl, Jade as teleportation magic. Byron in particular understood perfectly what had happened here. The girl must have set herself up as bait and used the Trojan horse strategy to infiltrate their hideout, bringing her friends with her as well. From the moment they had appeared, he had had an inkling as to whom they were. But the last words of the girl had practically confirmed his growing fear.

"Y-you're the Hunters?"

That got the bickering duo to pause and Jade smiled widely at him.

"See? You do know who I am! Well more like who we are...."

The rest of her statement was lost to him as he felt the worst fear he had ever felt. It was all over now. They were going to kill him and destroy every thing he had ever achieved in his life. And he knew there was nothing that could stop them. Certainly not him with how much more powerful they were compared to him. To do anything, he needed power.


That was it! The way out of all this was power! He did not have enough on his own, but there was another way...

"Who the hell are the Hunters? Who are you guys?" one of the new initiates snarked rudely. He, like some of the initiates, had recovered somewhat from the defective concoction and was leaning on another member to stand. The older woman who was helping him stand broke momentarily out of her fear induced shock to glare furiously at him as if to tell him to shut his mouth. She had obviously been in this group for a long time, long enough that she recognized the people before her and the danger their presence represented.

Lee raised an eyebrow at the questioner in a surprised manner. 

"You seriously haven't heard of us?"

"Oh yeah that guy, he's one of the new intakes. I don't suppose they've been entirely made aware of the supernatural world." Jade explained.

"New intakes?" the other girl perked up visibly at that statement and turned to the one on the other side of Lee. "Michael, do we have to kill them as well?"

The now named Michael turned to the girl, his eyes becoming far softer when he spoke to her. "I'm sorry but they knew what they were getting into. If we leave them alone, they're just going to hurt innocent people. And you know we can't let that happen."

The girl merely sighed, as if she had already expected this answer. "Fine. Let's just get this over with."

"Finally!" Jade huffed. "Now I don't know about you guys but I have a movie to catch so can we at least hurry this up?"

"Do what you want to do." Michael said in a neutral tone. "But try not too make a mess. Olivia's squeamish enough as it is."

Lee chuckled lightly, "Yeah, try telling her that."

Where Jade once was, stood a giant three foot tall, six foot long wolf that was covered in dark brown fur. Said wolf was currently eviscerating a nearby cultist, its muzzle and front paws covered in the blood of the dying man. The transformation and attack had happened so suddenly that no one had been able to react in time. It was over for the man when the wolf pulled back from his ripped open torso, his heart caught in its maw. The bloody organ pulsed twice sending blood squirting onto the floor before the creature swallowed it whole and turned its gaze to Michael.

'You were saying?' Jade's amused voice responded telepathically in his head.

Apparently they all heard her statement as well if Lee's laugh and Olivia's smile was anything to go by. Michael merely shook his head lightly at her antics and turned to Olivia.

She smiled at him, albeit a bit sadly. "It's fine. Besides this way they'll die faster."

Faced with her agreement, Michael stepped back and let his team do as they wished. The three of them went down on one knee and placed a single hand on the floor. Thick black smoke drifted from their bodies, covering them in columns of smoke which hid their forms entirely.

When the smoke cleared, three more giant wolves stood before them. One of them was a light brown color, another white while the last one was pitch black. The first wolf came to stand with them and together they growled loudly at the terrified cultists. Then they attacked.

It was an absolute slaughter. The cultists, while aware of the supernatural, did not possess knowledge of any powerful spells they could have used in this situation. The few that knew some incantations tried pointlessly to help themselves. One woman managed to live long enough to cast a wide wave of fire which she sent out towards the wolves. The beasts simply stood and watched the attack approach until it engulfed them. 

A few moments later, the wolves trotted lightly out of the raging inferno, their furs not giving of even a faint smoke trail. It took two more people attacking with a similar spell before the remaining cultists came to a startling discovery: the wolves could not be damaged with elemental attacks that weak. Aside their insane durability, the creatures were fast and absurdly strong, being able to remove entire limbs in a single bite. There was no escaping death from the hands of these wolves.

Anton, the one with the Reality Displacement magic has been frozen with fear at the massacre happening before him. It was when the disembodied head of a cultist rolled to his feet that he regained his senses. In a mad dash he ran to the side of Byron who had been observing the whole scene for some time now. 

"Master! What do we do?! There going to kill everyone!."

"Anton, you've never killed someone before, have you?"

Anton stared at him in confusion, "What are you talking about..."

His question trailed off when he saw the manic look in his master's eyes. With astonishing speed, Byron grabbed the boy's wrist and used the silver knife on the altar to cut him open. Blood spurted all over the altar and into the emptied bowl. The binding pain made Anton scream and push away from the older man. Having gotten what he wanted, Byron let him stumble back without a care for the look of betrayal on the young man's face.

Taking hold of the collars of his robe, he tore it apart revealing a sturdy form not befitting someone of his age. He had not intended to do this ritual now. He still had not accumulated enough power but the current circumstances had forced his hand. The price would surely be steep but he would pay it nevertheless, for the honor of his Master. Gripping the knife in his right hand, he used it to carve a bloody pentagram on his chest. Reciting in an unknown language, he called on as much magical energy as he could muster. By the time he stopped chanting, he felt it begin. A bubbling darkness surging forth from within his very being, consuming and twisting his existence.

'Slave, why have you summoned me now? You do not have enough power to retain my being in this realm!'

The deep growling voice of his Master resounded in his mind as its foul energy began to take hold of his conscience.

"My lord, I-I didn't have a choice! The Hunters, they're here! They'll destroy everything!"

'Hmmm, that is terrible news indeed. But it won't change the fact that I still cannot fully manifest here.'

"I-I thought of that, my lord. That is why I am ready to offer up my soul to you. Use it to fuel your entry and deal with these wretched beasts!"

'A soul? Yes....a soul will do quite nicely.... Prepare to die, servant...'

"Anything for you my lo-"

Byron's body stiffened and spasmed uncontrollably until he fell backwards. His eyes bulged out and darkness creeped in from the corners of his eyes until they were both pitch black. Meanwhile, the wolves had finished slaughtering every member of the cult and were now watching the possession taking place on the altar.

Suddenly Byron stopped shaking and slowly stood up. His entire demeanor had changed into something far more ominous. Black veins were visible all over his hands, chest and face. His eyes had turned black, devoid of their pupils and when he spoke, his mouth was filled with razor sharp teeth.

"How annoying. To be summoned by this failed sorcerer to fight an already useless battle."

The wolves began circling him slowly, their hackles raised as they growled and snarled at the possessed man. He didn't pay them any mind though. Rather he focused his gaze on Michael who had yet to move an inch since his arrival.

"You have been standing there all this while. Have you nothing to say? You are standing before Saraces, one of the Demon Lords of Hell. Will you not show respect, mortal?"

At his words Michael raised an eyebrow, "Oh, so you're one of the Lords? I was wondering if this hunt was actually worth it."

"Insolent child! How dare you?!" Saraces roared and pointed his hand at Michael. A dark orb of magic formed and shot forward at him at high speeds. The young man simply closed his eyes and held out his own hand. When the magic orb was a few feet away from his palm, it suddenly disappeared as if it was never there at all.

When Michael reopened his eyes, his pupils were the color of light gray smoke. "Know your place, demon."

Saraces took a step back in shock as his face scrunched up in rage. "Impossible! You have his magic! Then that means.... Damn you William! Show your face, you bastard! Quit hiding behind a puny mortal body and face me like a man!"

Michael felt something stir within him. His soul's inhabitant had taken offense at the demon's words and offered him to switch out with him. For a moment, Michael considered doing so. After all, this was a Demon Lord and they were not exactly known to be weak.

In the end, he decided to remain in control. He would not have to go all out here. He was a Hunter first and foremost, and this demon, Lord or not, was still his prey.

"Every one, stand down," he ordered. "He's mine."

The other wolves backed away without hesitation, a testament to how much they respected him. Saraces eyed the Hunter as he stepped forward warily. He knew he was at a handicap, having not been summoned with his true body and having to use the sorcerer's weak one. But he still had his pride and it urged him to destroy the brat for his disrespect.

Raising a hand in the air, Saraces summoned a large ball of fire and sent it towards the Hunter. Michael just continued his walk, the fireball vanishing before it could reach him. The demon snarled angrily and conjured a black flaming magic circle in the air. With a frustrated shout, he sent out a stream of black flames towards Michael. 

The young man's eyes narrowed dangerously as he watched the fire completely obliterate the floor on its path towards him.

'He's using Hellfire? In an enclosed area? Michael thought as he stopped his approach and watched the fire coming at him.

Up at the altar, Saraces grinned wickedly at the sight of the Hunter stopping in his tracks.

"That's right, you fool! Ever since the last time we fought, I've devoted my time to finding a perfect counter for your magic. You can't erase a spell if the power fueling it is greater than yours, can you? These flames are powered by the infinite power of souls consumed by Hell! 

"You've lost and you know it! Admit defeat and maybe I'll only torture your soul for a few thousand years."

The flames were only some meters away when Michael's lips curled in a mocking smirk. 

"And what makes you think I was never aware of that fact?"

"What are you talking about?"

Michael did not answer, instead he asked his hand outwards toward the oncoming wave of black flames. Saraces frowned when he saw the human's smirk and his brow furrowed even more when he felt the amount of magical energy being concentrated in the Hunter's hand. It was so absurdly high that the fabric of reality around the hand had become unstable.

'What is he planning to do?'

Just before the flames reached him, Michael let out a small laugh of derision. "Such ignorance..."

The wave surged onto him and he thrust out his hand. The black flames immediately froze in the air then with the sound of passing wind, they disappeared instantly. Everywhere turned dead silent until Saraces screamed in fury.


A hand clutched at his throat and he felt his vocal cords cease to exist. Looking down, Saraces saw that Michael had disappeared from where he had been standing.

"I've really gotten sick of your voice," Michael whispered beside him before throwing out a kick that sent the demon crashing through the solid stone altar. 

Saraces felt his body slam painfully on the ground and grit his interlocking teeth to avoid biting his tongue. Before he could get up, Michael put a foot down on his chest to pin him down. Then he he reached down and took hold of the demon's arms and proceeded to rip them off his body.

Dead gray eyes stared into inhumane black ones for several moments before Michael placed a hand on Saraces' chest. 

"Return from whence you came, demon, and never walk this realm again," he prayed and sent a pulse of magic through his body, instantly erasing his heart.

"That's what you think, bastard," Saraces spoke telepathically directly to his mind as the black veins began to disappear from his face. "I'll always have my followers and eventually I will return. And when I do..."

The darkness in Byron's eyes dissipated as Michael felt the last vestiges of Saraces' presence fade away.

'I will destroy you once and for all...'

Silence descended on the hall like a heavy blanket. Michael kept his eyes on the still body before him until he decided there was nothing more to it. He turned around to catch the final moments of his team transforming back to humans. Fading wisps of smoke drifted around them, rising into the air and disappearing after a few seconds. 

Jade stretched her arms in a languid manner, a sigh escaping her lips, "Ugh, I hate hunting sorcerers. Weak little rats they are, always calling the big boys when shit hits the fan."

Dean, the stoic member of the team, turned to Michael, speaking for the first time since he arrived.

"I didn't know you could erase Hellfire."

The surprise was hard to detect in his voice but it was there all the same, alongside some curiosity shared by the others. After all their leader had just did something they had no idea was possible.

"That's because I can't. Nothing can negate Hellfire. I just erased the reality around the flames so it ceased to exist." Michael clarified.

Olivia looked at him thoughtfully for a moment, "That means it went there, right?"

"Yeah," he answered her. "I'll take care of it later."

"We better leave," Lee spoke from from where he knelt beside Anton's body. "The owner of this dimension just died. The place is gonna collapse soon."

They looked around them and sure enough the walls had begun to develop large cracks in them. Through these cracks, an endless void could be seen giving of an all encompassing sense of destruction not unlike a black hole.

"Jade, get us out of here."

"You got it boss."