Book 6 chapter 10

Book 6 chapter 10


(Zee Viotti.

Race, Human, Common. 

Fragment development stage. Plus seventy percent potency. 

Class, Spirit Sorcerous, Peak E rank, fifty percent potency to foundation. This class's rarity is dependent on the rarity of your spirit companion.

Spirit companion, Peak E rank, Rarity, Transcendent. 


Ember of Compression.

Ember of Ebb and Flow.

Spirit, E, plus one hundred and thirty-five percent potency.

Body, E, plus one hundred and twenty percent potency. 

Mind, E, Plus one hundred and thirty five percent potency. 

Soul, E, Plus one hundred and thirty five percent potency. 

Skills, E, plus eighty percent potency. 


The bloody hunt. 

Boon of the blood drunk gorger. 

Boon of despair.

The heart of flame.

Dimensional thief.

Burning wrath. 

Crypt mistress.

Other Worldly Champion. 

Inner world, formation stage. 


Summoner, Juggernaut, Peak E grade, fifty-five percent proficiency. 

Spirit Echo, Peak E grade fifty-two percent proficiency. 

Spatial Ripple, Peak E grade, sixty-one percent proficiency. 

Reality Slash, Peak E grade, sixty-one percent proficiency.

Summoner, Spectral, Peak E grade, forty nine percent proficiency. 

Gravity Well, Middle E grade, eighty-one percent proficiency towards peak mastery. 


Heart of Fire, E.

Avatar of Dominion, E.

Mantle, E)

Zee opened her eyes, a smile tugging at her lips. Her body went through the wringer, but the payoff was more than expected. 

Her skills were all about halfway to the D grade, with her Gravity Well skill falling a bit behind. 

Nothing unexpected there. That was her most recent skill, acquired upon reaching peak E grade. Considering the skill started at early mastery, it was coming along quickly.

What really drew her attention was the fact that her inner world was now in the formation stage. 

She wasn't sure exactly what that meant, but it was certainly better than it being in a fractured state. The benefits of her evolved inner world didn't show themselves on her status, but she could feel it. Her Well was like a deep pond now, full of mental energy, and her soul was sturdier than ever. 

Just as exciting was the new boon she got for successfully evolving her inner world.

(Other Worldly Champion. Trap a tiny speck of the cosmos inside your body. Plus fifteen percent potency to Foundation)

It was a top tier boon, amplifying every aspect of her power by fifteen percent. That was crazy! Combined with the other benefits from evolving the inner world itself, her power had taken a huge leap forward. 

She couldn't wait to test her new limits. 

Her inner world was much more stable now than when that storm raged inside. She was both excited and wary. She could feel it. The power that radiated off the lake of flames or the abyss star was in a league above the storm.

Her inner world was awash with immense waves of spatial and spiritual energy that she could draw out. The only problem was, doing so in the E grade would wreak havoc on her body. That was a scary amount of power for someone in her grade. 

Letting out a tired sigh, she collapsed back into her bed. She was happy everything turned out ok, but her body was a mess yet again. After her breakthrough, she was going to be stuck in this stupid bed for a couple more days. 

As if to intrude on her dower thoughts, here was an extremely faint ripple of spatial energy right beside her bed. Curious, she turned, cocking her head at the empty space. There was nothing there, and yet, she could swear she had just sensed something.

"Sensed that, did you?" came a familiar voice.

"Grandpa?" Zee asked, sitting up..

In the next moment, Julian simply appeared as if he had always been there. He gave her a half smile, casually resting his left hand on the pommel of his sword.

"Could you be bothered to use a door?" Zee asked.

Julian snorted in amusement. 

"What's the point of having vast cosmic power if I don't use it?" Julian asked.

"It's an invasion of privacy. I could have been changing," Zee replied.

"That is why I scanned the room before gating in," Julian said, rolling his eyes.

"I thought warships in the fleet had protections against that sort of thing?" Zee asked.

Julian smiled, running a callused hand through his short, straw blond hair.

"I helped design the defenses, so I know a loophole to get past them," Julian said. 

"You are just full of surprises, aren't you," Zee said.

Julian laughed.

"I could say the same about you, kiddo. Your aura is a bit unstable after your breakthrough, but your presence is something else. If I didn't know any better, I would think you are in the D grade," Julian said.

She grinned.

"Do you want to see it?" Zee asked.

He grinned. "Of course I do," Julian said.

Walking over, he placed a hand on her forehead. 

Zee felt his consciousness press against hers; and she let him in. With far greater ease than before, she guided him in.

They both appeared on the small island next to Zul's tower, the sloshing waves of blue flames lighting up their surroundings. 

Julian's soul projection let out a soft whistle as he eyed the orb of darkness high in the sky. 

"Using gravity to compress space, and then have it orbit a lake of spiritual energy to balance them both out. That is quite interesting... Mixing the concepts of soul and time into the orb of spatial energy in the sky is going to cause problems. You will need to separate them, and create something to represent each of you want to keep progressing," Julian said. 

"Any ideas on how I can do that?" Zee asked, hopefully.

Julian shrugged.

"I have a few ideas, but nothing concrete. There are occasionally extremely rare treasures that are born in the endless storm. If you found one based on the concept of the soul, or time, it would be of huge benefit to you," Julian said.

"How rare are they? What's the likelihood I actually find one?" Zee asked.

"Well, I have heard of a couple of them being found in the last five hundred years," Julian said casually. 

Her eyes widened.

"Why would you even tell me about them if they are that stupidly rare?" Zee asked.

He shrugged. "It doesn't hurt to keep your eyes open," Julian said.

She gave him a sidelong glance. "Did you participate in the battle for the Orren shipyard?" Zee asked, in a change of subject.

He tugged at the collar of his black robes.

"Sendredie and I are not allowed to fight because it will reveal our presence to the enemy," Julian said, a devious smile tugging at his lips.

He had obviously ignored that order. More curiously, it appeared the mad witch was with him.

Zee wasn't sure what Julian's secret mission behind enemy lines was, but it was a relief to hear that he had backup. The mad witch might be insane, but she was incredibly powerful. 

"So, what really brings you here grandpa? surely it wasn't just to check on me after my breakthrough?" Zee said.

Julian gave her a tight-lipped smile. 

"This is where we part ways... My strike group and I will depart through the wormhole network in the Orren star system. I will reroute the wormhole, which will destabilize and make the network unusable for a while. It will be a one-way ticket to deep behind enemy lines. I probably won't be back for a few years at the least," Julian said.

"A suicide mission?" Zee asked, alarmed. 

"No. It will be extremely dangerous, but I have every intention of returning," Julian said with confidence in his voice..

Wincing at the pain wracking her body, Zee stumbled out of her bed, and, much to his surprise, wrapped him in a hug. It was an awkward hug, given he was wearing a sheathed sword, but she didn't care.

"You better come back in one piece, grandpa. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if I had to come and save you?" Zee asked. 

Julian laughed, returning her hug with a crushing embrace of his own. 

"We can't have that, can we? I don't think I would ever live that down," Julian said.

He held her at arms reach, his hands on her shoulders, looking right into her light purple eyes. 

"Watch yourself, Kiddo. The upcoming years are going to be rough. Do not let down your guard, especially in the endless storm. That place is extremely dangerous," Julian warned. 

"I'm aware grandpa, and don't worry, I won't throw my life away. I have every intention of staying alive and getting stronger until I can beat you up. It won't be long now," Zee said.

Julian chuckled, shaking his head.

"Keep dreaming kiddo," Julian said.

After that, they made idle small talk, catching up before Julian left. And just like before, she sensed a faint ripple in space as he vanished.

Zee stared at the spot he had stood moments ago with concern in her heart.

They had their differences, but it was still good to see him. She swayed on her feet. After only a few minutes of standing, her legs trembled, and she leaned on the wall for support. 

She should probably get back in bed.

Just as she had that thought, the door swung open and Taylor walked in.

"How are you feeling?" Taylor asked in a disapproving tone.

"Much better," Zee said, doing her best to hide the fact her legs were shaking.

He gave Zee a disapproving stare, gripping his clipboard like he was preparing to strike. 

"You know, if you keep abusing your body like this, we are going to have to set aside a permanent bed for you," Taylor said.

"You're funny… It's not like I wanted to come back here," Zee grumbled.

Taylor smacked his clipboard with the back of his hand. 

"Let's not make this a habit. Now, sit on the bed, and pull up your sleeve. I need to administer your medicine," Taylor ordered. 

"What? Not again? What is it with you and stabbing me with needles?" Zee asked unhappily. 

"Perhaps you should consider that before overdoing things," Taylor said. 

She winced at his rebuke, taking a seat on the edge of her bed, and rolling up her sleeve. 

Swabbing her shoulder with a pungent cloth, he stabbed her in the shoulder, injecting a verdant liquid into her arm.

"Remind me again why you can't just use your skills to heal me?" Zee asked, rolling her recently stabbed shoulder. 

Taylor pointed his clipboard at her, adopting a lecturing tone. 

"Most of your injuries are because you have channeled way too much energy through your body. Using my skills to heal you would only exacerbate the problem. It would be like giving an alcoholic more booze to fix his failing liver," Taylor said.

"I think I see your point," Zee grumbled.

He smiled. 

"That's good. I'll let Bastion know you are awake," Taylor said.

Zee watched the man, eying his back thoughtfully as he left. Taylor's aura was still tinged with corruption, but it was much less so then when they first met. It spoke to just how dedicated he was to improving himself. 

The time, money, and discomfort one had to endure to purge that much taint from your body was no small feat. Her face scrunched up. After her recent breakthrough, she would have to endure a few uncomfortable medicinal baths of her own.

Having toxins pulled from your body was never a pleasant experience. The fact Taylor had come this far, and still had a few more years of suffering to go to cleanse his aura, spoke to his determination.

Taylor stepped out into the hallway, and Bastion entered shortly after.

The dark skin of handsome face was marked by worry lines as he approached her lying on the bed.

"How did it go?" Bastion asked.

She beamed at him.

"It was a smashing success. No sweat," Zee replied, as if it were a casual stroll in the park.

Bastion turned to Dern, who was casually sitting on the edge of the bed in his compact form.

Dern sighed in their minds.

"She is lying through her teeth. This lunatic almost got us killed. Don't suppose you would be willing to take us in? Kur Zul and I are looking for a new host?" Dern asked.

Zee gave him a hurt look.

"It worked out, didn't it?" Zee asked.

Dern pointed his comically small glaive up at her accusingly.

"You went too far. If you don't want us to leave, Zul and I are demanding recompense for the stress you put on us," Dern said.

Bastion burst out laughing. 

"That's a good one, Dern. With that kind of leverage, you could ask for time off as well," Bastion suggested. 

Dern perked up.

"That's a great idea, Bass." He turned back to Zee. "Zul and I are demanding suitable compensation and time off to do whatever we want," Dern replied.

Zee glared over at Bastion, who was grinning ear to ear. "What did he offer you to side with him?" Zee asked with narrowed eyes.

"Nothing," Bastion said, with an innocent smile. 

Zee massaged her temples. Even her boyfriend was siding with those rebellious spirits.

"Fine. Dern you win, what do you two want?" Zee asked. 

Dern's wide grin flashed in her mind.

"Nothing much. Just two months to do whatever we want, with full access to your spatial storage," Dern said.

"As long as you two don't go into restricted areas of the ship and don't break any rules, I can agree to that," Zee conceded.

"It's a deal then," Dern said, and Zul agreed. 

Zee wasn't opposed to giving Zul and Dern a vacation. They were not slaves who she could just order around.

They might reside inside her body, but they were separate entities with thoughts, passions, and goals of their own. 

Having been disowned, stripped of his power, and banished to death in the Null, Dern was like a leaf on the wind.

When his guard was down, and his thoughts wandered, she got a sense that he was on the fence about what to do with his life. 

There were some members of his clan he wanted to reconnect with, but he was hesitant after the unpleasant reaction Fess Cal, and the other Ashary had.

Kur Zul was more of a wildcard. His goals were much harder to pin down. The ghostly apparition acted like a subservient butler who didn't speak most of the time. Zee didn't buy the act, though.

That scheming ghost was usually up to no good, his every action carefully thought out.

Their first meeting, not to mention the time he tried to possess her, left a lasting impression. A few years of his feigning being an obedient butler couldn't erase that. 

Still, In a time of crisis when fighting the bone lord they had come to an arrangement. Kur Zul wanted a body, and the freedom to do as he wished.

And since Zee didn't want to give him her body, they compromised. When she ranked up to mid E grade she selected a second summon skill. 

Even years later, she was still leery of the ghost, but her decision had actually turned out for the best. The ghost had lied through his teeth about being a healer, but his curses were useful in their own right.

Copichilating to their demands shouldn't cost too much. A few ritual and array components at most. Giving them two months off was no trouble either. They were stuck aboard The Fist for the next few months, so she didn't really need them hanging around.

It would have been nice to have someone to talk to in the infirmary, but she had promised.

After a few days confined to her bed in the infirmary, she was released to resume her duties. She went back to training with her squad. Many of them had sustained grievous injuries in the battle of Orren, but none were lost.

The same couldn't be said about Steel squad. That team had lost almost half of their members in the assault.. It was a harsh reminder of the realities of war.

Having left a small force to guard the shipyard until reinforcements arrived from the empire, the battle group continued their mission.

They still had three blood gorger outposts to destroy and needed to get there before the news reached them. Some of her squad was hopeful, but Zee had her doubts they would be so lucky.

News of the crushing defeat of the Orren shipyard would doubtless reach the outposts before the battle group arrived, so it was bound to be a bloody affair. 

And if they were not ready, it would be her team's blood spilled. With only two months until they reached the first outpost, Zee pushed her squad hard.

They had their first taste of war and approached the training with a much more serious heir. Watching someone be blown apart had that effect on you. 

Time seemed to pass in a blur of training, and nightly cultivation. With the flood of spatial energy assaulting her each night, she was making shocking progress when it came to opening her inner gates. 

Opening five gates in two months at her grade was a frightening pace. Only ten more and she would have opened all sixty. With a lot of fighting in her future, the D grade was approaching far quicker then she thought it would. 

Adding layers to her fragment was coming along a-swell. By the time she opened all sixty gates, and her skills reached a hundred percent mastery, she would hopefully be ready for the next step. 

Developing her fragment to a shard was the last requirement to rank up to the D grade. 

Forming a shard was a long monotonous task, where she added one layer after another to her fragment. It wasn't all that hard, just tedious, and time consuming.

She was using a method created by her clan. It was a good method, though it was unique or anything. 

The process itself wasn't what kept her up at night. No, that was what came later. Upon reaching middle D grade and trying to form a core, her newly formed core would have to withstand heavenly wrath. If she didn't form her shard properly, her core would shatter under the pressure.

More than once, she had been jarred awake at night when remembering that boundless wrath.

She had also been worried about the living book.

After her first time being dragged into a dream with Raina, and seeing the child's emaciated body, she had been trying to help.

The problem was that Zee had no control of when those dreams would come or how long the dreams would last. Raina was no help in figuring it out either.

Zee had only been back inside the dreamscape twice more, and had very little information to show for it. The kid had been alone for a long time, and was unable to affect the dream, or the outside world. 

On the bright side, each time she visited, Raina looked a little less emaciated. She was looking healthier by the month. 

Whether that was because she always gave Raina food, or because she gave Raina energy through their blood contract, was hard to say. 

Strangely, when she gave Raina food in the dream, it would be missing when she came back to consciousness. 

How did that make sense? 

It was mind fuckery of the highest order. Asking Peralla or Elvot only made them look at her like she was going nuts. 

After all, how could a kid in her dreams take things? Trying to explain the kid was trapped In her book made them give her pitying looks.

And since the living book couldn't or wouldn't communicate with her, getting people to believe her was at a dead end. 

She therefore decided to just keep her mouth shut, until she had tangible evidence.