The mystery of the lost book, solved

"Um, Charlie, I was wondering....if you know, like- Can you p-please put this book in the middle? I actually forgot mine-"

His words were interrupted when he heard a loud thud. Willow was already nervous and the sudden slam made him jump in his seat, startled.

Before he could even finish speaking, Charlie had thrown the book on his desk. Was he that annoyed? Hah, what should he do? How was he going to make this guy, who obviously thinks of him as an eyesore, fall for him?

Without regard for anything else, he went back to sleeping on the desk ad not even Ms. Wells' icy glare could make him move one bit. Willow felt a little happy thinking that now, even this male lead will see that there are people who can reprimand him, but his happiness soon turned to disappointment when she didn't say anything and just continued with her lesson.

"Since all of us aren't geniuses who can get the perfect score effortlessly, let's continue with the lesson. You got a book, right, Mr. Astor? Please start from paragraph 2 on page number 47."

W-what were you saying, teacher? Didn't you see the way he slammed his book? Now, you expect him to use this cursed object and earn the annoyance of the male lead?

Still, since Charlie was already very annoyed with him little more wouldn't make a difference anyway, he just decided to go with it.

"The revolution in France stated..."

After about 30 minutes, the bell for recess rang.

The book in hand felt like it suddenly weighed a million tons. Oh god, why did he lose his book today?

Willow couldn't help but shudder when he remembered the way Charlie slammed the book, obviously pissed off.

Trembling, he quickly slid the book towards the other side and blurted out, "T-thank you very much!"

Without wasting a single second, he grabbed his bag and ran out of the classroom. Willow ran the whole way, only somewhat slowing down near the school gate.

He buried his burning face in his hands and took hitched breaths, face red from running.

"Young Master, you're here?" The driver asked, surprised. The bell had just rung and it usually took the siblings around 10 to 15 minutes to reach the car afterward. "-Where is the young lady?"

"Hah-" Willow panted, "..S-she'll be here in a second.."

As if on cue, Adelia opened the door before entering, her eyes on her phone. She glanced at him for a second but didn't say anything. Her smile looked a little suspicious as she beamed, "Oh, by the way, your history book is in my bag. Here-"

She fished out his book and winked knowingly, glee evident in her eyes.

Willow swore a certain girl might've been murdered that day if there hadn't been a witness.

"Miss Taylor, there was a call on your phone while you were attending the meeting," Fidelia, a cute-looking 21-year old chirped brightly as she followed a taller person.

Athanasia Taylor, a person with a very high position but probably lower than CEO because that's for the male lead in the future, looked back. She repeated, "A call? Oh, my ears were about to fall off seeing Mr. Robert rant about how his kids suddenly changed classes, how cute they are, etc, etc." She remembered something and remarked, "Oh, wait, isn't Charlie in class D?"

Fidelia, who often heard this bro-con rant about her brother and everything else going on with him, nodded her head. Charlie's information was basically carved in her mind.

She says CEO Robert is crazy for his children, but she's no better when it comes to Charlie either. Hah, the world of the rich really is beyond the understanding of a normal person.