Is the genre sci-fi?

Choco-lady: Woah, the plot is fast. Good.

I-have-second-ml-syndrome: First BL! Big expectations! It's going well!

Rich-lady: Yay! Friends to lovers!

Yo-mama-was-with-me: Ooooh, Are we gonna see some lightsabers now?!

Willow stared confusedly at the last comment. Right now, they were in the living room, looking through comments. After that whole 'Hero saves the beauty' fiasco, they somehow became friends, and Charlie even dropped him off at his home. His sister was more than happy to hear that finally, one trope was a success. Somewhat, at least.

"Adel!" Willow asked, "What does this last comment mean?"

For some reason, his sister, who was previously passively looking, blushed furiously. Covering her face bashfully, she squealed, "Hah, there are yaoi fans alive after all!"

Getting no definite answer, Willow asked again, "What does this mean? Adel?"

She took no notice, too lost in her own world. "Wtf. This is shounen-ai," Giggling like an excited schoolgirl, which she technically was, Adelia exclaimed, "Although yaoi would be much better hehehehe!"

Annoyed, Willow snapped, "Stop ignoring me, Adel! What does this mean? What lightsabers? This isn't an intergalactic or sci-fi book, so why the comment?"

Averting her eyes, Adelia replied smugly, "I don't knoooowwwww?"

Defeated, Willow gave up. He sighed, "Hah, so you're not gonna tell me. Whatever. At least the comment doesn't look negative."

"Ah, how are my favorite hosts?" The system was unusually cheerful today, completely unlike his usual tired and annoyed appearance.

Adelia scowled, "What the heck, we're your only hosts."

His smile didn't falter even as he warned, "I'll kindly ignore what you said."

Fully inspecting his front and rear, Adelia asked suspiciously, "Did we get another system or something? That grumpy irresponsible one could never be so cheery."

Finally, this girl managed to make him angry even on such a delightful day. "Hah, you really! This is why we can't have nice things." (AN Yep, that's totally a reference to my idol)

"Anyway, wanna hear the reason I'm so happy today even though I have such horrible hosts?"

When none of them showed even the slightest curiosity or interest, he clenched his fists at these annoying teens. Oh wait, he didn't have fists.

"Being the benevolent system I am, I'll still tell you. Since you guys got 4 more positive comments, your score is 14 points. Being your system and all, I helped you greatly in achieving all this so I got a promotion-"

"But you didn't help us though," Willow pointed out.

Generally, Willow didn't participate much in their childish banter, but hey, this was the fruit of his sole hard work! How dare this system that only ever appears so briefly take the credit away from him!


It seemed like the Adelia rudeness virus has also infected this one somewhat sensible host. Ignoring his comment, the system concluded, "So, keep up the hard work! Let's meet again with even more points!"

Willow suddenly had an idea. Maybe this system knew what that meant?

"Hey, wait!"


"Do...Do you know what the genre is?"

The system looked at Willow strangely. Still, it answered, "BL, shounen-ai. Didn't I tell you?"

Willow shook his head and clarified, "No, no. I'm asking, this is modern-day, right? Not interstellar or something?"

"Um, no. I don't know what might've given you that idea, but this is a completely normal stereotypical cliché BL novel." It asked curiously, "What happened?"

"Uh...Never mind. Nothing happened."

The system also didn't press further, vanishing right after the bare minimum necessary was done. Why should he care? All he wanted was the points, hehe!