The best baker

"Wow, these cupcakes are crazy good!" Adelia cried as she dug in one of the cupcakes from the lavishly decorated box.

Willow came over curiously and asked, "What is it, Adel? Gift from your admirers?"

A trail of black seeped from her mouth. She licked her lips and beamed, "Mmm...It's so delicious..."

Knowing that he isn't going to get any answers from her, Willow was about to leave when a note in the box caught his eye. "What's this?" He wondered.

Willow plucked out the tiny piece of paper and read, "Hmm...Dear Will, I baked some cupcakes. Tell me if they taste good?...Yours, Charlie."

"What is this?!"

Adelia made an 'Isn't-that-obvious' expression and replied, "A gift. From Charlie. I thought it was pretty clear from the note."

"Hey, even I know that, but why is he sending me cupcakes?! Is cupcakes a gift a guy gives to his friend?" Willow shouted, flustered. This was something exchanged between girls and guys!

Somewhat astonished by his naivety, Adelia rolled her eyes, "Will, for the nth time, you guys aren't normal friends. This is a BL novel, okay?"

"-But, I'm straight!" He replied pitifully, as a last plea.

Rolling her eyes again, she huffed, "Well, what can we do about it? Wanna live, right? Now, don't disturb me."

Willow sighed and didn't say anything else. Even he knew it was true. It's just that, he liked to delusion himself that maybe this isn't real, maybe he and Charlie can still be two normal friends who care for each other. He quite liked Charlie. It was exactly because of this that he didn't want to ruin their friendship, but the reality was harsh.

If he wants to live, then he would have to do it.

Looking at his sunken face, Adelia felt a little sorry. She awkwardly comforted, "Uh, Will. Don't be sad," Pulling his hand, she made him sit on the couch. "-Eat a cupcake, okay? They're so good. Melt your worries away."

Without even waiting for his reply, she grabbed one and stuffed it in his mouth!

"What-Mmh-" Willow cried, as his mouth was suddenly stuffed with something sweet. Initially, he was thinking of spitting it out but when he felt its taste spread in his mouth, he decided not to.

After some hard chewing, part of it went down his throat and he could finally breathe again. "W-What was that, Adel?! I could've choked to death!"

Adelia made a 'yeah whatever' expression and asked eagerly, "How was it? Good, right? Extremely delicious, hmm? Melt in your mouth-"

"Hey, why are you so enthusiastic like you're the one who made these? And yeah, they're pretty good," Willow praised, staring admiringly at the box.

Adelia smiled in satisfaction, "I know, right? The male lead is so talented."

"You really think he made this? He's a 16-year-old student, Adel. He couldn't possibly be this skilled at baking."

Willow reasoned, "He probably brought it from a bakery or something. How will a student have so much time to learn all that?"

"He's the male lead," Adelia replied blankly, as if it explained everything.


"-He's the male lead. The male lead halo. Even without any prior practice, cakes blessed by even the touch of his hand would be more delicious than the best work of the best chef of Belgium."

"..." Well, it did make sense. This whole world is crazy, why was he even surprised that the male lead is a world-class baker too?

Adelia went on an eating spree as she swallowed more than half the box.

"Hey, hey! Adel! What are you doing?" Willow asked, horrified. How could his sister, who cares so much about her face and body, eat like that?

She paused for a moment before replying, "Eating."

"Hey, what happened to the always worried about her weight Adel?"

"Ah, that-" Adelia smiled, "That was the old me, Will. This is the new me, book Adelia. And book characters never get fat. Don't you know that? The girls in anime and K-dramas eat like animals but still get waist thinner than biologically possible. Now that I have the chance, might as well enjoy that rule."

She shrugged and licked her lips in pleasure before eating another one. Seeing that there's no stopping her, Willow said exasperatedly, "Okay, I don't know if you're even listening to me, but I'm gonna take a shower. Slow down a little and don't choke, okay? I don't have time to attend a funeral."

He got up and headed towards his room. Feeling a little ominous, he turned back to see that Adelia had heard him. She was still very much absorbed in her devouring spree, but the single standing finger on her hand kind of gave him the idea.