Someone's trying to get herself killed

They somehow got up and without wasting a single minute, Willow rushed to the walk-in closet. Charlie's eyes had been staring at him dangerously and he swore he could see unmasked lust in there.

Of course, that day he wore the thickest and most concealing pair of pajamas he had.

"Let's do the project seriously now!" Willow announced as he walked out. He was in no mood for any awkward conversations about earlier, for god's sake!

The best way to prevent himself from smashing his face in the wall due to embarrassment was to focus the attention elsewhere! -And they were here to do the project anyway!

"Willooooow....I'm bored," Adelia whined.

"Adelia, this is the 3rd time you've said that. And it's only been about one and half hours," Willow snapped, pointing at the clock.

Charlie narrowed his eyes at the whining Adelia. He sneered, "Well, miss not going to be a burden, why didn't you pair up with other people who can match your level of primitive intelligence then?"

'Calm down, he's the male lead. You don't want to die a miserable death so don't hit him,' Adelia chanted in her mind as she tried to restrain her hand from making contact with Charlie's face ( AKA punching him. But she's a perfect goddess, so obviously wouldn't use those derogatory words.)

Lips pressed in a thin line, it was obvious that Adelia was in a very bad mood.

Being the middle party here, Willow tried to make peace. "Um, please calm down! We did quite a lot today. I think it's enough. Let's just wrap up for today."

No matter how much she annoyed Willow, he still didn't want his sister dead. Turning to Charlie, he apologized, "I'm sorry, Charlie. My sister is a little restless and couldn't sit at one place for a long time. Please forgive her."

Charlie's expression softened but he still threw the frowning girl a disdainful look before clicking his tongue in disgust.

He had his back to Adelia as he gathered his stuff. She started to make faces at Charlie behind his back to vent her still bottled up annoyance, this being the only thing she can do to soothe her anger.

But alas, she forgot one crucial thing. He's the male lead. His sense of intuition surpasses even the most skilled fortune tellers.

Whipping his head backwards, he saw Adelia with her tongue wide out of her mouth. Furious, Charlie shouted, "Hey! What's your problem-"

'Adelia, why are you trying so hard to get yourself killed, huh? Not satisfied with life anymore? What happened to the Adelia who was so worried about her life that she could even sell her brother chastity to live? Now, you're risking your life just for the sake of your petty pride. I see, that's more important than your brother's chastity and mental balance to you...' Willow thought as he pretended to wipe an imaginary tear.

Still, since he didn't have time to attend a funeral, he decided to save her again. Charlie's face was red from anger and Adelia looked like she might murder someone as she glared back at the furious boy.

Till now, Charlie always used a soft voice and a kind expression, leading Willow to think that it was his real personality. How wrong he was. Looking at the angry guy in front of him, he felt a little scared.

Should he just leave Adelia? The funeral shouldn't be that long and boring, right?

Willow tugged Charlie's sleeve hesitantly. "Uh, Charlie, please forgive her one last time, okay? Please?" He made a pitiful face, trying to act cute. Willow knew that it was a little wrong of him to use his favorability towards him like this, but there was a life in danger here!

Immediately, Charlie calmed down like he had been injected with some sort of tranquilizer at Willow's pleading gaze. Looking at Adelia as if seeing an extremely disgusting pest, he said, "Okay, if you say so, Will. I'll do anything for you."

His conscience nagging at him for using Charlie's feelings like that, Willow apologized guiltily, "I'm so sorry about her. I asked you to let her join in and now she's being like this..." He trailed off, his head hung low.

Bless heaven! Charlie was almost having a mental breakdown by the amount of cuteness here. Oh god, how could someone be so beautiful! His Willow's head was hung low in guilt. Although his face was sad, it still looked so pretty and cute. Charlie had the sudden urge to squish those plump cheeks.

Flustered, Willow backed away and panicked, "W-What are you doing, Charlie?!" He held his cheek, which had been suddenly pinched by the boy in front of him. What was this male lead thinking? When he was saying sorry for Adelia, he just grabbed his cheeks out of blue!

Charlie also blushed furiously and said, "W-Why did I do that? Uh- I'm sorry!"