Common sense? Non-existent!

"Miss, we've spotted him," A shady guy in black spoke on a walkie-talkie. Behind him were about 10 others, all in black suits. Of course, no one glanced twice at these suspicious people who were obviously here to kidnap someone. How would the plot progress if the kidnappers are reported before they've even kidnapped the protagonist, duh?

Glancing out at the skyscrapers, Athanasia nodded gravely. Wind blew out of nowhere, fluttering her hair. There was a determined expression on her face as she gave them further orders. "Yes, kidnap him. Don't harm him, though. He is my brother's future brother-in-law after all."

Now, these guys have been tailing Willow and Adelia for pretty much all day. If they even had a little bit of common sense, they could've seen that the one Charlie liked was obviously the boy, not the girl. But hey, common sense doesn't work here! How would misunderstandings occur if the characters have common sense?

Athanasia disconnected the call and smiled sadly. Evening light seeped through the window, casting a yellow glow over the office. The wind out of nowhere for dramatic effect was still blowing.

"-Some things just have to be done, Willow Astor. Don't hate me too much."

Charlie anxiously tapped his fingers on the table. He asked worriedly, "Where's Will? Why isn't he back yet?"

Adelia played on a phone in a bored manner. Even she must admit, it'd been quite a while since Willow left. She wondered, "Why isn't he back yet?"

Charlie snapped, "How would I know, bug? I've been sitting here with you, okay?"

Adelia rolled her eyes, not even surprised by his rudeness anymore. Why waste her time replying when he's just going to talk back to her?

"Whatever. Should we search for Will? He should've been back by now."

Knitting his eyebrows, Charlie glanced around worriedly, "I know, right? Let's search."

Adelia almost jumped when she heard him actually talking actually talking normally to her rather than throwing some snarky remark. So his mouth was capable of spewing un-shitty words, after all.

She got up and said, "Yes, let's go. Maybe he got lost."

"Is he alright? What if he's scared? Oh my god, is he okay?"

Adelia tried not to reply at first, but this male lead was about to chew her head off with his worrying. She snapped, "Charlie, calm down, okay! I've been here with you the whole time! How would I know?"

For the first time, Charlie didn't respond. He looked down in disappointment and sighed, "I'm sorry, Adelia. I'm just worried about Willow."

Adelia almost got goosebumps at this guy behaving like a human being for a change. Hey, where was Mr. Always rude? Has he gone mad in the grief of Willow's disappearance or something?

Worried about his sanity, she asked, "Hey, are you alright?"

Charlie continued to look around anxiously, not responding. She couldn't exactly blame him for being like this. It'd been almost an hour since Willow disappeared.

They reached an intersection. "I'll go right, Adelia, you go left," He ordered. Even though he was giving orders, it wasn't his usual aloof tone. This was...more pitiful. It almost sounded like he was pleading for her to not waste any more time and just quickly search for Willow.

So this guy had such a side to him too...

Maybe, just maybe, she can complete this novel without murdering the male lead, after all.