Love rivals

During the time they were communicating, an uncomfortable silence hung around the room. Claude and Charlie were still shaking hands, looking like they'd like nothing more than to kill the other person right then and there.

Robert tried to clear the sudden tension. "Uh, Will, introduce your new friend?"

Before Willow could say anything, Charlie dropped Claude's hand. Looking like he'd just touched a bug, he took out a handkerchief before quietly wiping his hand.

Charlie passed the blond boy a disdainful look and turned to Robert. He stretched out his hand politely, "Charlie Taylor. Nice to meet you, sir." His tone was very polite, actions careful. Gotta make a good impression in front of the future in-laws, after all.

A look of familiarity flashed on Robert's face as he took his hand. "Ah, Charlie. Athanasia's brother? That's why I thought you guys sounded similar!"

Robert smiled warmly at him. Even though he clearly saw the silent conflict between him and Claude, children fight all the time. It was probably for something silly. Besides, Charlie was Willow's friend too. For him, both Claude and Charlie were the same.

"I've heard many things about you."

"I'm honored, sir."

Robert waved off his formal words, "No need to be so polite. You're Willow's friend, after all. Just call me uncle like Claude."

Charlie appeared expressionless on the surface, but was dancing from happiness inside. Willow's dad already likes him! Previously, he was quite jealous when this blond bug called his Will's dad with so much familiarity.

Casting an almost inconspicuous smug look sideways, he nodded, "Yes, uncle Robert."

Charlie turned to Alex and greeted him. Alex nodded at him, his gaze normal.

Alex was a well known actor. In the circle, he was known for his good acting, but everyone also knew of his short temper and picky choice. If he didn't like someone at first glance, he'll hate them for the rest of his life.

Charlie was most worried about his approval. When he saw Alex quietly nod, he visibly relaxed. It felt like a weight was lifted from his shoulders.

Although eloping was always an option, a marriage with everyone's approval was still the first choice.

A silence hung around once again as no one said anything. Sensing the uncomfortable atmosphere, Willow hurriedly got up and took Charlie's hand. "Uh, then, I'll see Charlie out. It's, um, getting late."

Seeing Willow's uncomfortable expression, Robert didn't try to stop them. "Okay," Glancing at Charlie, Robert added fondly, "-Drop by sometime, okay? You're Will's friend, after all. We'd love to know more about you."

Charlie beamed, "Thank you for the invitation, uncle Robert. Of course I'll drop by," He politely added, "-I'm sure I can learn a lot from both of you."

After saying his goodbyes to both of them and begrudgingly squeezing out a bye for Adelia, Charlie turned to walk away. Willow followed, a little awkward since Charlie completely ignored Claude. Oh, well, whatever. Not like Claude will be hurt or anything anyway.

They strolled down the white corridor casually. The speed was neither too fast, nor too slow. A light smell of disinfectant lingered in the air. The evening sun was setting, casting an orange glow over everything. Some of the evening light seeped through of the window, lighting up patches of yellow on the white floor.

Willow scratched the back of his neck embarrassedly. "Um, sorry about that. You must've felt uncomfortable there."

Charlie was just about to wave it off but stopped. He nodded, "Yes, I was uncomfortable."

Willow was startled at that. Inching closer, Charlie whispered, "Will that guy really steal the spot of your best friend from me?"