The 'talk'

Willow nervously glanced at the two people on the other end. Both of them had serious expressions. There was a single light hanging above the table for an additional dramatic and serious effect.

"Willow Astor, this is a very serious matter. I hope you don't take it lightly and would carefully listen and think about it-"

"I'm getting some ice cream, does anyone else want some?" Adelia's voice came from the kitchen. She walked in with a cup full of ice cream in her hand.

Extending the cup to them, she asked, "Ice cream? Anyone?"

Alex shook his head. "Nah. I don't want to get fat."

When Adelia noticed Willow and Robert's blank stare, she realized she walked in at the wrong time. She said somewhat apologetically, "Oh, did I interrupt you guys? Anyway, you guys want some? I can get you some from the fridge."

"...A mint chocolate one please."


"I'll take the chocolate one."

Adelia nodded and returned with their ice creams. She had already finished hers on the way and rubbed her eyes sleepily. With a yawn, she muttered, "I'm off. Goodnight."

With ice creams on the table, the serious talk began once again. "So, let me say it once more. Will, what we're going to tell you is very important. You must listen carefully."

"Yeah, listen carefully kid," Alex repeated to show his participation.

"Will, you're in your teens. You might catch feelings too quickly and think of them as everlasting. You're young, vigorous and I'm sure there must be many things you want to do. But you should know that it's all hormones."

"You're far too young for some things right now. We might come off as old fashioned and our sincere advice as nagging to you, but trust me, you'll understand it when you get older. Right now, focus on your studies, these years are too precious. There's going to be plenty of time for romance later-"

"Even if you might not be able to do that many rounds after a certain age, at least you'll have a stable profession."


"What, sweetie? You know we're not what we used to be..." Looking at Willow enviously, he shrugged, "It's nice to be young. Let him enjoy himself."

"Alex! You're not supposed to encourage him!"

Alex tried to explain himself, "Look, darling, what I'm saying is, he should do things while he can. It's not like he'll stick to his boyfriend for the whole day anyway-"

Robert glared at him. Noticing the 'you're sleeping on the couch if you continue' expression, Alex immediately and shamelessly switched boats. "-That's what I'm saying! No romance! You should only focus on studies!"


Seeing that things aren't turning out good, Willow weakly said, "...But dad, I love him!"

Seems like he'll have to use the last resort. Looking down, he sniffled, "I-I can't *sniff* can't live without him..."

Robert was startled by his sudden weeping. Getting up, he knelt before Willow and hugged him before speaking, "Will, sweetie, we really do care about you. You don't know how many predators are out there-"

"Especially if you're a 0."

"...Alex, you should know where you're sleeping tonight."

Alex wanted to plead for mercy, but tactfully kept his mouth shut. He didn't want to make the one night ten, after all.