Meet the family, part 1

"Please introduce yourself," Robert said when Adelia came back from the bathroom and joined them. They weren't eating at their usual 4-person table today. That small table was more domestic and homely, holding a touch of familiarity and closeness. It was a sort of rule in their home- There was a separate guest lounge, lobby, and even dining table. Robert disliked other people touching their things and wanted things to be separate.

"Ah- Yes!" Charlie hurriedly got up. His earpiece felt loose as he tried to adjust it under the pretense of fixing his hair.

Athanasia's voice rang from the other end. "Careful with the introduction. That's an important part."

"-Remember. Name, your designation- which is, Willow's boyfriend. Then wait."

"Aren't you going to say anything?" Alex frowned, "Forgot how to speak?"

"I- I'm sorry. I'll start now."

He took a deep breath and did his best to make a calm expression. "Hello, I'm Charlie Taylor, Willow's boyfriend. Nice to meet you."

"Well, kid, actually, you aren't his boyfriend. Not until we think you're suitable," Alex stated matter of factly. Although he appeared to be not interested in the affairs of the children and often came off as too carefree, he actually did care a lot of them. It's just that his way of expression was a little different.

"I-" Charlie was taken aback by the sudden remark. "I'm sorry?"

"Whatever," Alex waved it off. To be honest, this guy looked quite good. He acted polite and wasn't snarky, and it's not like Alex didn't notice the way both of their eyes curved when they looked at each other, pure affection visible in them.

Robert took the lead now. He asked the servants to serve the food before looking at the nervous boy.

"So, Charlie. Please relax a little." All things aside, Robert did feel bad when he saw the 17 something boy's shoulder tremble in nervousness and fear. Alex was too intimidating. He opted for a soft voice as he tried to calm him down, "Let's chat comfortably, alright?"

"Okay," Charlie said, his expression still anxious.

Willow noticed his mental state and reassuringly held his hand under the table, squeezing it tightly, as if telling him that no matter what happens, he'll never let go.

It seemed to work as Charlie's shoulders visibly relaxed. He looked back at the two men and one girl on the other side of the table, a newfound confidence shining in his eyes.

"So, Charlie," Robert crossed his hands and leaned back, "You and Willow have been in a relationship for-?"

"2 months, 4 days, and 8 hours, sir."

Adelia couldn't help but stifle a laugh at his answer. Wow, this guy's good. He even counts hours? Damn, the male lead's math is something else.

Charlie wanted to glare at her but controlled himself, trying not to look at the annoying girl lest he loses his temper.

Robert was surprised by his answer but didn't comment on that. He got started with his own food before saying, "Why aren't you guys eating? Let's eat."

Every bite felt hard for Charlie to swallow, his nerves still on edge. Still, he swallowed a few mouthfuls before politely wiping his mouth, showing he's done.

"What are your plans for the future?" Robert spoke suddenly, startling Charlie.

"Hey, Charlie!" Athanasia, who had been a silent listener until now, said suddenly. "That's an important question! Reply confidently, like you've got it all figured out! Remembering, no show of uncertainties!"

Charlie said confidently, "I plan to follow in my sister's footsteps and take over the family business." This was something Athanasia had almost drilled in his head the day before since she was sure that this question would pop up.

Robert nodded approvingly before asking, "Oh, that's good. Still, is that what you truly want to do?"

"Well..." Charlie trailed off unsurely. He replied somewhat hesitantly, "That's what I'm supposed to do, I think. It was kind of decided since the beginning."

"-But what do YOU want?" Robert didn't know why he was asking him this. This wasn't related to Willow or their relationship, yet he found himself asking the boy these irrelevant questions. Maybe it was because he saw a younger him in Charlie, a shadow of his own past self. His own past who also did all that thinking that it was what he was 'supposed' to do.

"I-" Charlie found it difficult to answer. Athanasia seemed to be saying something, but he couldn't hear her. Maybe it was because the earpiece got loose... Still, for some reason, he didn't want to adjust it. He wanted to answer them truthfully, without his sister supplying him with what words to say.