The end of the Adventure

After walking for centuries (weeks), our trio saw the kingdom that the map of Kenai indicated.

Kenai-: My own species... We will finally have contact again

Kenai said as he was putting the map in his bag and approached to greet a guard


Guard-: Stop! Who are they?

Said the guard pointing his gun at Kenai and the dragons

Kenai-: We are just travelers in search of knowledge in magical arts and combat arts

Guard-: Travelers don't come here very often.

As the guard and Kenai had a friendly conversation, Velgrynd, who was not used to waiting for too long, said

Velgrynd-: Haaa! Very well listen human, I am the Great Burning Dragon Velgrynd, and you will let us in!

The guards looked at each other for a few seconds and began to laugh loudly.

Guards-: HAHAHA!

Kenai and Velzard took several steps back as they saw Velgrynd release an aura of Absolute death.

The guards made a big mistake...





~~POV: Kenai~~

Sir-: I-I'm so sorry your Excellencies! P-Please forgive me!

In front of us is a fat man, with a high-class suit, his hair was greasy beyond measure, his mustache was messy.

He was on the ground, with his head touching the ground, and all because he was asking for mercy. Very good! Come on, I'll explain how we got to this.

You see when the guards laughed at Velgrynd, he is literally killing them, and the right hand of the king who watched Velgrynd's act took this as a war proposal.

An army of five thousand soldiers about to attack us, this would not be a challenge for us, since well... I have two true dragons on my side.

But the most fatal mistake of this army was... Attacking me

While I was testing my new skills I got, I didn't realize that a spell was going directly to my position.

The spell hit me, causing a huge explosion that caught the attention of Velgrynd and Velzard. They were shocked for a moment, and then... They went crazy.

Velgrynd and Velzard, they transformed into their dragon form and when I say they destroyed, I mean they destroyed half the kingdom.

The smoke dispersed and I came out unscathed thanks to my immortality, only with my clothes already in pieces, only left in boxers, when I saw Velgrynd and Velzard destroying everything, I quickly rejoined and went to calm them down

She was slow to react, but little by little her angry frenzy faded.

When they saw me safe and sound, they hugged me protectively, I calmed them down by pampering each one

But I was thinking a bit about how Velzard acted, she was the calmest of the group, but seeing my "Death" she literally freaked out. This certainly struck me as impressive.

But leaving that aside, Velgrynd and Velzard with a look that I had never seen in my life, began to finish off the soldiers who were still alive.

I took advantage of that moment to collect all their souls with Beelzebub and scan possible abilities

When I was only a centimeter apart from Velzard or Velgrynd, they would put me back where I was before.

They became twice as overprotective after this situation...

... But I continue with a question that you are asking yourself! Do I feel bad for the innocent people who died?


I realized that this country was one of my corrupt, there were slave shops, drug sales and too much poverty, in addition to the fact that this country provoked and angered Velgrynd and Velzard

Kenai-: Hey old man... How about you give us all the books of the magical and combat arts that you have?

ask with a smile

Sir-: ... Y-Yes! Please I take all you want, but let me live!

(Velgrynd + Velzard-: Are we really going to let him live?)

I heard the voice of the dragons in my head, apparently they were using telepathy

(Kenai-: Do what you want with him)

I told her and in the end I gave them a smile and they reciprocated

I left the place with the key that the lord had given me and went to the location where the warehouse with all the magic and combat arts was, while in the distance I heard the lord's screams... I think Velgrynd and Velzard were having a lot of fun





~~POV: Narrator~~

The trio was in front of what looked like a bank, it was gigantic...

The trio went inside and a brightness opaqued them, well Kenai was the only one that affected him, when the brightness faded Kenai observed thousands of shelves full of magic and combat books

Kenai-: This is my lucky day! Devour it Beelzebub!

A black aura came out of Kenai's body and absorbed all the shelves, at the end of the absorption process, the entire room was empty

Kenai-: Raphael-san! Analyze all those books and if you find something useful let me know

[Understood Master]

The trio upon completing the mission, they flew back to their home

Kenai who was on top of Velzard asked a question that would surprise the dragons.

Kenai-: Hey, Velgrynd-chan, Velzard-chan, as far as I know, you have an older brother named Veldanava, isn't it?

Velzard-: That's right, yes

Kenai-: Well you see, Velgrynd-chan, don't you remember the promise you made me to go visit your older brother?

Velzard seemed surprised, instead Velgrynd was calm

Velgrynd-: It is, I promised you... Don't tell me that

Before Velgrynd had finished her sentence, Kenai excitedly shouted

Kenai: Exactly! I want to go meet your older brother, Veldanava!

The dragons looked at each other for a few moments and nodded.

Velgrynd-: Okay, I will take you to meet our brother, but... You will have to make us food whenever we ask, at any time and at any time

Kenai thought for a few seconds

Kenai: Okay!

The female dragons were shocked to hear their love interest's response.

Velzard-: Did you really accept quickly?

Kenai-: I will do anything you ask me, and everything to meet your older brother

Velgrynd-: Everything...

Velzard-: Whatever we want...?

Kenai: Exactly! all they want

The dragonesses met again and attended

Velgrynd-: So if you want to meet our brother, not only do you have to prepare meals for us whenever we want, but also... Y-You'll have to, h-have u-one...

Poor Velgrynd's face was blushing, that even that blush could be seen despite having scales

Velzard-: What my sister is trying to say, is that, Y-You have to t-have a... d-d-d-Date with us!

Velzard yelled as well with his face flushed, almost competing with Velgrynd's.

Kenai-: ...Huh?

Kenai was shocked for a few seconds, he recomposed himself and with a mischievous smile he answered

Kenai-: Okay... Then tomorrow I'll have a date with both of them!

The female dragons, especially Velgrynd, nearly fainted at Kenai's shameless response.

Kenai-: C-Girls, we're going to crash, react!

Velzard and Velgrynd reacted just in time, they were already going to hit the ground and poor Kenai was going to end up more than crushed

Kenai-: U-Ufff... Well... I'm looking forward to our date tomorrow!

Kenai said leaning on Velzard's back

When Kenai meets Veldanava, will he die? What will our trio's date be like? Will there be a mistake? Find out in the next episode!