CHAPTER 2 - Teenage Agents

The masked guy leaped towards John and smashed his arm that was reaching for the gun then hit his left leg with the baton. You can hear the loud crack sound of his knees and hands. John hit the ground. 

John tried to shout from pain but the masked guy covered his mouth. The masked guy quietly said "Where do you keep The Book? Talk! Before I crush your head." 

The masked guy removed his hand covering John's mouth. "Guaaar-Hmmmhmm-hmm" Before John can shout, the masked guy covered his mouth again. The masked guy had no choice but to paralyze John with the baton that also has an electric taser on its edge. 

The masked guy rushed towards the bedroom door and locked it. He then began searching for The Book he is looking for on the two tables with drawers in John's room.

Outside the Mansion, Another patrolling guard walked into the backyard. He saw the two other guards were knocked out.

An Intruder? He concluded that someone must have entered the Mansion as he saw the back door open. An arrow as fast as a bullet was heading towards him. 

The guard caught the arrow. This guard is no ordinary guard, he is an elite guard. He is alert because he had drank eight cups of coffee that night. The guard shouted, "There is an Intruder!!!" 

The other guards were alarmed. They went running inside the mansion. There are a total of eleven guards. As they entered the mansion. They saw the other knocked-out guard. 

One guard said to the others, "Everyone to our boss's room." They rushed towards the room. They barged into John's room.

They saw John Cruz lying unconscious on the floor. The bedroom window is open. The masked guy was now in the Mansion's garden running towards the gate wall. Another guard in the garden tried to shoot him with a pistol but an arrow hit him before he could pull the trigger. 

The elite guard who is high on coffee went after the masked guy by jumping through the same window and landed on the grassy soil in the mansion garden. 

"Boss!" Two guards checked John while the others went back downstairs to chase after the masked guy. 

The masked guy is now close to the wall when the elite guard shot him. The bullets missed because the guard was running while aiming. His body is also shaking due to the effects of coffee. 

An arrow hit the elite guard's left arm causing him to drop the gun he is holding and paralyzing him. Another arrow pierced and shattered the gun on the soil ground. The guard is still able to move despite being hit by a tranquilizer arrow because of coffee. He stood up and continued pursuing the masked guy. 

The hacker waiting on the escape van pressed a button and the mansion's stone gate wall in front of the spy exploded creating a hole enough for a person to pass through. 

Before the masked guy entered the mansion, he planted a bomb size of a candy ball in the gate's wall that is adjacent to John Cruz's bedroom. 

The masked guy successfully passed through the mansion's gate wall. The van is parked on the other side of the road. The hacker opened the van's sliding door and rushed into the driver's seat to start the van. 

The masked guy jumped into the van and closed the sliding door. The hacker accelerated the van. The elite guard did not catch up to them. He just watched as the van moved away from the mansion.

A girl with a black cloak, a black face mask, and a compound bow with a scope, was positioned in a large and tall Narra tree that is two hundred meters away from the mansion. She pressed the button on her left wireless earplugs and contacted someone, "The Mission is a success, Sir."

She opened her mask revealing a white triangle-shaped face with a reddish chin and sparkling blue eyes.


The Next Day

It's 5 PM, a clear sky afternoon, the classes are now over in St. Thomas High School, the hallways are busy with students talking with each other. Others are now leaving the school. 

Two guys are sitting on one of the benches. They are wearing school uniforms. Both of them are playing video games on their cell phones. 

"Hey dude, you watched the news about the robbery in Cruz Mansion last night." A fat nerd-looking guy with square eyeglasses said to another guy with messy hair, sad gloomy eyes, and a skinny body.

"Yeah," the skinny guy said. The skinny guy is focused on playing the video game on his phone. 

"Damn, even the most guarded mansion in Manila was robbed. The robbers even caused an explosion in its thick stone wall," the fat nerd added. 

The skinny guy's video game character died. He then replied to the nerd, "That's no ordinary robbery if you think about it. There's a lot of articles and rumors stating that the Cruz Family, is connected to the new criminal syndicate in Luzon,"

"Well. What do you expect from rich people with shady backgrounds." The nerd guy whose name is Nino said, He looked at the hallway from the bench they were sitting on and saw three girls. "Tristan. Look, your crush!" Niño whispered to the skinny guy.

"Huuh-Uhhh?" Tristan was now a skinny guy with no visible muscles. He looked at three girls moving in their direction. One of the girls is included in the Five Beauties of St. Thomas High School, Pam the Popular, Tristan's crush. 

"Niño, Should I confess to her now?" Tristan said, he's nervous. Niño looked at him…