CHAPTER 5 - Their Stories Begin (1)

In St. Thomas High School.

Niño is sitting on his desk and is using his phone. I feel guilty that I went to school without Tristan. I tried waking him up three times but he's sleeping like a rock. Well, we drank one bottle of alcohol last night.

Niño opened his phone. He looked through the Message Talk app. Their group chat named "The Misfits" consisting of more than 100 members are chatting with each other.

Incel God: How's my fellow Misfits today?

Monke: It's Incel God! We're waiting for your daily dose of encouragement!

pro_gamer: Heck Yeah.

These guys in the group chat can help Tristan with girls. They are experts when it comes to dating. Should I add him in the group?

Hmm. I'll just ask him when he arrives. It's already quarter to 7 in the morning. He'll be late.


The classes are about to start. Tristan entered the campus. He passed by several students before reaching the benches. A group of eight male students are sitting on a long rectangular bench. They looked at him and were obviously muttering about him.

Why are they looking at me like that? Tirstan felt uncomfortable of how they stare at him.

One of the eight students called out to him, "Hey Tristan! Come over here." His name is Brando. You can know that he is the leader of their group just by looking at him. He is 5'8 feet man with a masculine physique, high fade red hair and a fierce face.

"We heard you confessed to Pamela and got rejected. You poor guy. Hahahaha" Brando aggressively said. The other seven guys laughed with him.

Did they call me just to insult me? I better leave. Tristan is now angered and tries to leave them.

"Hey don't leave yet. We want to talk." Brando calmly said.

There's nothing wrong with confessing to the person you like? Am I not allowed to express my feelings? Because I'm weird. Tristan said in his mind and feels bad about himself.

"We feel you. We experienced the same, Bro." Brando said.

"I respect your courage." One of the other teenagers said to Tristan.

Tristan is spaced out of confusion, "Huh?"

"As you know, four of the eight of us here confessed to Pam. We were also rejected." Brando's voice tone changed from isulting to sad and melancholic.

Oh. They must be sympathizing with me. Wow… Four of them. I'm not alone. Tristan is relieved.

Tristan chuckled. "Haha. I guess I'm not alone."

"Bro, we are sorry for this." Brando added.

"Huh? For what?" Tristan asked.

"We had made a deal. Pamela said that she will date me after we make our entire life in St. Thomas miserable. Nothing personal. Hahaha" Brando said, he and his other friends smirked at Tristan.

"Hahahaa. Idiot. Why would we confess to Pam? We know we're out her league." They laughed.

"Pam will not date someone as ugly as you. Snap out of your fantasies, bro."

Tristan suddenly felt terrified. His heartbeat went faster. He saw flashback of teenagers laughing and insulting him. A feeling of anger and hatred that he is keeping inside him for years has erupted. "I became a target of Bullies. Well what should I expect." Tristan tenses up his fists.

He punched Brando in the face causing a pow sound. Brando's head moved slightly from the impact of the punch.

Brando tilted his head and stood straight as if the punch did not do any damage to him. He touched his face. "Really Tristan?"

Tristan felt a strong fear inducing aura from Brando.

This is bad. Tristan raises his fists and is now ready for a fight.

Then he ran away from them. He headed towards his classroom.

The other six boys tried to chase Tristan but Brando halted them and said. "Stop, It's fine. His punch was nothing."

"Everything goes as planned." A guy behind Brando grinned while staring at Tristan running away from them. The guy is wearing round eyeglasses and has curly hair. "He really believed what you said, Bro." The guy added.

Many students around them saw what happened.

Lyka witnessed the scene when she was walking to her classroom. Those guys are on it again. Male bullies like them are as worse as Pam. They already ruined the school lives of several students last semester.

Tristan entered his classroom and quickly rushed to his seat in the third row next to the back row. He looked at his classroom.

Their classroom is a typical classroom. There are four rows in their classroom with eight seats each (8×4 = 32 seats). There are currently a total of twenty nine students in their classroom with three vacant seats.

Pam and her friends are chatting in their chairs. "It's him." A friend of Pam said to the others. Pam and the other girl students who are sitting near Pam looked at Tristan.

My first semester in this school was peaceful. I was not targeted by those bullies because I'm literally invisible. Now that I had attracted attention, they had noticed me. I should have not confessed my feelings.

Tristan's body shakes when he is anxious. Luckily none of them were in my class. Those guys will be after me during this recess and lunch.

After a few minutes the teacher arrived. She announced, "Good morning class."

The students responded, "Good Morning Ma'am."

"Oh, Before we start. Let me introduce to you a transfer student that will be joining us this second semester. Amado, come here in front." The teacher said.

A boy with a dark blue face mask that is standing outside the classroom entered with a dramatic and classy entrance. He stood besides the teacher and introduces himself.

He took off his blue face mask revealing a handsome looking guy. An appearance that looks like a celebrity that can charm any woman. A character in a novel that came to life.

All the students in class were stunned by his appearance. Pam was one of them. She fall in love at first glance.

This guy is Agent Leon who came up with a fake identity.

"Good morning everyone. You can call me Amado. Hope we can get along." Amado charmingly greeted the class and smiled.

The girls in the class greeted him back. "Hello."

"Hello handsome!" Pamela shouted.

My mission… Amado glances at every student in the classroom while maintaining a charming smile. Tristan had made eye contact with Amado

…Has Started.

Omniscient's Character Data:

Name: Pam

Title: The Popular 

Age: 17

Rarity: 8 Star

Appearance: S

Body: S

Personality: C

Skillset: B