CHAPTER 7 - Fight Back

"Leave me alone!" Tristan said with a little bravery.

"Oooh. You're tough now after punching me! You know what will happen to you right? Many people saw that you punched me for no particular reason." Brando said out loud. Everyone in the classroom heard what he said. 

"He punched you? Why?" Amado asked Brando.

"Huh! I haven't seen you before. Who are you?" Brando looked down on Amado despite Amado being taller than Brando. 

Amado is 6 feet tall. 

"For me to avoid suspicion. I need to stay in a low profile by blending in with these two idiots." He is referring to Tristan and Niño. "I must convince them that I will become their roommate. This is the perfect opportunity to gain their trust." This situation is advantageous to Amado. 

"I am a transfer student. I don't know what he did to you and I don't care. I'm his friend now."

"Really. A friend huh. Bro, You're handsome. I hate too handsome individuals, you know." Brando raises his hands and throws a very fast right-hand jab that an ordinary person cannot react to. "How about this?" 

Amado caught Brando's fist with his left hand. 

"He blocked my punch?" Brando backed off and went into his fighting stance. His knuckles are facing towards the sky. His hands are level and his elbows tucked into his sides. He slightly bent his knees as if he was going to squat and placed his left foot in front. Brando is a boxer. 

"Stop." The guy with round glasses tapped Amado's shoulder. "We'll get Tristan next time." He said. 

Brando cools off for a few seconds, "Let's go." 

Brando and the other boys left the classroom. 

"Thanks, man for defending us. You're strong." Niño complimented Amado.

"Ahahah. I learned some self-defense." Amado humbly said. 

Amado looked at his left hand that blocked the punch earlier. It's twitching. There's a guy that is strong in this school? Hmmm. He probably learned some martial arts. With those moves and stance, it was boxing. Still, He cannot win against me if we had fought.

He's modest even though he has both a handsome appearance and a strong body. He starts to envy and admire Amado. What does he want from us? Tristan looked at Amado with skepticism. 

"By the way. Do you guys wanna have lunch with me? I'll buy you the most expensive food in this school's canteen." Amado charms them.

"Wooow, Cool. Sure thing." Niño drools. His Gluttony Mode had activated. 

He's also rich! Perfect humans really do exist, don't they? Tristan is overwhelmed.  


The five bullies are walking in the hallway. "Why did you stop me?" Brando said to his friend with round glasses.

"That guy. You can't beat him." The guy with the glasses stated. 

"Huuuuuh! Why?!" Brando is confused. "Bro, we've been friends for almost five years now. You still have no faith in my boxing skills?" Brando flexes his arm muscles. "I have been training for almost a decade now."


"Hey, You!" Pam shouted. She approached the boys.

Brando and his friends looked back. "Hello, Pam. What is it?" Brando said while blushing.

"From now on, stop targeting Tristan! Find a new person you are going to bully." Pam said with a scary face and an intense sharp glare.  

"What! Why?" Brando said with a tough voice. 

They stared at each other. 

"It's none of your business. If you don't want to have your lives fall into pieces." Pam is threatening them.

"Look, Pam, we're helping you here. That pervert might bother you again. He confessed to you and took advantage of your kindness." Brando calmly said. 

"What!? how did you know he confessed to me?" Pam said like an interrogator.

"Ahhhhh." Brando panicked. He can't think of an excuse.

"One of your friends said to us. Your Pam's Family is large. Rumors spread fast like wildfires." The glasses guy said to Pam.

"Tch. He won't! Just follow what I said." Pam said with dominance. 

These two, both of them are apex predators on this campus. They are at the top of the food chain. However, Pam is scarier though. 

The glasses guy looked at the other boys in the back. He's signaling something. "Ehem." He mumbled.

"Ehem, Ehem."

"Ehem." The three other boys behind the glasses guy joined him to tease Brando and Pam.

Brando and Pam glared at them. "What!?" they said with synchronization.

"Nothing." They replied with a scaredy-cat expression. 

Brando and Pam continued staring at each other. Mental warfare is happening. There's a clash between two powerful forces. 

This hot witch's specialty is ruining others' lives on social media. It then becomes worse in school. Her friend group, the Pam's Family, adds more fuel to the fire. The glasses guy pressed his eyeglasses. It would be better not to become her enemy. 

"Fine. Starting today, we won't target Tristan. Right guys?" The other boys nodded.

They walked away from Pam.

Phew. Good thing Brando is composed. As expected from a person training in boxing and doing meditation. The glasses guy is relieved.

"Bro. You said that there's a group of teenagers looking for a fight in Tondo?" Brando asked the glasses guy while shedding tears in his eyes. 

"Yeah. They provoke every teenager who passes by their territory. Some of our juniors got harassed by them. They named their gang The Tondo Ravagers."

"Let's crush them! We have nothing else good to do either. This school does not take bullying lightly. It's better to find some enemies outside the school." Brando's down. "I have nothing to lose! Pam hates me now."

Finally some physical action. All we can do inside this campus is harm students mentally. The glasses guy is delighted. "Sure. Let's go. I wanna try those new special moves you taught me and use it on a real fight." 

"Hoho. Bow down to your master."

"Shut up. I'm your partner." The glasses guy got cringed from what Brando just said.

"You're no fun, Bro."

Omniscient's Character Data:

Name: Amado (Agent Leon)

Title: The Spy 

Age: 18

Rarity: 9 Star

Appearance: S

Body: S

Personality: A

Skillset: S