CHAPTER 10 - Moving Out

In the inn room where Amado is staying.  

"Woah! You've been staying in a luxury inn for 2 days now?" Niño was surprised at how large the room was. "This room you're staying in is three times larger than our apartment. Damn." 

A golden faucet, A bathtub, a shower room, an automatic toilet. Tristan pressed the flush button of the toilet like a caveman who does not know a thing. "Fluuusssshh."

A comfortable sofa. Niño sat down on it "Is this heaven." He pressed the remote and the 25 inch TV opened in an anime show. 

"You like anime too!?" Tristan said. 

"Yeah. Hahaha" Amado confidently said. Though, l did not turn on that TV for the past 2 days. It's probably left in that channel by the previous guest. 

A five person bed. Niño jumped into the bed. The three of them heard a crack sound. "Oooops."

"Hahaha." The three of them laughed it off. 

He's living a high life. This kind of room, he can check in here whenever he wants. So this is how it feels to be rich. Tristan feels more jealous. 


In the reception area of the inn. 

"Hello Ma'am. I'll be checking out now." Amado returned the keys to the innkeeper.   

"Okay sir. Thank you for your stay. Come again." The lady innkeeper said. Good luck, Agent Leon. She raised her hand, placed it on her chest with palms facing down, a zogist salute. She shows her regards for Amado. The innkeeper is a Liga agent. 

What kind of hand gesture was that? It's like they have known each other for a long time. Well, you can be friends with anyone if you're handsome and rich. Everyone will respect you. He's so confident. Tristan feels more below Amado.


Outside the Luxury Inn. 

Two familiar faces are looking at the Amado who just got out of the inn with Tristan and Niño. 

"Bro, look. Is that the transfer student who blocked Brando's punch?"

"Yeah you're right. He's with Tristan and his fat friend." They are Brando's lackeys. The two of them are with five more teenagers with the same uniform. They are walking in the direction towards the three boys. 

"Let's beat them up. Brando will surely be thankful for us."


"What? Brando said to not touch them."

"Hah. Let's just say to Brando that they attacked first. He will believe us more than those shits."

"Hmm. You got a point. Hey. Will you look at his luggage? They came from inside that luxury inn. He must be rich to afford that." The guy pointed at the luggage Amado is dragging.

"Hoi. What are we two blabbering about? Brando is asking for reinforcements. They're going to fight the Tondo Ravagers tonight. Are you planning on stealing baggage from random students before going to a large fight?" Another guy scolded them. 

"No, it's not like that Bro. You see those guys, they are on bad terms with Brando. Let's teach them a lesson."

The other guys stared at the three who were standing beside the road. They seem weak. We can take them. They looked at each other. They have the same thoughts. The seven of them hurried towards the three before they could call a taxi. 

"Hey! Transfer student."

"Eh. Do we know you?" Niño asked them politely.

"We're not talking to you, You bag of fat!"

"What do you want?" Amado covered Niño and Tristan. He stood in front of the seven guys. Just by looking at them, you can know that they are members of the Troops. 

"Give us that luggage of yours. Or else, we will beat you up here, now."

"Why should I give you what I own?" Amado asked them.

"Hey! A luggage is an empty baggage. A baggage is a luggage with contents." Tristan confidently said. 

"Shut up, Nerd!" 

"Yeah. You should study before stealing." Amado insulted them.

"You're cocky huh. There's seven of us. You're outnumbered."

"Let's settle this there with no passersby. That way no one can stop us." Amado taunts them to fight in the secluded area near the inn. 

"Hah. As if you can go out there with your pretty face still in whole piece."

"Guys. Let's go. You better not run. Hahahaha." The delinquents mocked them.

Oh we won't. 

Amado followed them. Tristan and Niño were behind him. 


In the secluded area. "Show us what you got! You cocky bastard" the Troops member shouted. 

Amado and the two just stood there. They are Staring at them.

Amado opened his baggage and got the two electric batons inside. "Tristan, hold this baggage for me." 

Tristan grabbed the baggage. 

Amado slowly walked towards the members of Troops. "I can handle all of you."

"Hah. You think your little toy can beat us. You're arrogant!" The member who is a close friend of Brando rushed at .

Amado swung the batons and targeted the attackers hands, body and head. Amado made quick work of him as he fell to the ground. 

Amado quickly rushed towards the remaining delinquents. Amado hit one in his legs and another in his head. 

The five attacked him with no coordination. They just randomly punched and kicked him.

Amado blocked their punches with his batons and arm. 

Amado hit them one by one with slashing and curving motions. The five fall down and are now unable to fight back. They are in pain. 

One of them remains. Amado swung his baton aiming for the last delinquent's head.

The delinquent blocked it by raising his arms covering his face. His name is Paquito. He has a strong build, a tough face and blue hair. His body is larger than Brando. He is one year ahead of Brando and the others. 

"You're not bad."

This guy also learns boxing. "You box too?"

"I trained along with Brando." He went into his boxing stance. Paquito throws a heavy left hook punch. 

Amado evaded it. He is a southpaw (left-handed out boxer) and a swarmer (boxers that fight in close range, also known as in-fighters.)

Amado swung his baton. He performed six strikes with his two batons, targeting the wrist and side of Paquito. 

Paquito blocked it all with his strong arms.  

Amado performed a heavy slash in the shape of a fan. 

Paquito easily dodged it and threw a three consecutive jab followed by a hook. 

Amado blocked the jabs with his arms but took the damage of the hook punch that hit his side. Arrgh, He's good. 

I hate to consume my electric batteries here but I have no choice. Amado activated the baton's electric features. He set it to high voltage. This should be enough to make him sleep. He thrusted his baton at Paquito.  

Paquito got careless and thought that the attack was only a normal thrust. He blocked it with his arms. He felt the electric shock flowing in his body. His body reacted and his boxing stance became faulty. His body is now open.

Amado hit his abdomen with a thrust of the other baton. 

Paquito shakes as he gets electrified. "You dirty bastard~~" He dropped on the ground from the electric shock. His mouth foamed and his eyes turned all white. 

"You guys, Run!" Amado then ran and exited the secluded area. 

Tristan and Nino followed him. They can't catch up as Amado is too fast. 

He's strong. Can I train hard and be like him? Also, what the heck! This baggage is heavy. Tristan is running while holding Amado's baggage.

They are now a distance away from the secluded area.

Niño is wheezing. Tristan is holding his knees. Both of them were exhausted from running. 

"Look guys, a taxi." Amado called the taxi.

"Let's get out of here."

Omniscient's Character Data:

Name: Paquito

Title: The Fist 

Age: 19

Rarity: 6 Star

Appearance: B

Body: S

Personality: D

Skillset: A