chapter 11 ACADEMY OVER

sorry for the one-day late yesterday I was out of town so enjoy the chapter

I wake up from my sleep and see kayden in his cat form

KAYDEN-you're awake.


KAYDEN-Are you feeling all right?

SAM-yes I have some pain here and there, but I feel alright now.

KAYDEN-you been asleep for 4 days

SAM-4 days?!

KAYDEN- no need to be surprised. it's common for awakened ones to do that when they overuse their power.

SAM-i see but you know the real reason right?

KAYDEN- only doing force control for 3 days might improve your power but weak your physical strength. anyway, you did a good job.

SAM-i didn't know I could pull that off. when I managed to used that skill of yours inside of sucheon's gravity field.


KAYDEN-it was I expected it's natural.


SAM-because you're the one who taught me.

KAYDEN- exactly I the great kayden taught you so that should be a piece of cake.

SAM-I totally agree.


KAYDEN-now that you're awake back to training. picture the match in your head and go through it again and again. this will help you improve your powers

SAM-yes sir

KAYDEN-jiwoo and others are here


KAYDEN-ever since the day you fell asleep they've been visiting you every day this hour.


I open the door


and jiwoo hug me

SAM-huh?! hello, guys is everyone all right?

JISUK-look who's talking.

SUBIN-sam let's fight again when you fully recover.

SAM-ok, but would you prefer to get in or like to make a patient stand for hours?

then we all talk for some hour and I look at wooin and ask

SAM-wooin you didn't say anything to me are you not happy that I am healthy.

everyone looks at wooin and wooin gets blushing from everyone's attention

SAM-(I can understand you bro)Ok just say you are happy that I am healthy

WOOIN-i am so happy to know that you are healthy.

everyone looks at wooin and gives a smile

SAM-wooin I am sorry for forcing you but I also can't talk with people before after I meet jiwoo and now you all know how I am.

everyone looks at jiwoo with a smile

JIWOO-oh n-no I didn't do anything.

I give a smile

SAM-yep you never do anything we are the fools for falling into your friendship.


with everyone kayden also give a smile at my word we talk some more and everyone left for their dorm kayden also left with jiwoo.

next morning

I call jiwoo and we both left for class and enter training room A


are you both fully recovered?

are you taking classes today?


after other students explain starting next week we'll be taking same classes as affiliated students and all teachers will take turns teaching us

I'm so excited to take other teachers classes.

I learned a lot from Mr.Goo and Mr.park as well, though.

then we hear someone from our left side

everyone except sam must leave.

we look and see two guys in suites


who are you two?

SAM- guys leave I have some business to take care of with the ex-chairman of beakdu

EX-CHAIRMAN-I have to talk to sam in private so step outside for a minute.

The other four students leave with chairman's people wooin and jiwoo looks at me and ask

JIWOO-will you be ok

I smile and reply

SAM- yep I talk to you later.

SAM-(now what? is he gonna make me an offer for joining beakdu )

my name is Dusik Kang. like you said I am ex-chairman of baekdu and suchan's grandfather.

SAM-if you forget it's sucheon, not suchan.

DUSIK- Sam I heard that you beat my little suchan.

SAM-(still suchan?)if sucheon didn't let his guard down I never would have stood a chance.

DUSIK-oh is that so? still that very impressive, considering that suchan was trained in baekdu ever since he was little. the reason I came to see you is to make you an offer

SAM-to join beakdu?

DUSIK-YES.why don't you come join beakdu?

SAM-I am sorry I already have a mentor.


I scratch my head and Mr.Dusik said

DUSIK- I don't know who's this mentor of yours but I am far greater than him and I am beakdu's elder. that means I can support you with beakdu's resources as much as you want.

SAM-Mr.Dusik you might have checked my profile before giving me this offer but you don't know that I was already used by a group and after using me they try to get rid of me but I erase their group from America. (just buy it and leave me I am so hungry)


Dusik looked confused then I start walking towards the exit and I start flot in the middle air

DUSIK-were do you think you going?

I look at Mr.Dusik

DUSIK-how dare you looking down on beakdu!

SAM-WHAT! when did I?


and choke me with his gravity

SAM-(shit I lie too much )

DUSIK-i forget that punk like you never learns the easy way.

and add more pressure


DUSIK-did you think the great baekdu one of the groups representing this a pushover that can be belittled by a prick like you?

SAM- I didn't...disrespect baekdu.

DISIK-oh, is that so then I'll give you another chance. JOIN BAEKDU I PROMISE YOU ONLY THE BEST OF never get a better offer than this.

SAM- I...don't want to be a part of a group again.

DISIK-alright fine

and SWOOSH CRACK he bends my back and breaks it


DUSIK-scream all you want no one will come to help you. I've used my power to soundproof this room. and I've put a gravitational point within your body so that you'll crumpled up like a piece of paper. someone like you isn't meant to escape from it.


RUMBLE something hit the roof CRASH SWISH electric strick hit dusik try to block RUMDLE but can't SWOOSH WVASH CRASH BZZT and BZZT dusik sit on his nees I stand in front of him fully recovered and dusik ask


from the explosion all six teachers of the Academy and the principal also came and the rooftop was also destroyed by the lighting everybody looked shocked after seeing dusik condition his both hands burn and you can see his damaged clothes his hands tremble in electric shock

female teacher said

what happened here...?


and his people shout


SAM-Mr.Dusik offer me to join beakdu I refuse then that old guy tortured me to join beakdu so I show him his place.

everyone again look shook

SAM-Mr.dusik I have a question for you dose beakdu have anything to do with my harassment? because I only use my 10 % power at you

dusik look panic and the others surprised

SAM-you better think well before you answer this. I won't back down no matter who my opponent is... even if it's beakdu. I don't even need to deal with you guys as a group. if I just take my time and break you all apart eventually only a few leaders will be left and getting rid of them is a piece of cake.

DUSIK-beakdu has nothing to do with this. it was solely my fault. i misunderstand you. I apologise for attacking you.

SAM-are you kidding me? sorry, doesn't cut it for hurting me this badly. I'm sure you're not the type to make apologies anyway. just deal with this the way you usually would.

DUSIK-i also prefers it that way.

and bow his head I look at his people who come with dusik and said

SAM-why are you two just standing there? take dusik to the medical centre.

dusik people help him to stand up and I said from their back side.

SAM-If the news about my power get out I will hunt you to the ends of the world.

then I look at the teachers

SAM-same goes for all the rest of all. just behave like you normally do in front of everyone if a single word gets out, you're all dead.

said to the teachers and principal just sigh

teachers reply okay after the principal call me into his office and ask me questions and I simply answer telling him the story that I tell kayden and jiwoo that I lost my parent at the age of five and for my safety, I keep a low profile etc after I leave his office and starts kayden lecture and in the last line

KAYDEN-get rid of an enemy who gets in your way good job because you are the great kayden apprentice HAHA.

SAM-thank you.

The next day principal again call me and said that dusic leaves as soon as he gets patches etc and in the last

are you going to stay in this country in future?

SAM-were else can I go I have a mentor and friends like jiwoo.

is that so it's nice to have someone as strong as you here.

after I come back to my dorm and subin and others explain that because of gym collapsed the semester-end two weeks early

after I follow dusik in his ship with invisible and fly ability and hear dusik conversation

DUSIK-hand over sam's info to them

his subordinate


DUSIK- I'm sure there are a lot of other awakened ones who'll be happy to hear strong awakened ones whereabouts. tell them about his friend jiwoo as well. then they'll mess with jiwoo first, or take him hostage to mess with sam. either things will get much more interesting. we have to make him pay.

SAM-I know it.

three of them shook and look back

SAM-I've learned from experience that people like you never change.

DUSIK- w-wait, hear me out...

SAM-no need to flustered. what can I do? not everyone can speak the same language...

dusik trembled in fear

SAM-...and we clearly don't.

I said with a smile


then one of the two subordinate collects his energy in hand but before he shoot that BZZT I use the weather manipulate ability shoot a lightning strike at boot CRACKLE SPLASH

SAM-hmph(same as webtoon no change in character)

The next day Mr.Jang said our semester is over today and don't need to disappoint next semester will be more good to improve our powers. after we left and come back home the next morning we just going to leave for school we hear


me and jiwoo look at kayden what happened


me and jiwoo looked at each other and laugh and left for school and meet wooin in the way he was feeding cats

JIWOO-did you come out early to feed cats too.

wooin just nod

JIWOO- I'm glad they've been doing well. I was worried they might starve without us.

then jisuk come and we left for school. we enter the school and after the academy is over I stop wearing mask jisuk run before us that he has some work to do me, jiwoo and wooin enter the class me and wooin the same hight as me and jiwoo almost same as us 177 cm

JIWOO-i never expected that cat to bring along its friends. we should carry around more snacks from now on.


SAM-yed let's do that from now on.

I can clearly feel everyone looking at us we sit in our seats and WHAM someone opens the door

it was subin and everyone start talking

whoa..who is she?

she look so tough.

that's from giyeon all girls high school.

you mean that elite school?

but who is she?

finally, jiwoo look

JIWOO-huh? subin?

SUBIN-what with that face? you look so shocked.

subin walk toward jiwoo's seat

JIWOO-well obviously I am why are you at our school shouldn't you be at yours?

subin look at me and ask

SIBIN- Sam you always know what I am doing right. do you know what I am doing in your school?

I just give a smile and reply

SAM-yep subin going to attained our school for a while.

subin just smile and jiwoo


and sir enter the class

SIR-hmm? ah, you must be subin lee.

SUBIN-yes sir!

SIR- I was told...that you'll be attending our school for a while.

SUBIN-yes sir I heard a lot about your great work and wanted to be taught by you.


SIR- I don't know how you made this happen but now I have two top students in my class. by the way...why are you here?

JIWOO-huh? jisuk here, too?

DEAD SERIOUS JISUK- I also wanted to learn from you,u sir.



SIR-get out.

after class was over we left the school building and in the school campus

SUBIN-hahahaha! jisuk what was that earlier?

SAM- yea what was that jisuk?

SUBIN-come on answer us. why aren't you saying anything?

DEAD SERIOUS SUBIN- I also wanted to learn from you, sir.

DEAD SERIOUS SAM-jisuk get out.


SUBIN-HAHAHAHA YOU MUST BE SO EMBARRASSED GETTING KICKED OUT AFTER ALL THAT ACTIING.judging from the lack of usual comebacks I can see that you ashamed of yourself hahahahaha.hey jisuk say that line again I'll be the teacher.

a boy come in front and said

jisuk yoo


my name is seokcheol chu. I'm sure you hear of me before and more shit talk


CHU-anyway let's do this.

and take a stance jisuk grabs his jacket and WHACK

give a knee kick in his stomach


and he fell unconscious

JISUK-who the hell is this punk? I'm annoyed enough as it is.

and we start walking toward home

JIWOO-jisuk do you know him?

JISUK- how I know a rascal like him?

after we left for jiwoo's house subin come after some hour later


JIWOO-who could it be at this hour? huh? it's jiyoung.

SUBIN-Ohh la la jiyoung came by jiwoo's house at this hour?!

JISUK-ugh what's wrong with you?

I told her I'll be sleeping over at his place.

jiyoung enter with a full plastic of food.


JISUK-why are you here?

JIYOUNG-ahem... I was just in the area.

JIWOO-are these for us?thank you! these will be good for a few days.

JIYOUNG- I'll get you more next time if thay're not enough.

JIWOO-oh no, they're more than enough.

and silence

JIYOUNG-now then I'll get going.

JIWOO-what? already?

SAM-jiyoung can I talk to you outside for a minute.

me and jiyoung came outside

SAM- I know inhyuk already told you about me I am sorry for not telling you about me and lying about my powers. inhyuk and you have nothing but good to me but I've let you guys down.

JIYOUNG- it's alright. I had to be careful. you've handled the situation very well actually. I actually came by to thank you.

SAM-thank me? for what?

JIYOUNG- I've never heard jisuk addressing anyone as his friend before.and I saw him smile for the first time...since our parents passed away. it's all thanks to you.

I look at jiyoung's eye and reply

SAM-jisuk and I have almost same past we both lost our partners at young age so I can understand jisuk.

after jiyoung left and after subin and wooin also left jisuk stay with us

the next day