Meet with Mother

Part 14.

Sis Maya walked towards the dining table, she opened the cupboard. It turned out that he was hungry too, I thought it was just my stomach that asked to be filled. But there are no new side dishes and vegetables. Only leftovers from breakfast this morning.

"Why haven't you cooked ya, Vir?"

"I just got home from school, Sis!" I answered.

"There, change your clothes! Cook new side dishes and vegetables!" he orders.

I just kept quiet as I walked to the back room to change clothes. After that go to the bathroom to clean yourself and perform wuduk for Zuhur prayer.


"Sis Maya, please take me to campus!" asked Sis Mila.

"You take a taxi or an online motorcycle taxi, huh! I'm lazy to go out again, it's hot outside you know!" refuse Sis Maya.

"Oh-yeah, I have a fee for you! Just use Vira's pocket money!" Sis Maya gave several tens of thousands of bills into her sister's hand.

Snack money from Auntie was not given to me, instead, it was used for his sister's expenses, I could only mumble to myself

Well-never mind, fortunately I still have savings from the rest of the pocket money, I thought. With an innocent face, Sis Maya sat relaxed in the tv room while waiting for me to be ready to cook.

"Viraa... you just eat the rest of the breakfast side dishes this morning, it's still delicious!" said Sis Maya.

"I've finished it, sis!" I answered.

"Oh good, so you can save on side dishes and shopping money!" she said.

When I was cooking in the kitchen, I immediately took a plate of rice and side dishes. Then ate in the kitchen voraciously, coincidentally my sister had not come downstairs.

When I'm full, I start cooking for the lunch menu at the same time as the afternoon or evening. No need to be told, I always eat leftover side dishes in the cupboard.

When I was still living with my mother, the side dishes I ate were not as good as here, it is understood that my family's economy is limited. It's very different at Aunt's house, I can eat as much as I want.

After cleaning up the kitchen, I went to my room to rest. Feeling tired. Once in the morning, starting this new activity, you can rest again.

Tring ... tring...

My phone vibrates, there's an incoming notification in the green app. I wiped the screen and it turned out that it was Mom who sent the message.

["Assalamu'alaikum, Vira, you are okay there, right? When are you staying at home, Mom and siblings already miss you!"]

My eyes immediately warmed reading Mom's message. Even though she promised once a week he was allowed to see my mother and sister, but that was just a promise.

["Just pray for Aunt Titin to get well soon, Mom! So that Vira can stay and sleep with Mom and her siblings,"] I replied.

Auntie uses my energy here to take care of her big house. While he was only at home at night. Indeed, as wages, they are sent to school and given pocket money.

Well, the problem is now Aunt Titin has recovered and can work again or not. I was so anxiously waiting to hear from him.


It turned out that my hunch was right, Aunt Titin never came back to this house. She has stopped working since I lived here. Mr. Ahmad who delivered the news. The remaining salary and the rest of Aunt Titin's clothes were entrusted to Mr. Ahmad to be brought back to his son's house.

Hearing the news, I could only sit limply leaning against the wall of the room. How can I go home and stay at Mom's house? Meanwhile, at my aunt's house, my work was not ready.

This afternoon, I had intended to stop by for a while at my mother's house after school. I brought some savings to give to my mother and siblings.

Since I lived with my aunt, my mother never got any help from her sister. Since I've lived here, my mother's burden has lessened. Maybe that's what Auntie thinks.

I wake up early in the morning, then clean the house, then cook for breakfast. The side dish for lunch I deliberately cooked too. But for the side dish, I put it in the top cupboard. Besides, Auntie won't know whether I'm at home or not during the day.

Sis Maya is the only obstacle, if she shoots during the day, she will definitely return at sunset. So he doesn't know when I come home

Mother. Before leaving for school, as usual, Auntie gave me pocket money.

"Oh-yes, Vira, the pocket money that you asked Sis Maya last week, right?"

"E... eeh, u-already Auntie," I said nervously. Suddenly, Maya was standing on the stairs glaring at me.

"Already or not, try to remember first?" Auntie said to me.

"Why is Vira holding a lot of money, Mah?!" Sis Maya protested.

"Yes, for school purposes, please! If need ten-twenty thousand only must ask Mama again!"

"It's just like you, you just need gasoline or credit, you still ask Mama! It's a shame, you've been asking your parents for the rest of your life!"

Auntie's sarcasm pierced the heart, but Sis Maya took it easy. Ignore his mother's nagging. Hm, you son of a rich man, insensitive to the surroundings, I grumbled.


The last lesson was over, I arranged all the books and stationery on the table. I hope Mr. Ahmad picks me up on time. I rushed out of the classroom, before queuing in front of the main door.

I'd better call Mom first, and ask her where she is. Usually this afternoon, Mother is at Mrs. Murni's house.

["Assalamu'alaikum, Mom, where are you?"]

["Wa'alaikumsalam, Vira, Mother is still at Mrs. Murni's house!"]

"Yeah, well, Vira went straight to Mrs. Murni's house just! Let's go home together, yeah, Mom!" I said.

"It's up to you, Vir!" Mother said.

"Wait Vira, yes, Mom!" I ended the conversation on the phone.

Tin... tin...

The car horn startled me, Auntie's car had arrived behind me. Mr. Ahmad came on time. I hope I can get rid of my longing for my mother and sisters soon.

The car door was already open, I immediately got in and closed the car door. In the back, there is Bro Nugroho's motorbike, I saw it in the rearview mirror. What do my classmates want? Why is he following this car?

To be continued...