Touya Kazuya

I slowly blinked my eyes and stared blankly at the giant woman holding me, she smiled brightly at me like she was the sun itself. I honestly almost went blind, her bright blue eyes stared into mine as she teared up.

Oh hi, I almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm Min-soo, and I was reincarnated as the second princess Touya Kazuya of the kingdom of Valencia. And unfortunately for me, in a few years from now I'm about to find out how much of a asshole my so called "father" the king is. Yay! So much fun! (You get the sarcasm right?)

Currently my mother Queen Raya had just given birth to me a few minutes ago and is now holding me in her arms. She long golden locks framed her beautiful light tanned face and her up eyes shined brightly under the sunlight coming through the curtains of the room.

"My beautiful my baby girl," She says warmly and kissed my forehead. The door to the room opens to reveal a tall buff short brown haired man in his mid thirties wearing a royal blue long sleeved button up and white pants. His green eyes looked into mine and I glared at him. Following behind him is a four year old girl with long brown hair braided into a low ponytail, her blue colored eyes stared at me in curiosity. "Have you thought of a name?" Asked the man who must be my father, he kneeled next to bed and tried to hold my hand. I grabbed his pointer finger and squeezed tightly surprising both him and my mother.

"She's a strong one indeed!" He says full of pride. I give him a sharp glare and squeezed harder. "Isabella, come here." My mother smiles and motions the brown haired girl to come over. She crawls onto the queen sized bed and sat next to our mother. I let go of my father's finger and turned my attention to my older sister.

"She... she looks like a mini version of you mama!" The four year old beamed and she held her hand out. I place my smaller tiny hand in hers. "What are you going to name her mama?" She asks our mother.

"How about I name her.... Touya," I like her, I like her a lot. I just hope that I don't end up burning to death in the future though. I now feel like I jinxed myself...

"That's a wonderful name." My father says and takes me out of my mother's arms which did not sit well with me at all. "You shall be my master piece," He whispers.

Well, well ladies and gentlemen, slap me on the ass and call me Shoto Todoroki. My father is literally Enji from my hero academia.

I glanced at my mother to see the sad look in her eyes. My heart ached, I had a bad feeling about what was going to happen in the future. But no matter what, I'll protect my mother and older sister from anything or anyone.

=== Three Months Later ===

It's been three months since I've been brought into this world, today is my older sister Isabella's birthday. She's turning five, once a child turns five years old in this world holds a ceremony where they find put what type of magic they have.

My sister was considered a prodigy, she was highly intelligent and mature for her age. Over the two months before her ceremony my father has been putting a lot of pressure on her which definitely isn't healthy for her age. I've also found out that my father is the king of the continent we live in called Valencia. So yeah, how fun!

Anyways, since I was born my father had started preparing to train me once I turned five. Apparently, one of the mages from the holy church who delivered me had sensed I had some type of "Divine aura", their words not mine. So he's been obsessed about making me into his "master piece" as he calls me. And my poor mother, if I had my adult body back I swear to whoever god or goddess that controls this world, my father would not be alive right now.

I'm currently in my mother's arms as she and my father are greeting the noble families that were invited, a couple of ladies came up to my mother and started talking about how cute I was, haven't seen my face yet so I didn't really know if it was true or not but some of the maids around the castle have commented on how I mostly looked like an exact copy of my mother for which I am grateful for.

"Would you like me to hold Touya, your arms must be getting tired my dear." Father says and tries to take me out of my mother's arms. If he thinks I'm even going to let him touch then he's got another thing coming, so I only did what any three month old would have done.... I started crying as soon as he touched me. I wrapped my little arms around my mother's neck and cried into her chest. "I-it's okay, it's okay," She says softly shushing me and rubbed my back.

"Did I do something wrong?" My father asks. 'Of course you did something wrong! You touched me!'

"Mama, is Touya okay?" My big sister asked. She must've heard me crying and quickly came over to see what was wrong. I reached out to her. Isabella took this as a sign and held me in her arms. A few of the nice noble woman started gushing how cute Isabella and I are.

"Mama, can I hold Touya for the rest of the night please?" Isabella asks. "As long as you don't run around while holding your sister."

"I guess we should start the ceremony now, we've waited long enough." Father says and walks off to a man dressed in white and gold robes with a cross around his neck with a wooden staff in his hand. My sister was then called over to sit on her custom made marble throne. I was handed back to my mother.

I frowned sadly as my sister left.

"Ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention please?" Father say's. "I'd like to thank you all for coming to celebrate my daughters fifth birthday and magic ceremony!" Everyone then starts clapping, the man in white robes walks over to my sister and father with a clear crystal ball in his hands.

"If you would your highness," The man says. Isabella takes a deep breath and looks over mother and I. Mom gives her an encouraging smile and I waved at her which surprised everyone to say the least... for some unknown reason.

Isabella placed her hand on the crystal ball and it glowed blue and white. I couldn't help but looked amazed even though back in my past life I would read novels like this all the time. But to see it happen in person is...amazing.

"Water and Ice magic." The man says. "Your daughter is a strong one your majesty." He says to my father.

My father on the other hand my had looked pleased but his eyes looked at my sister in disappointment. "Yes, she will make a powerful queen in the future." Father says. Isabella could hardly contain her excitement but stayed calm. She had a proud smile on her face.